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Messages - Huw

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
December 03, 2003, 06:48:28 PM
*Grins* Come on then Nismos, the Romulan ships might be gone, but the station is still theres...

I think we should do the one thing they dont expect...

*Nismos looks puzzled*

Assault them, leave engineering through the front door guns blazing... theyll never see it coming...

*Big smile*

But this is if we get permission from Vorak and Karelia

OFF: Please please please http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 29, 2003, 03:28:20 PM
Request permission to storm the Bridge...

*Huw Flying kicks a romulan who comes around the corner*


*Nismos spins around and judo chops a romulan*

Never mind...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 03, 2003, 03:17:11 PM
Weve got to help the paladin....

Anything we can do sir,

Huw has an idea...

Vorak is there anyway you can beam me and Nismos onto one of the romulan warbirds

OFF: No important ones, we can take control of it and order it to self destruct, and beam back here

Comeon sir, try it...

Youve seen what me and to an extent Nismos can do...

*Almost gets down on his knees begging, but manages to stop*

OFF: I need to do some sad puppy dog eyes now...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 04, 2003, 03:24:45 PM

Roger that...

Oh well... cant win em all...

*Huw sits down in the middle of engineering and begins to meditate*

Please do not disturb me, i need to regain my strength...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 23, 2003, 04:32:41 PM
*Huw sneaks into engineering using the shadows*

Phoenix, get ready for more prisoners

*Huw pulls out a rifle, does a back flip into the middle of the room, and before the romulans can react, he has shot them all, in quick succesion, they all disintegrate in an instant, Vorak gives huw an angry look*

Dont worry sir, they are safe and sound on the USS Phoenix, in our brigs...

OFF: Transporter tagger (The one of insurrection)

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 23, 2003, 02:14:27 PM
*Huw got back into the ventilation ducts, and wriggled back to engineering, he got out of the vent and appears beside vorak*

Can you get me access to the bridge...

*vorak jumps*

Sorry, did i scare you, maybe combat awareness wasnt taught to you at regular starfleet academy...

*Huw remembers who hes talking to*

Doh forgive me sir, *salutes*

I do get a bit cocky...

If you want rid of these dead bodies, i can do it...

OFF: I have a nice array of weaponry on me

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
December 05, 2003, 09:05:27 PM
OFF: Cover your ears guys

Alright F***ers, you messed with the wrong federation, Nismos Shall we...

*Nismos nods, Huw and Nismos smile, and pull out two phaser rifles each, the doors to Engineering open*

Nismos: YEA WHAT HE SAID!!!!


*they run out the doors, 3 romulan centurions drop to the floor as they are shot by huw and nismos, a look of confusion and terror on their faces, a green shot wizzez past nismoss ear, he jumps and switches direction in midair, and lets off a shot*

Huw: Huw to Vorak, the area immediately outside engineering is clear

Nismos: Kick ass

Huw: That was an awesome move, shall we press on

*Nismos rolls to the side, and lets off a burst shot, 2 romulans drop to the ground, huw rushes round the corner, a romulan clothes lines him, Huw manages to dodge it, he whips out his katana and slices off the guys hand blood sprays everywhere*

Huw: #### Nismos Covering fire

Romulan: *screams in pain*

*Huw dermo regenerates the skin to stop the bleeding, and administers some pain killer*

Romulan: B*****D! I will kill you

*Huw Stuns him*

Nismos: Ouch!

*Nismos continues down the corridor a romulan tries jumps on him and floors him, Nismos grunts and shakes himself free, he then sumersault kicks the Romulan in the head, instantly knocking him unconcious*

*Huw Catches up*
Huw: We are outside the Transporter rooms now

Nismos: Shall we call for the other away teams?

OFF: Nismos you can take over now...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 20, 2003, 07:23:00 AM
*Huw Beams aboard*

*A romulan is startled, huw pulls out his Katana and with one quick movement, the romulan drops to the floor, blood gushing from his neck*

USS Phoenix
I am aboard

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 09, 2003, 04:23:50 PM
*takes off his helmet and smiles, he touches his helmet to his belt and it disappears, he then touches some controls and a large case appears*

This should help...

*Huw opens the case to reveal an extremely well stocked Field surgeons kit*

OFF: Ever seen Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 24, 2003, 03:11:03 PM
OFF: If you read the post, you will see that i didnt use my sword, and i incapacitated them...

Excuse me gentlemen, but could you get me on to the bridge...

If you can, *grins* i can take it from there...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 04, 2003, 05:14:51 PM
*Huw takes off his helmet and wipes the sweat from his face*

What kind of idiot would attack their own station?

Any ideas anyone...?

*Huw looks up in disbelief at the view screen*

*A few beeps issue from a console*
Oh dear, the Containment field around engineering is failing, one of the Jeffreys tubes is open, but it looks like they dont know this yet

I will stand guard here, and maybe... set a few traps http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*Huw rubs his hands together and walks to a jeffreys tube, opens it and pulls out a phaser rifle...*

Bring it...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
October 22, 2003, 05:51:11 PM
OFF: Hmm... thats a bit risky...

*Huw hides in the shadows, pulls out his water canteen and has a drink*

Hmm... maybe i can get on to the bridge with my grenades...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 17, 2003, 08:16:15 AM
OFF: Time for some heroics

Everyone take cover, i will deal with this lot get them to move into the holodeck...

Computer, give me clothes of this period... *A set of workmens jeans appears and huw puts them on*

Excellent these will do, ok you guys take cover, i will walk around casually and Boom, set off a stun grenade...

OFF: I presume you agree

Karelia: Too risky, you must not endanger yourself

Huw: Sir, Rule one of Tactics, NEVER leave an enemy stronghold intact given the chance...

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 12, 2003, 05:27:17 PM
Admiral Karelia, i have 3 phaser rifles in my transporter buffer belt, would you like them?

*Huw touches the controls on his belt, and 3 phaser rifles appear on a table*

They will do for now Admiral, but i think it would be wise to get more weapons, i can help you if you want?

Omega Division Archives / The Storming of DS12
November 05, 2003, 08:15:32 AM
OFF: LOL, the shady FSS is at it again...

Hmmm.... Shall i track him for you...

(The only way out at the mo is thru the geffreys tubes i am guarding)