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Messages - Tim Russo

-A- Ltjg Russo to Bridge-A-  Captain, Sir,,  now that the Doctor is feeling much better and some of the casualties have been worked over, I will put together a rescue party from the casualties that aren't as injured as severely.    We have quite a few casualties down here.  I am turning Sickbay back over to the Doctor and  heading out with 4 crew members that have been patched up. -A-End Transmission-A-
"Aye, Aye, Captain,  I am doing very well, it'll take more of a shock than that to put me out of commision.  The Science station will be inoperable for a while til I am able to repair it again.  As ordered I will report to engineering to assist in repairs."

I turn briskly towards the turbolift and accompany Mr. Lupin to engineering.  

*** I step out of the Turbolift and make my way to engineering.  Dodging, falling debris and walking in and out of flickering lights along the passageways.

I make my way to engineering, watching crewmembers running about making repairs to the panels.

With all of the confusion in Engineering, I can barely tell who the officer in Charge is or even where the Chief Engineer is.  I decide to yell out:

"LTJG Russo here, awaiting for orders on any assistance needed in repairs."

While making repairs to the transporter pads and transporter systems, I get them functional after 2 hours of intense work with my tricorder and laser tool.  I realize that the ships axilliary power isn't enough or authorized at this moment to see if the transporter is fully functional.  As I attempt to make my reports to the Chief Engineer, I discover an Ens that appears to be injured.  He seems to be unresponsive.  I notice blood coming from his ears and he has a rapid pulse.  I pick him up in a firemans carry and head towards sickbay.  

"Sir, I am heading to sickbay with the Ens."

"I hurry over to the nearest engineering station and realize it is badly disabled.   As before on the bridge, hoping I dont' shock myself again, I open up the panel and start making repairs with my tricorder and laser tool.
 As I am making my way through the circuitry I fix the disabled station.  I wipe the debris off the top of the station and start pressing buttons.  I run a diagnostics on the Main computer to make sure I didnt' miss anything when I did it on the bridge."  

*** I hear a crashing sound and look around to see a crewmember coming running through engineering carrying a phaser.  Chief Engineer starts screaming something.     I then think about it, no one is suppose to be down here with a weapon.  I pick up a piece of metal and throw it at the fleeing person, as he attempts to shoot one of my crew mates that gets in his way.  Unfortunately I have never been the best at hitting a target while throwing and I miss.

I duck, and yell everyone to "DUCK".

***If anybody needs me, I am in sickbay helping the Doc attend to casualties.
I exit the  halfway working turbolift onto the bridge, looking around I am in awe how damaged the bridge is.  Looking battered myself with blood all over my uniform,  I report to the bridge to assist in repairs."  

"Captain, LTJG Russo reporting in to assist in repairs.  Sir, I appologize for the look of my uniform, haven't had the chance to change after my visit to sickbay."

-A- "Bridge, this is Ltjg Russo in Sickbay, I am assisting in casualties down here, Doc is tied up with casualties, and we are damaged pretty severely down here.  I have repaired a few things to keep sickbay operational for doc. Please respond if you get my reply"-A-

-LTJG Russo to Bridge-

"I am awaiting my next orders, all looks in better condition"

-LTJG Russo out-

While dodging debris and dealing with power surges while repairing the transporters.  I use my laser tool  and the transporter station begins to flicker and light up on and off.  I begin doing a diagnostic on the transporter buffers.

I make my report:  "Sirs, I project that it'll be a few hours but I may be able to get the transporters online and active."  

-A- Ltjg Russo to Bridge-A-

Sorry, sir,  it's been kind of stuffy down here, a lot of the decks are in shambles, but have been able to excavate some of the trapped crew members and they have been transported to Sickbay.  I believe I have found all of them. Deck 5 is a mess, but I have found Mr. Cano.   I am reporting to sickbay for status updates by rescue teams. -A- Russo Out-A-

**I continue to make my way around the ship.  I report to sickbay to see if they need any more help.  The rescue team begins making Damage Control Repairs to the ships 5 and 6 decks.

**Rescue and Repair Crews report to the bridge with status reports.

-A- Ltjg Russo to Bridge-A-

Sir, the repair crews will be making updates and repair status.

-A- Ltjg Russo out-A-

I approach the station and I see debris all over the panel.    I take out my tricorder and start doing diagnostics on the station, due to it being inoperative.    I brush of the debris, and make my way down to the  base of the science station and remove the panel.    

"Wow, what a mess"  I begin, using my tricorder and laser tool and start making the repairs.

After a few minor repairs, the Science Station, lights up, like new.

"Captain, i am beginning the diagonstic now................"

(Edited by Tim Russo at 2:14 am on May 4, 2004)

*** As I am pressing buttons and finishing diagnostics on vital systems,  I realize it would probably be a good idea to start fixing the transporters.  I run a diagnostic on the transporter systems and find that they are heavily damaged.  

I open the panel and begin to work on the transporter.  I take out my tricorder and my laser tool and start working away. Realizing this could take several hours.

*** We explore the debris and fallening bulkheads.  I come across a few injured and unconcious crewmembers.  I order the men to take this crewmember to sickbay.  I press my com badge to see i I can get a hold of the Doctor.  

-Ltjg Russo to Doctor-

Doctor, I am sending some injured crewmembers your way, have sickbay prepared for them."

** I take out my tricorder and begin scanning the passageways and jeffries tubes.

I begin to run my Tricorder as the rescue party has completed a scan of the 6th Deck, we find a few casualties and one dead crew member.  

I hit my com badge hoping I could get through to the Dr.

-A- LTJG Russo to Sickbay -A-

"I have more casualties here on the 6th Deck.  I am going to need more stretchers and stretcher bearers if you can spare any extra crew members.

-A- Ltjg Russo out -A-  End Transmission

We evaluate the crew members and get them prepared for transport to sickbay.   I begin walking around the deck and pick up faint life signs, coming from the 5th Deck.   I say to myself " Wow, since I have traveled these decks, it looks like they are cut off from the rest of the ship.  Internal Structural Damage is severe."

I send a rescure party member up a jeffries tube that leads to the 5th Deck to see if there is a way of getting up there.  

I monitor the casualties, til the stretcher bearers get here.