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Messages - Lacy Frucal

Epsilon Division / Holodeck
February 20, 2004, 02:04:51 AM
I;m ready too.
Epsilon Division / Holodeck
February 20, 2004, 11:53:38 PM
**She walks to a control pannel**
The door is sealed i've set our tricorders to omit our life signs, they wont see anything.
**She scans the area**
I've got 2 KAzon life signs just through that door
Epsilon Division / Mission 2: The Unknwon Nebula
March 08, 2004, 02:52:22 AM
((((sir Wepps is a non-p[osting character and i cant keep this storyline going talking to myself. we dont need a hole to switch.......lets just do it))))
Epsilon Division / Mission 2: The Unknwon Nebula
March 04, 2004, 12:09:35 AM
(((OFF: Both Burns and Frucal are my characters. If only 3 of us are going, i'll probaly spend a lot of time talking to myself. Can frucal and someone aboard the ship switch places so im not talking to myself through the mission)))