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Messages - Comm One

"Very well, I shall assume my duties as helm officer."
*Comm One sits down behind the helm panel.*
"I'm scanning the neighbouring sectors, sir. So far, scanners detect seven ships that are around DS12... the U.S.S. Tiberon, U.S.S. Ares, the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, U.S.S. Righteous, U.S.S. Rivendell, U.S.S. Nautilus, and the U.S.S. Windsor. Still scanning..."
*Then Comm One looks up at the captain.*
"No other ship in the vicinity, sir. We're the closest."

OFF: I'm not sure if the information of the Omega Division ships and their whereabouts is correct, so correct me if it's wrong and I'll correct my post. As for other ships... the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Rivendell will show up as well, and soon, but they are travelling through null-space over the breath of D.A. space so our sensors wouldn't detect them yet.
*Comm One appears on the bridge and reports to the captain.*
"Captain, seeing that I am still aboard your ship, I would like to be useful among your crew. Do you have any task for me?"
*Comm One looks up at Balkazar.*
"Fascinating. It may be that she is trying to tell you her name. If that is the case, it would be the first time she pronounces her name, which is a large step forward."
OFF: Comm One has the equivalent D.A. rank of commander, so he still outranks you, Balkazar http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>
*Comm One looks up.*
"Sir, we have reached the planet Dantor, dropping out of warp."
"It appears you have made some progress with the alien, Mr. Balkazar. I look forward to read about it in a report."
"At current speed, we should reach Dantor in about 48 minutes, sir."
"Very well."
*He taps his commbadge.*
"Comm One to bridge, I have come aboard with a humanoid creature, with new instructions from Avalon Station."

OFF: please someone in command respond http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*Comm One looks up at Balkazar.*
"The universal translater is built into your ship's computer and combadges, for as far as I have understood Starfleet technology. However, the language of this alien appears so complex that the universal translater does not seem to be able to decipher it, and if so, it is a very slow process. However, the more you get the creature to talk, the more chance there is that the universal translator will manage to understand the language. Now if you will excuse me, I intend to head to the bridge and offer Mr. Rasmain my services there, for the duration of this mission."
*Comm One regards the creature near Balkazar.*
"Mr. Balkazar, it appears that the creature has taken a liking to you, which is a remarkable process in our study of the life form. However, here are the instructions from admiral Vorak, if you wish to read them yourself."
*Comm One hands over a padd to Balkazar.*
*On the bridge.*
"Sir, I believe we should proceed to the planet's surface with the listed equipment and spare parts, in order to commence assisting the other engineering teams with the reconstruction of the station. I would like to volunteer to be part of the away team, sir."
*Comm One pauses for a moment, then continues.*
"I also wish to suggest that the humanoid alien creature that I brought aboard, comes along to the planet as well, under surveillance of me and Mr. Balkazar, of course, as she appears to have some link with the planet's past, which may prove useful."

OFF: That's the reason why I came along anyway http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*Comm One materializes on the transporter room of the Skytoucher, and steps toward the officer standing behind the panel.*
"Greetings, ensign. Please stand by, as a creature of unknown species will materialize within 60 seconds. However, there is no cause for worry, the creature will not be harmful if treated carefully. Please contact your superior officers, and request a cargo bay to be formed into a location where this creature can reside for the moment, accomodated with the necessary natural environment similar to the nature found on Dantor."
*Then Comm One turns around to look at the transporter.*
"I believe the captain is right. Returning to the surface of Dantor appears the most logical action, if we are to determine more information about the alien and her link to the planet."
"As you can read in the mission statement on the padd, Mr. Balkazar, the ship's mission is to go to the planet Dantor, where currently Starphoenix Base is being reconstructed after the attack of the energy being some time ago. According to the available information, this creature appeared to have crashlanded a spacecraft on the planet, shortly before the attack began. Admiral Parker then ordered the creature to be rescued from the debris, and taken with them into safety, when the evacuation of the planet began. Upon arrival at Avalon station, the station's scientists have attempted to conduct a study of the creature, as well as many attempts to establish communication, but thus far little is known, aside from the fact that it is established to be clearly female, with sufficient intelligence to pilot a small spacecraft - although that does not mean the creature will be able to understand our controls - and otherwise acts mainly upon instincts. We have found no other way to communicate as of yet, aside from the way one would communicate with an animal. There may be telepathy, but we have not yet discovered any indication of such. The scientists have established, however, that this life form most likely originated from the planet Dantor itself, although Dantor was firmly investigated to make sure no humanoid life form resided on the planet, before the construction of Starphoenix Base first started a few years ago. It is believed that this species may somehow emigrated to another planet perhaps, long ago, and this one may have returned, although the reason behind it is unclear as the planet is perfectly suitable to accommodate life. As for accomodating the creature, the scientists believe that it is best to reconstruct a natural environment as can be found on Dantor. Information on the planet's natural environment can be found in extent in your computer's database."
*Comm One regards the creature again, that is still hiding behind Balkazar.*
"However, the creature has not displayed anything like this before. So far, it has responded with fear and distance, and has not attempted to come closer to any of us as of yet. Maybe the creature seems some kind of father figure in you, and it would be in the best interests of scientific research not to break off this situation now. I hope you are willing to assist us, and spend some peaceful time with the creature."
*Then Comm One turns to the creature.*
"His name is Balkazar. He will look after you now. Bal-ka-zar. Try to say his name."
*Comm One points at Balkazar, to make clear to the creature what he's trying to explain.*
"From the reports I have read before, the alien crashlanded with a one-man shuttle on the planet, during the siege of the energy species. When Starfleet evacuated the base, they took the alien along, but had been unable to guess her purpose there."
*Then he staps on the transporter's platform along with the others.*