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Messages - mimas elfeneye

Deep Space Academy / Classroom 7
June 29, 2006, 05:47:16 PM
well, diplomacy, as l see it, is trying to play the game in such a way, that no-one has to think of himself as 'the loser' of the game.
Precognition of emotions is a blessing in the game of diplomacy.
I myself, have not had the pleasure yet be in the position of a diplomat, but l've been a council for diplomatic missions on my homeplanet.
I'd hoped for a similar function here...
U.S.S Lothlorien / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 07, 2007, 10:59:40 PM
mimas standing behind john, whispered:
l wish we could teleport some explosive device into the wave, it would sure save a lot of our own ppl....
U.S.S Lothlorien / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 09, 2007, 09:27:58 AM
mimas was abruptly torn from his mental meditation, and found himself behind razagal;

He quickly regained his mind

"why you little....." he closed his eyes, and focussed on the heraan commander.

'... c'mon...' he thought to himself.... 'just one psyonic blast, into his central brain, he must die now, or at least pass out.... just ..... one.... concentrated psyonic blast.... to make... him.... collapse'
U.S.S Lothlorien / Mission 5 "The Great Blue Yonder"
December 08, 2007, 08:13:02 PM
Mimas suddenly sat up straight....

he turned somewhat to sit comfortably, and began to chant an ancient chant... which would get him into a mental trance....

With all his might, he send out a mental wave... a wave which would have the telepatic imprint of a full battalion marines flanking the heraan from the right...
To make the telepatic messega as imposant as he could, he forced all of his mental powers, it had been so long since he had to use them.... he did not know how long he could do this
mimas clears his throat....

"excuse me, with the risk of constantly repeating myself, l would like to receive an assignment as tactical/security, if there are no vacancy's l'm glad to return to accademy, but plz, give me something to do, ....
oh ok
tbh, this is the first time l roleplay forumbased... so l dunno what to expect or how to expect it...
tactical security, does not matter where, just, keep in mind l'm very newbi
sir, excuse me for interupting, sir,...

l just want to make my official request as to any tactic/ security post available.

with a slight bow  to aariya "Ma'am'
***mimas is sitting, listening, wondering what will come***
u give me an idea, aariya, it makes more sence to have more than one character to play with, would it not?
all due respect, my name is mimas morganth, they call me elfeneye for a reason, plz respect my choice of name.
two was my idea
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
November 21, 2007, 11:45:01 PM
Cadet elfeneye reporting sir...
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
June 10, 2006, 09:59:39 AM
Cmd Balkhazar is on a mission away from the station,
l can sense his absence...
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
November 23, 2007, 05:22:09 PM
reporting for any tactical/security post available, if none, l'm happy to stay in the academi, but give me something to do....  
