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Messages - Parker Mellish

=/\= Attention Human vessel this is the Romulan Coalition Commander Telrok we are surrendering to you, we have almost no shields and our life support is failing... =/\=

"that's all I could get the transmission cut out."

the dreadnought is firing back, impact in.. 3..2..1

*CRASH*the ship was hit but caused minimal damage
Shields at 94%

Channel open captain.
the Status of DS12 is grim. They have been overrun by RC. When we tried to open a transmission they responded with "your Karelia is unavailable at the moment have a good day"

All Stop!

the ship stopped

taps his combadge

=^=Lieutenant Mellish to Commander Damen =^=

please prepare your fighter squadron, we may have company in a few hours
=^= Mellish out =^=

Setting course for DS12 warp 8. engage.

the ship is off to DS12

*sets up a channel with Admiral Karelia*

=A= New Orleans to Admiral Karelia a subspace comm link with Captain Rellek is requested =A=

=/\=Captain the request has been sent out to DS12=/\=

Minimal damage, everything seems fine.
ah, there are.... *checks his screen*

about a dozen to 20 ships.

They are not detecting the fleet.

Yes Captain I am standing by with sensors
transferring power allocation protocols, the fighter bay should have more power now.

I had to take power from all non essential sections of the ship. If there are people in those sections they need to be evacuated, as there is no life support either.

DS12 on long-range sensors, Captain
Captain, the Cortez is moving below us, I think that they are preparing their flanking pattern.
I believe we may need our fighters to rid ourselves of the Romulan vermin.

=^= Ops to Fighter bay=^=

Commander Damen, are you there? we need to organize a flight team immediately.

Hello, I am Parker Mellish requesting assignment on the station as Chief Medical officer, if not that then Chief of Ops on the New Orleans.