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Messages - Aron

Captain, My men are on their position.
Okay Mr Balkazar..

MACO's with me...We will get the Loxians off this ship..Set the weapons to kill!

* Walks around the ship and kills some Loxians *

Quote: from Balkazar on 7:09 pm on Nov. 28, 2004

*Balkazar to Aaron*

If you wish to return to your ship you may....Thank you and your men and the engineers of the newyork..........And tell your Captian Thank you for watching our backs out there......

If there is anything I can do for you or your men to pay you back for saving my life as well as my crews lives Please dont hestitate to ask.........?........But send my regards to your captian.......
(Edited by Balkazar at 8:14 pm on Nov. 28, 2004)

Just doing our job, Lt. Commander. Of course a MACO ship would be nice :P
I hope we can meet each other again under better circumstances..

Lt. Commander, do you have any orders for me?
And are you sure we can trust this Orpheus...

(Edited by Aron at 12:46 pm on Nov. 24, 2004)