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Messages - Jeff Keach

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
December 01, 2003, 01:22:28 AM
Yes good idea.

Let's get rid of the problem first.
Begin scanning for tachyon radiation and signals of unknown origin.

Tom keep your hands ready to move us out as soon as you detect anything unusual.

*taps his combadge*

=^= Bridge to engineering=^=

try to figure a way to transfer all available energy to the sensors.
=^= Bridge out =^=

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 05, 2003, 10:26:44 PM
helm, pull around the romulan warbird and prepare to fire.

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
October 08, 2003, 09:54:02 PM
"Thank you Lieutenant"
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
December 07, 2003, 06:55:20 AM
OFF: ok thanks.
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 27, 2003, 06:56:28 PM
*looks over to her*

I agree,

What do you suggest we do next Commander?

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 16, 2003, 04:33:58 AM
How long until we  can return to the battle?

Soran: ten minutes and we can return to DS12.

Keach: excellent

*ten minutes later*

Soran: Sir, ship fully loaded and ready to go

Keach: ready engines and go to warp factor 7. Standby all weapons and target closest ship, if any still remain.

Soran: weapons armed

*with a quick jolt the ship moved to attack, but the ship would not get to the battle for another two or three hours*

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
October 04, 2003, 08:54:42 PM
The Cortez will be ready soon, I got a comminuque from him twenty minutes ago.

OFF: he is me:) Reynolds lol

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
December 10, 2003, 11:22:35 PM
=^= Understood Lt. thank you, I guess it's just you and me, huh?

Well, since the wo of us cannot do the repairs ourselves, let's just leave it for the station's repair team once it is ready.

=^= Keach out=^=

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 26, 2003, 06:59:26 PM
From the captain's seat Keach could keep a watchful eye on his crew. He monitored every persons actions from the corner of his eye and also watched the viewscreen as a Romulan ship decloaked right in front of them.

"Evasive maneuvers!!

Soran, Fire at will!!

*the ship maneuvered around the first disruptor blast but was unable to counter the next one. It struck the ship with a violent jolt that sent many crew members to the ground some even into mid- air*

*witnessing the damage he taps his combadge*
=^=Repair teams to the bridge!=^=

OFF: Will, are you back yet? or just supervising from where you are now?

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 13, 2003, 01:11:44 AM
How long until we arrive for refueling?

OFF: Mr. McKeen, are you stating that you will be on the ship once it arrives for restock or are you on right away?

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
October 13, 2003, 05:08:05 PM
"Alright everyone prepare for battle stations"
U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
December 15, 2003, 03:55:28 AM
*Keach sat in his chair looking around at all the stations and departmental positions. He looked down at his keypad *

Hmph, I am going to miss this ship
{We have been through so much}

*He got up and walked around and checked each station for damage*

OFF: {} means thinking to himself

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
December 07, 2003, 06:06:39 AM
oh uh no, Use the transporters to board the station. Not until it is safe will we dock with the station. We can't take any chances that a rogue Romulan will jump to the Tiberon.

Tom, will you go down to engineering and see what is taken them so long to report in?

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 26, 2003, 07:09:35 PM
That is quite alright Commander, If you would not have destroyed that ship , then they would have destroyed us.  Well done crew!

U.S.S. Tiberon / USS Tiberon - "...And Into the Fire"
November 07, 2003, 07:19:28 PM
OFF: sorry if  I over step my bounds but no one is posting and the story must go on.

ON:Keach: helm, pull around the romulan warbird and prepare to fire.

Tom: yes sir *the ship completed a full turn around the station keeping hidden for a while*

Keach: as soon as the ship has reached the station power down and go to stealth mode. We need to regroup

Lollock: Jeff may I suggest that you don't do that.

Keach: why not? it seems safe

Soran: one of the Romulan ships has very thin shields on it's port side

Keach: ok, move to intercept fire at will once we are in range.
Soran: ready sir. ship will go in range in three seconds.

Lollock: we can try a maneuver that has garnered some attention in the past, move around the enemy ship and drop a torpedo right beside it and warp out. The initial blast will destroy the shields and open the door for us to destroy the rest of the ship. This will prevent the romulans from shooting down our torpedo.

Keach: make it so

Soran: ready sir
Lollock: I hope this works *crosses her fingers*

*everyone waited for the captain to say it*
Keach: engage!

*the ship did a quick jump to warp and stopped just short of hitting the romulan vessel*
*a torpedo was dropped very close to the ship*

Keach: detonate!

Soran: detonating, *the "mine" exploded and destroyed the shields of the romulan ship*

Keach: fire weapons

Soran: firing! weapons struck the ship directly sir, their hull is buckling

*on the viewscreen everyone could see that the ship was completed destroyed*