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Messages - Zenakto

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 22, 2003, 09:37:11 PM
Yes Sir.

*looks at Jacen* I didn't change the controlls THAT much Jacen, you SHOULD remember how they work.

*Turns to Trinity* Is there anything wrong? You've been very quiet, lately.

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 20, 2003, 09:39:37 PM
Well than I'd better get to work.
Computor, access Data Packet 41 Pi Alpha
*"data packet accessed"*
Download segment 22A into shield grid.
*"Download commencing. Estimated time: 2 minuites"*
After that, I'll be ready to go.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 30, 2003, 02:42:33 AM
Sir, the shockwave that thing gave off when it blew could well have destroyed the planet Mr. Trillis saw earlier, But it wasn't near enough powerfull to destroy the entire Galaxy. It doesn't really matter now, the Hole has closed, the Being made sure of that, they are stuck here, this is a new universe to them, we'd better make them feel welcome.

Reports coming in, You say you don't believe in miracles, sir? Several injuries, but no      s.

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 19, 2003, 09:19:02 PM
Before we enter the anomaly, Might I suggest installing some temporal shielding? I believe I have some schematics in the data packets I brought on board with me.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 02, 2003, 08:50:26 PM
*After being treted by Trinity, Zenakto begins mumbling incoherently, he begins to stir, and finally he wakes up*
*looks around*
Are we out?
Did we make it?
*looks at his station*
That was quite some electrical burst, very localized too, Bursts as powerfull as that one usually take out several stations at once, it must have been very troublesome to get it to go off right where my hand was...
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 23, 2003, 04:59:55 PM
*to Trinity*
Oh, Okay.
*turns back to Jacen*
Are YOU okay?
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 21, 2003, 02:19:22 PM
*computor chimes*
*"Download complete"*
*Walks over to Jacen's station*
I do believe you are familiar with the setup of the shields, Jacen?
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
July 17, 2003, 05:47:37 PM
'k, I just have one thing to say, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WARP 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I was gone so long, Had to move, (don't worry, Trinity and Jacen, I didn't move very far) Didn't have a computor, so I should be able to get on more often, Now.

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 23, 2003, 06:01:11 PM
Zenakto to bridge, the weapon is ready, but we need the Deflector Dish to face the Ship, so it seems that we have a slight problem, in order to avoid the shockwave, we need to Warp as soon as the Weapon Fires, so in order to do that, We'll need to warp backwards through the Hole, Are we up to this? Zenakto out.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 09, 2003, 07:12:29 PM
What of the biomass, if the ship is covered in it, and this is a new universe, perhaps species 8472 could have gotten through. it is logical to assume that there could be more than just the two "gateways" that lead to this universe.
*rubs temples with both hands*
wait, there's something more to this, perhaps... perhaps whatever made it's home in the 5th level of our computor core, may have made a telepathic link in the blast. That would explain the out-of-place memories... It's almost as if... it's trying to warn me of something...
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 27, 2003, 10:20:55 PM
*Taps console*
*mumbled:*This can't be right...
*aloud:* Sir, the computor's safety protcol has shut down the warp core because of destabilization, but I've scanned it myself and there's nothing wrong-
*console beeps* now it's trying to repressurise the shuttlebay, but I made sure it was pressurised when Jennifer left, Something's not right. The anomaly seems to be affecting the computor core, I suggest shutting it down till we are through.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 22, 2003, 02:34:06 PM
*Looks up*
You've been Quiet, Trinity.
Is anything Wrong?
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
July 04, 2003, 02:57:54 AM
Sir, It seems illogical to me to still be here, with your permission, I will go to engineering myself and see what I can do for our Warp core, perhaps we can still reach minimmum Warp with our one remaining Nacelle.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 10, 2003, 08:28:59 PM
*Holding hand to head*
Hunted... away from home... the Being is... is scared... Whatever is on that ship is... is... dangerous to all other foms of life other than it's own... energy... flesh... darknss... ALL of it is in danger... It will... disrupt... de...stroy...
*holds hands even harder to head*
Wait, a hope... an idea... a... a WEAKNESS! a... a weapon to... to destroy... take... time to build... need... access to... to deflector dish... anti-matter... energy... need... better... link...
*walks haphazardly to nearest working station and places hand on console. Once there, the console surges with energy, but not doing any harm*
My mind... to... your mind...
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 16, 2003, 10:25:08 PM
Leutenant Zenakto, reporting for duty.
I appologise for my tardiness, I had some buisness of my own.

Off: FINALY, I get here.