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Messages - Tim Russo

** I complete the neurological and physical exam**

"Commander, looking at the results of my examinations the Doctor is back to normal.  I would have to say that the Doctor maybe a cruicial key in communicating telepathically with the Alien.  When doing my examination I cross referenced some of these Brain patterns and found that they are similar to those of a Betazed when they are communicating telepathically.  So I would have to summize that the Doctor and the Alien can link telepathically  That could very well come in handy."

"Doctor, it looks like we are going to transporter 3 to head to the planet."

** I gather up a few hyposprays and a tricorder.  I hand the Doctor a Tricorder. ***

"Doctor, you may need this."

** I make my way escorting the Doctor to Transporter room 3
**I put the hypospray down and pick up my tricorder and start scanning the Doctor.**

"Doctor if you could come lay back down on the bed so I can finish my examination and give you the okay for the away team."

"Captain, I'll will give you a status report once I complete my examination.  Commander Balkazar, let me finish this examination and I'll be alble to let you know if the Doctor is fit for the away mission.

** I point to the Biobed as I am giving the instructions to the Doctor to lay down.
** I assist the commander in putting the Doctor on the Bio Bed***

"Aye, Aye, Sir  I will see what I can do.""

**I begin doing a full exam with a tricorder with assistance to the bio bed.  

"Holy crap"

"Sir, I am cross referencing the Doctor's normal brain wave patterns, and his are off the charts.  He's going to go into Neurological Shock if I don't get them down."

**I begin cross referencing with the tricorder for a hypospray that will counter act the brain wave length spike.    As I am doing this my eye catches glimpse of the creature in the forcefield.  

"What is that doing in here???"

*** I point my finger in the direction of the forcefield and the blue creature.

** My tricorder begins to give me a readout**
"Okay, sir, it looks like the neurological shock has caused the Doctor to go into a coma.  His vital signs have stabilized but I am worried about the brain wave spike. "

** I grab a hypospray and inject the Doctor.  I watch anxiously at the tricorder and bio bed for stabilization in the brain patterns of the Doctor.

**I say to myself as I am watching the brain activity.

"Just think the doctor had me shave his cat."

"Sir, we will have to give that hypospray about 30 minutes to take effect"

**A few minutes later**

"Sir, his brain patterns have gone down, but they haven't gone down enough, I need your permission to administer another dose of that hypospray.  A second dose may stabilize the Doctor or it could kill him."
**I monitor the brain waves  of the Doctor and anxiously give the Captain my report.

"Captain, this isn't looking good for the Doctor's brain, he can't handle this much longer.  I am going to have to give him a hypospray again to stop the spike in his brain patterns."

**I begin prepping another hypospray, when I glance at the aliens brain patterns that I have been monitoring and they appear to be matching what the Doctors brain patterns have been.    I take a look at the alien and realize that it's trying to communicate with us.  

"Commander, the alien is trying to communicate to you.  Do you think it's safe to lower the forcefield?"

"Captain, this aliens brain wave patterns are equivilent to what the Dr's are.  As we surmised earlier, the alien must be affecting the Doctor somehow.  I would have to think they were telepathically linked.  But we have to convince this alien to break the link and let the Doctor go."
** As I am escorting the Doctor to Transporter Room#3  I proceed to make my report to the Captain.  I press my combadge and hail the captain.**

<<LT Russo to Captain Luarado>>

"Captain, I have successfully completed my examination and the Doctor is in good shape.  I am escorting him to Transporter room 3 now."
** Prepares a hypospray to stimulate the Doctor**

**Responds with concern to the away team preparing to leave for the planet's surface*

"Um, Sirs, I am not sure what will happen if we seperate the Doctor and the Alien.  I think it would be a good idea to either bring then together or try to wake up the Doctor first before we go to the planet."
**I take the hand phaser from the Commander
"Yes sir, I am an exceptional shot with a hand phaser. I believe I am ready to go"
** I add the phaser to the rest of the items I am carrying, ie hyposprays, tricorders
"Well isn't that interesting",  "Commander, it looks like the Doctor's vitals and brain wave patterns have all leveled out. "

**I set the Hypospray down and begin taking tricorder readings to see if there is any permanent damage.**

"Can anyone tell me what the Doctor was doing in here and how long that creature behind the forcefield has been here?"
**As I am enjoying a good meal and a little rest and relaxation my combadge signals me. I tap my combadge and answer to the hail***

<<Lt Russo to Commander Rasmain>>

"Sir, I'll be right there"

**I immediately exit the messhall and make my way down to the Turbolift.  I put in the Voice command***

"Deck 12"

** I race to sickbay and as soon as I reach the doors, I enter**

"Command Rasmain what seems to be the emergency"

**Upon asking that question I glance to see the Doctor laying on the Floor**

"What Happened sir?"  

**I quickly walk to their location and prep a biobed as I await an answer from Commander Rasmain***
"Commander, well this kind of telepathic link isn't healthy nor safe for the Doctor.  If it happens again and lasts for long periods of time, it could kill him."

**I proceed to do a neurological scan for any permanent damage.

"Sir, I have conducted a thorough examination and the scans indicate that there hasn't been any neurological damage. It appears the Doctor is now in a deep sleep.  I would recommend that the creature be removed from sickbay and taken to a safe location.  My only concern is if the two are still telepathically linked.   Have we had any other communication with his alien life form?  Or any way to tell the creature that he's injuring the Doctor by telepathically linking with him??

** I attempt to scan the alien life form to see if I can pick up any unusual brain waves.  Unforunately I attempt to cross reference them with the ships computer and find that this life form isn't anywhere to be found.

"Sir, at the moment I am unable to reference the alien in the ships computer to see what the normaly brain wave patterns are.  I am curious to see if this alien as you so theorized may be causing the difficulties with the Doctor."

** Looking frustrated I continue my search through the ships computer comparing my tricorder readouts.
**The Doctor and I make our way to the Turbo Lift and we get it.

"Transport room 3"

**The turbolift takes us to the  deck and we get off.   The Doctor and I approach Transporter room 3 and we walk in prepared for the away mission.
**As I am conducting my steadfast monitoring of the Doctor's vital signs, I notice that the brain patterns begin to spike again.

"Not, Again"

"Commander, the Doctor's brain patters have spiked again.  We have to stop this, not sure the Doctor can handle this much longer."

** I then realize that the Captain had walked into Sickbay. I begin to give the Captain the report when I am interupted by the commotion happening in the forcefield.

"Captain, the Doctor is slipping in and out of conciousness, and his having Brain Wave spikes that are unhealthy for his nervous......."  **Cuts off in mid sentence

**I point and look at the forcefield...