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Messages - Zenakto

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 04, 2003, 08:08:40 PM
*pulls self up by chair*
Indeed, if we gave this being the ability to "regenerate" certain Items, who's to say it wouldn't Build a weapon instead of fixing the console.
*Holds hand to head, as though trying to relieve a headache*
But there's something, something I can't quite place... a nebula, lost, trapped, escape, kill... broken up... perhaps some kind of memory transfer from whatever made the console blow...

(Edited by Zenakto at 1:09 pm on June 4, 2003)

The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 29, 2003, 09:36:13 PM
Yes Sir.
*taps console*
Sir, I may have found a reason for the computor's malfunction, it seems that there was an energy surge in the 5th level of the Core, it may have damaged it, but there is no way to tell without physical inspection. attempting to bypass the damage.
*taps console*
Computor, bypass level 5 of the computor Core using path entered into my console,
*Computor:* Bypassing...
*the console starts flickering erratically, suddenly sparks cascade onto Zenakto, burning him badly*
*Computor:* Bypass overridden.
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
May 28, 2003, 01:58:08 PM
Yes, Sir,
*Taps controlls on console*
Accessing Auxiliary power, attempting to reboot...
*Taps madly at the controlls*
*computor:* Safety protocol overridden.
Somehow, it had found some kind of "Static field" in the hull and was attempting to shut down shields, but it only happened when I attempted to reboot...
*Taps controlls on console*
Attempting complete reboot of computor system...
*Computor:* Reboot will take approxamately 2 minuites.
Apparently, I was wrong-
*computor:* Reboot complete
Odd... it took less than One...
The Van'Gu Cluster / ShadowFire in the Cluster
June 12, 2003, 04:52:40 PM
No, Stop, Don't break the Link... Mind Meld... The being can sense it, the ship, it has a... *wrinkles forehead in concentration* type of... Genesis Device, it will destroy the universe and create a new one... It's what opened the portal... in both cases. The merchant ship had something... that could tstop it, but it's destroyed... no... not destroyed, annialated... an actual destruction of matter... They didn't know... what it was. It opened the portal here to... gain access to the inside of the nebula... to power it's weapon, the Genesis device, for lack of a better term. It must be destroyed, at all costs.