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Messages - Jeff Keach

Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 16, 2006, 07:20:30 PM
Jeff wonders " That's unbelievable, why they chose to leave." confirmed he responds "Well now we can get down to work, getting ourselves ready for another fight"

He looked around the room with mess everywhere he picked up a blackened chunk of metal, it appeared to be a phaser but only barely
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 21, 2006, 05:48:09 AM
Jeff watched as people fled out of ops and security teams raced around. He made a move back towards the viewscreen and looked over at Admiral Karelia hearing what he said.

He stared puzzled as to why

"Admiral, you, resign? I dont believe it sir." He moved closer and continued "Sir, If I may?  I would like to request a transfer, I heard you needed an XO"
Remembering his days on DS12
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 28, 2006, 07:53:33 AM
"Last time I heard that Rear Admiral Detrell was in charge of engineering on the station, but I have been couped up on the Tiberon for a while, so that may have changed."

Jeff stepped down from the science station

"There could be several engineers scattered about"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 26, 2006, 08:23:58 PM
*Jeff watched the monitors of casualty reports coming in from many decks, and also situation reports*

Muttering to himself "What a mess"

Jeff felt that he wanted to help but he did not have much engineering expertise, he was used to running a ship, or freighter for that matter and he always had an engineer no matter what.

He moved to a science station and sat on the stool, swiveled around and just ran passive scans into space, hoping that if no one's watching the enemy might return and finish us off
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 08, 2006, 08:47:43 AM
**On The Tiberon in the main shipbay**

Jeff was busy saying good bye to his ship, her time would come but for now she would get to rest.

Losing total attention to what was going on in the station Jeff sat out the battle in his office and sometimes roaming the ship checking for things out of place.

He didn't realize that there would be fighting on the station until he walked out of the umbilical tunnel, he could see debris lying around, burn marks, scorched metal, the stench of death, and weapons strewn about.

"Oh my," saying to himself "I have to get to Ops!"  He began to wander the halls heading for main Ops carefully taking a route that, hopefully, would not put him in harms way.

OFF: oops, fell asleep :P  lol
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
February 02, 2006, 06:44:52 AM
Jeff stood there idle, looking around for something but there was nothing

"Hello there, well you can see there is a mess here" Moves closer "Do you... have... any engineering skills?, the generators need to be repaired if we are to be able to use forcefields on the station"

"If you can  find an engineer that would be great" Walks to a panel and begins running a diagnostic on it
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 16, 2006, 03:54:03 AM
*Walking through the corridors*

He walked past several dead bodies, some in starfleet uniforms and others he could not recognize.  He still was unaware that anything had changed so he was fearful of some alien jumping out of the corner and blasting him.

It had been a long time since he last felt this fear, it was on his last mission as a freighter that they were raided by an unknown force.

Eventually he found a turbolift and ordered it to OPS.

Once there he saw many officers standing around and working to fix many problems

"What has happened?" He said in confusion. He looked out the viewscreen and sighed " I have missed it right?, I missed the battle? Did you kill them all?"
Still not knowing the truth
Station Ops / Mission 12: The Funeral of T'Hain
September 28, 2003, 11:06:46 PM
*Jeff Keach, Reeves, Reynolds, Berik, and Marco Diaz enter at roughly the same time and each find and take a seat*

Station Ops / Ops Communications
August 22, 2005, 05:15:58 PM
*Jeff is still on the floor when he feels the shuttle shake from the tractor beam, he wakes up from his groggy daze.

The shuttle is then tied into the station pylon, but Jeff doesnt know where he is*

*He tries to get up and go for the replicator and asks it to make him a glass of water........

......The computer responded that the replicator systems have been damaged*
Station Ops / Ops Communications
August 23, 2005, 04:13:52 AM
*A medical officer enters the shuttle with his gear and begins scanning the man in the small ship.

Once done he loads up a hypo spray with an adrenaline boost to get the patient up and walking, to head to sickbay.

But once he injected Jeff, it was enough to kick him into consciousness.*

*His eyes open once again*

"Wha?....ohh, ah, thank you Doctor, that helped"

MO: "No sir, I am not a Doctor, I'm an orderly, but I know what you meant"

"Yes, well, thanks none the less"

*he got his things ready and headed with the MO to sickbay for a quick checkup*

*About 15 minutes later he was cleared by the medical staff*
Station Ops / Ops Communications
August 21, 2005, 04:54:08 AM
*Running on silent mode for hours the shuttle carrying Vice Admiral Keach drifts into sensor range of Avalon Station. Instantly the computer initiates an automatic message that is sent to main operations.*

Computers Voice: Attention Avalon Station, this is the USS Wayward Wanderer, requesting permission to Dock at any available dock, Tractor beam will be required.

The Message repeats......

*Jeff is lying half asleep on the floor of the shuttle, he is dehydrated from the long journey, and from an attempted attack on his shuttle*

OOC: This has also been posted in the docking section
Station Ops / Ops Communications
August 26, 2005, 02:54:23 AM
*Jeff sat in the sickbay for several hours studying mission reports and crew manifests*

*He finishes and heads for main ops to look for people*

=^=Vice Admiral Keach to Fleet Admiral Karelia=^=

Sir, I would like to report for duty, I have been cleared by the medical staff.

I also understand that the Tiberon is in need of a Commanding officer?
Station Ops / Ops Communications
August 28, 2005, 12:40:50 AM
Quote (Will Karelia @ Aug. 25 2005,11:33)
"I'm sorry, Jeff, it's been hectic. Vice Admiral Rellek should be able to handle any immediate concerns. We can talk when I get back. Karelia out."

*Before Karelia left for the ship Jeff replied*
"Of course, I understand.  I will remain on the station preparing the Tiberon."
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - Romulan Coalition
July 23, 2003, 04:34:04 AM
OFF: what a coinsidence me too bye, c ya tomorrow.
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - Romulan Coalition
July 25, 2003, 03:17:44 AM
FIRE! all weapons full power to shields and weapons

OFF: I was talking about destroying th first Romulan ship, I didn't realize there were more ships yet.