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Messages - Event Horizon

This is Thomas, I want to thank you for your help...I hope we will get home this way..

Commander Bode, be ready for another Vulcan, we can't bring him to our own time...

*Transport complete*

Good Bye..

*transmission ends...*

Incoming transmission from the Ariane:
USS New York, this is Johnson...what is going on...
*Returns Hail*

"This is Captain Donald Yates of the Earth Defence Force, temporary commanding officer of this ship, why have you fired on us. Your actions may be treated as an act of war against the Earth Starfleet. I ask you to power down your weapon systems so we can discuss things diplomatically."

Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
July 22, 2004, 11:28:35 AM
*The energy cloud is drawn to a particular concentration of power at the station, and heads toward it fast, casting a dark shadow on the buildings below it... As it came within range, the inverse energy phasers were fired...*
"Energy... absorb energy..."
"What is this? Inverse energy! They try to trick us!"
"Ignore their tricks, they cannot weaken us..."
"They are annoying us!"
"We are being delayed! Gallifreyans may come soon, must hurry..."
"We will trick them back..."
"And we will take all energy at once..."
*At that moment, the dark energy cloud seems to expand as if to cover the entire landbase... but in fact it is moving toward the nearby ocean.*
"Water... water makes energy stream easier..."
"We will be able to assemble all energy and take it at once..."
*At that moment, what seems to be some sort of heavy lightning strikes into the ocean, several kilometers away from the station. The lightning seems to pierce into the depths of the oceans, and for an instant there appears to be a hole in the water... then the water begins to react and a huge wave begins to form. The large wave of water grows higher and more massive, as it sets for Starphoenix Base... In a matter of moments, the immense and high wave reaches the coastal area nearby Starphoenix Base, and the people on the base can see how the waves are taller than themselves... even taller than the highest buildings of Starphoenix base... and then the wave comes crashing down on top of the first buildings, and tons of water flows into the base, flooding the streets so much that only the highest buildings barely come above the water. The violent ocean water keeps flooding into the base, even tearing apart some of the smaller buildings and taking them with the stream, as the cloud hangs above the flooded areas, and begins to concentrate its power on an open area... The power of the energy field seems to look like a tornado coming down from it, heading for the water... and when it strikes the water, it begins to whirl with a heavy wind, as the Na'jigat cloud begins to extract all energy that is being flown through the water...*
"Energy... energy... Want more energy!"
"We still have part in space attacking ships..."
"They must make ships pay for this trick as well, and make sure they no longer delay us again!"
*And at that moment, in space, the separated part of the Na'jigat cloud turns aggressive, attacking all ships with what also seems to be a surge of energy lightning. The ships suffer a heavy shock, upsetting their systems as the ship is pulled back, away from planet Dantor.*

OFF: this is the last post I can make before I go on vacation. I won't be able to post until september again. Now you can continue the storyline and admins could post with Event Horizon, if they want. The idea is that the Na'jigat is about to destroy everything and everyone, when again the Gallifreyan cavalry appears. Gallifreyans are humanoid people, and the only species in the universe that is strong enough to fight the Na'jigat through mental energy. Even they can't defeat or destroy the Na'jigat, but they can force them to retreat - for now. I will ask Montrell to post as Legudon (main chief of the Gallifreyans) when he returns from his vacation soon. The Gallifreyans will use no weapons except pure concentration on telephatic energy. They are a species that does not like to interact with other species and will be short in answers, if they tell you anything at all. Little is known about them, and nobody really knows yet where they are from and who they are. But the war between the Na'jigat and the Gallifreyans has been going on from the beginning of time and will never end.
As for the Na'jigat, remember they can NOT be destroyed. You can delay them, confuse them a bit (but remember they CAN read your minds, they are the purest form of telephatic power as well) and besides trying to win some time, there's little you can do - but that doesn't mean you can make it spectacular, like I now just gave you some material to work with for some time http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
September 09, 2004, 10:29:33 PM
"...Energy..we need energy!"
"..Searching...ships at Dantor have all dissapeared! Gallifreyans are aware!"
"...Danger..Danger...Gallifreyans are becoming stronger..Energy..we need energy!"
*A huge cloud forms itself above Dantor*
"Scanning planet....Dantor is almost depleted...no signs of recovery...Gallifreyan thread is growing! Retreat!......"

*At that moment the huge cloud dissapears from planet Dantor and the planets atmosphere is at rest again. Sunbeams reach the surface; hurricanes dissapear and the sea is at rest. Dantor's biosphere is recharching slowly*

Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
July 23, 2004, 07:29:37 PM
*The darkness that the energy cloud casts over the base, seems to keep growing stronger and more intense, as the Na'jigat feeds from the station's energy source almost first hand through the water. But then suddenly... there is a momentary faltering, and for a moment the cloud looks like a sky of thunderstorm clouds that are beginning to clear just a little, and leaving just one ray of the sun through... some bright white light appears to be shine through the vast darkness of the energy cloud, so bright and clear that it does not seem to come from the Na'jigat cloud itself, and neither can be undone by the Na'jigat... The bright ray of light grows slightly wider and stronger, shining brightly upon one of the buildings of Starphoenix Base... even so strong that the light almost seems to easily go THROUGH the thick walls of the building, making it look a bit brighter in its surrounding darkness... and then gently, the light fades away again... The Na'jigat cloud seems to become restless, and even more eager to feed itself from the energy as fast and as much as it can...*
Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
June 25, 2004, 03:22:52 PM
*The walls shake, as the top of the tower of the building in which this room is located, explodes and catches fire. A loud rumbling can be heard outside, when huge pieces of debris crash on other nearby buildings and streets. All the window shows, is pure darkness...*
Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
August 08, 2004, 11:34:51 AM
"Energy...receiving lots of energy!.."
"Gallifreyans are trying to fight us....But we have lots of energy.."
"They are becoming weaker...we must overwhelm them..we shall oppose them.."
*Then the storm on Dantor increases and several buildings of the Starphoenix base collaps by the power of nature.
"..We still need energy...Dantor is almost depleted...to oppose the Gallifreyans we need more energy..."
"..Searching...Searching...Energy coming to us...ships are entering this part of space..."
At that moment the energycloud in space went away from planet Dantor and set course for the incoming vessels.
Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
June 26, 2004, 04:43:59 PM
*The cloud of energy was delighted.*
"Energy... energy! Growing stronger!"
"Want more energy!"
"Receiving energy from their weapons!!!"
"But want more!"
"Seek all energy now!!"
*Parts of the dark cloud start moving into a different shape, as if it is becoming a tornado, extending its tail at the power core of Starphoenix Station. In a matter of moments, it hits the building that houses the power core.*
"Energy in there! Need the energy!"
*As the cloud hits the building, a huge explosive sends large pieces of debris in all directions, crushing down on other buildings, setting them all on fire. The tail of the cloud penetrates into the ruins of the building, seeking the energy source, and starts feeding from it. One by one, the lights and all systems go down in the different buildings on the station...*
*Meanwhile, at Starphoenix base, the cloud of energy was delighted.*
"Energy... energy! Growing stronger!"
"Want more energy!"
"Receiving energy from their weapons!!!"
"But want more!"
"Seek all energy now!!"
*Parts of the dark cloud start moving into a different shape, as if it is becoming a tornado, extending its tail at the power core of Starphoenix Station. In a matter of moments, it hits the building that houses the power core.*
"Energy in there! Need the energy!"
*As the cloud hits the building, a huge explosive sends large pieces of debris in all directions, crushing down on other buildings, setting them all on fire. The tail of the cloud penetrates into the ruins of the building, seeking the energy source, and starts feeding from it. One by one, the lights and all systems go down in the different buildings on the station...*
OFF: you can't take the ship "in" starphoenix station, it's not a space station, but a base on a planet. The only thing you could do, is actually land the ship on the planet's surface on the platform near the station.  But at the moment, I wouldn't recommend that http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

*When the U.S.S. Lothlorien arrives at the planet Dantor, and Starphoenix Base, a huge and massive, dark and energetic cloud seems to put half the planet in the dark, overshadowing it, as the cloud itself begins to penetrate the atmosphere, making its way to Starphoenix Base...*

*Meanwhile, on Starphoenix Base, the Na'jigat swarm is suddenly alerted...*
"Energy... gone? Where is energy??"
"Energy is rerouted to other end of the base!"
"Seek energy!"
*And the cloud begins to move toward the other end of the base, attacking the buildings to reach the energy source. The nearby buildings explode, debris falls in each direction, setting other buildings on fire. Then suddenly, detonations are taking place nearby, in space...*
"Detonations... energy in space? Ships!"
"Must capture ships! Energy!"
"No, must concentrate completely on this strong energy source! More energy here than in space!"
"Agree, sensing their thoughts... they try to trick us!"
"We could send part of us to neutralize them... and take their energy..."
"But we never split up!"
"There is too much energy here not to do it! We must gather it, and then rejoin!"
"We don't want to split..."
"We must... if Gallifreyans come, we must have enough energy to be strong enough... we can do it!"
"Yes, we must split and then rejoin!"
*And after some long moments, a small part of the dark energy cloud tears off, and heads toward the U.S.S. Lothlorien.*
*The darkness that the energy cloud casts over the base, seems to keep growing stronger and more intense, as the Na'jigat feeds from the station's energy source almost first hand through the water. But then suddenly... there is a momentary faltering, and for a moment the cloud looks like a sky of thunderstorm clouds that are beginning to clear just a little, and leaving just one ray of the sun through... some bright white light appears to be shine through the vast darkness of the energy cloud, so bright and clear that it does not seem to come from the Na'jigat cloud itself, and neither can be undone by the Na'jigat... The bright ray of light grows slightly wider and stronger, shining brightly upon one of the buildings of Starphoenix Base... even so strong that the light almost seems to easily go THROUGH the thick walls of the building, making it look a bit brighter in its surrounding darkness... and then gently, the light fades away again... The Na'jigat cloud seems to become restless, and even more eager to feed itself from the energy as fast and as much as it can...*
"Energy...receiving lots of energy!.."
"Gallifreyans are trying to fight us....But we have lots of energy.."
"They are becoming weaker...we must overwhelm them..we shall oppose them.."
*Then the storm on Dantor increases and several buildings of the Starphoenix base collaps by the power of nature.
"..We still need energy...Dantor is almost depleted...to oppose the Gallifreyans we need more energy..."
"..Searching...Searching...Energy coming to us...ships are entering this part of space..."
At that moment the energycloud in space went away from planet Dantor and set course for the incoming vessels.
*The partial dark cloud of energy keeps following the ship, nearing each moment.*
"More energy... more energy..."
"Listening to mind waves of humans..."
"Trying to trick us! Trying to divide us!"
"Then we take energy, and destroy them..."
"They want to draw us to quantum singularities..."
"Let them... the quantum singularities are our home..."
"They draw us in there..."
"And then we draw them into the singularities..."
"They cannot get out again... they will be trapped..."
"And we can return to consume their energy later..."
"We will do that...*
*And the cloud comes dangerously close to the ship.*