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Messages - Huw

OFF: I have sent a copy of this to the Omega board, under Ops of DS12, i had to go now, as i wont be able to post soon and the Omega boys are gonna get there first and take the glory http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*Huw Beams aboard*

*A romulan is startled, huw pulls out his Katana and with one quick movement, the romulan drops to the floor, blood gushing from his neck*

USS Phoenix
I am aboard

OFF: I will try not to kill anyone, no really...

Huw to the Phoenix,
I have encountered some regular starfleet officers, possibly omega division...
I have made contact with Flag admiral Vorak,
Am proceeding with mission to capture the romulan Admiral
Huw out

(Edited by Huw at 9:54 am on Oct. 21, 2003)

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 03, 2003, 03:11:59 PM
OFF: Ummm, wow... this is cool
OFF: I am a security/marine officer.
OFF: Transport tagging pistol? is that the one of Star Trek: Insurrection, the isolinear tag things... if it is, i already got one...

*At chekovs words a big grin comes over Huws face*

Ok sir, let me just get ready, Computer engage force sword

*A pale blue glow erupts around huws sword* now i will just incapacitate them.

OFF: when we start to attack DS12 itself, i will make a character on the Omega division board...

Whos this guy? Lt

*points at chekov then returns to looking at the fleet*

Two ships... two, against a romulan fleet with a starbase?

Where are the marines?

Looks like my works gonna be fun?

Svensson, may i please go to the armoury and get ready for a boarding attack...

I can take the romulans...

OFF: Lights are off... ? oh, i get it

Wanderer to home,
the other pilgrims are infiltrating,
i am preaching to the agressors

OFF: this translates to:
Huw to the Phoenix
the Omega boys are infiltrating the romulans
and i am incapacitating and beaming them...
(5 romulans are in the brig already... Max, you could deal with them...)

OFF: I am here, and Mason said in Mission1 that he wouldnt be able to post for a while...

*looks dis heartened*

Sir, i excel in stealth, i was top of the class in marksmanship, unarmed combat, swordsmanship and stealth tactics

*Pulls out his Katana ninja sword*

If me and this thing get on a romulan ship, they wont know what hit them till they wake up in our brig...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 13, 2003, 08:12:32 AM
OFF: I am on DS12 slicing and dicing, like i do best, and i still have my sword!
*Takes his post, by Lt. Brooks*

Its good to be back sir...

If you need anything, or any security situation arises, they will get the business end of my sword...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
December 15, 2003, 04:13:39 PM
*comes around*
Urgghh, i should have known poisoned batleth, #### romulans

OFF: I assume i am ok now http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 17, 2003, 08:27:23 AM
==^== Crackly, lots of interference

Phoenix Come in, Whoa! Mason...
Sorry about that, we are all friends now, but thats not important
DS12 Has been Recaptured, there are pockets of resistance which i can deal with, but *sarcastically* Starfleet says its too dangerous...

We are ok... What was that noise, oh #### we are under attack, Huw out

Comm goes dead

OFF: I assume you have made a character on the other boards, so that they know we hailed them.

*Looks at the fleet on the viewer*

My god, theyre are so many, so many PUNY ships, one well placed photonic grenade, and i could kill them all...

We dont need there help, all theyre good for is cannon fodder...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
December 09, 2003, 04:11:36 PM
*coughs up blood but Chekov jerks out the way he was almost hit by the blood*

Sorry *breathes deeply* Sir

OFF:  http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 21, 2003, 04:50:07 PM
OFF: GRRR Cambridge uni, inet banned it, personal internet screwed up... Revenge soon...

I will only be able to post once a week if that http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

OFF: I think becker would be better as CO, cos MO is the most boring job, at the mo.

Sir, i am fully armoured, and i am trying a new type of armour pioneered by starfleet, you know, the
spandithrilex (OFF: Span-dif-ril-ex)

OFF: Its like that cool armour that Voyager gets at the end, but its man portable...

I am ready for boarding actions...