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Messages - Huw

OFF: Bye Chekov
Beams onto the bridge
I am reporting for duty,
OFF: See the Court martial, we have postponed it for now...

Lets go kick some romulan scum, i've got good old betty on my back

*points to the sword*

And i feel lucky!

OFF2: I dont want to see this ship die

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 18, 2003, 12:38:20 PM
OFF: Whoa, slow down mason...

I am ok, just a sneaky little romulan,


U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 12, 2003, 05:12:44 PM
OFF: I can access from a private connection, but not as often...

Huw to the Phoenix
I am giving the romulans a good kick about on DS12, and I am still being harassed by starfleet

Huw out

I am going to do a security check, to see how DS12 is doing, as i have a link to there systems...

I learnt this with the FSS,

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
December 06, 2003, 05:21:18 PM
OFF: If you have read the thread "The storming of DS12" in Omega Division I think i am about due for some sort of recognition... (Medal)

As i did most of the tactical work...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 06, 2003, 08:13:06 AM
OFF: I am doing fine at the mo... over on ds12, Vorak and a few of the Regular starfleets are giving me trouble, but nothing i cant handle
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
November 19, 2003, 08:21:48 AM
OFF: My Uni internet has banned EF, and Shermin is at my Uni, so he might not be able to post for a long while...
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 2 : The Battle of Deep Space 12
December 05, 2003, 08:49:40 PM
OFF: Me and a guy called nismos are about to slaughter the remaining romulans

off2: Yes i am still alive

Off: good idea...
U.S.S. Phoenix / Active Members
September 11, 2004, 10:27:32 PM
OFF: I am back, forgive the two month absence i will be posting as often as i can from now on...

Huw Ensign (Waiting to be promoted to head of security) Security officer - USS Phoenix

And another character who might pop up every now and then

Nailo Tpolish - FSS XO - Head of Black Ops -
FSS Commodore

Wander Inn / Replitoire
June 14, 2004, 10:13:28 AM
*Huw walks in*

Wow, pretty bare...

*To the replicator*

Big mac and fries, and a large coke

*computer replicates meal*


Station Ops / Station Ops
May 25, 2004, 08:27:49 AM
*Enters ops*

Whoa, smells new, its that plasticky smell!

Station Ops / Station Ops
June 09, 2004, 11:04:34 AM
*Huw meanwhile has been checking the armouries*

Very nice, i see they are using the new type 12 phasers, we havent got those yet!

Ensign: Perhaps we could give you one as a souvenir?

Huw: Wow, that would be nice!

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 12, 2003, 09:29:53 AM
OFF: I wont be able to post as often, my uni is blocking this site http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>