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Messages - Kawolsky

Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 10, 2006, 03:55:12 PM
*Kawolsky turns to Balkazar*

"Sir, my tricorder's detecting an energy build up in one of the Rogues!"

*He then looks at Ardeth*

"Ardeth, do you have any idea what could be contributing to this strange behaviour?"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
December 31, 2005, 12:59:42 AM
*Kawolsky continues to fire at the enemy*

"I'm impressed with those things."  Kawolsky says, still firing his rifle.

"They're tough little bots"

*Kawolsky throws another greande at the Psi-Warriors*
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 20, 2006, 04:17:38 PM
*Cadet Kawolsky unholsters his phaser and holds it ready in his right hand, tricorder in the left. Kawolsky and Lurado cautiously approach the darkness. Suddenly a green beam penetrates the dark...*

"Sir!!" Kawolsky shouts, pushing Lurado out of the way of the beam.

*Kawolsky and Lurado take cover behind a fallen bulkhead. The two sides exchange fire but the mysterious being seems to be resisting fire.*

"Sir, my tricorder's detecting a phase variance in the immediate vicinity. I don't think he, or it's, completely there!"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 26, 2006, 04:58:04 PM
=/\= Kawolsky to Balkazar =/\=
"Sir, it it safe to talk?"

"Go ahead cadet"  Balkazar replies.

"Sir I have come up with an idea to safely contain Cdt Wildcat"

I'm listening..."  says Balkazar

"I believe I can use the transporter to initiate a 'transport loop'. I could begin transport but hold Cdt Wildcat in suspension within the field. There's just one problem..."

"What is it cadet?"

"The containment field around sickbay would have to be deactivated long enough to commence transport, however it would only be for a fews seconds, but-"

"-BUT it might be long enough for him to escape" Balkazar finished

"Yes, sir"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 08, 2006, 01:06:08 AM
Kawolsky brushes the dirt from his uniform and approcahes Balkazar.

Sir, that fight. It was...intense. Are we to expect incursions like this in the future, sir? Kawolsky asks, with a slight grin on his face.

*OFF TOPIC* Sorry i haven't been on for a few days, it was my birthday recently and i hadn't had time.
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
December 30, 2005, 02:23:00 AM
*Several Psi Warriors are taken out in the phaser rifle fire, but...*
"Ardeth, Rogue 3's taken a hit! Looks like they've fried his shield matrix. A couple more hits and he'll be finished!"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
March 05, 2006, 01:49:45 AM
*OOC: Has Cpt Rajnus beamed aboard yet?*
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
December 29, 2005, 12:13:57 PM
"Ardeth, you take out the large group to the left. I'll get the right" Kawolsky

Then the two cadets take out their grenades and lob them at the enemy. Several Psi Warriors falll to their deaths. A small few escaped the blast only to be caught in the explosive fire of the Starfleet marines.
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 23, 2006, 08:11:29 PM
*Cadet Kawolsky approaches Captain Lurado, clutching a tricorder in his hand.*

"Sir, I have concluded my scan of the intruder. I should now be able to upload the data into the ships computer. The internal sensors should be able to complete a full scan of the station within one hour.We should know by then if there are anymore of those...things lurking about."
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 18, 2006, 07:15:49 PM
*Commander Balkazar and his team of cadets left for the man docking bay via the turbolift. After a few short minutes Balkazar and his team stepped out.*

"Commander Balkazar reporting as ordered, sir...along with my two cadets, Kawolsky and Wildcat" Balkazar said to Lurado.
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
March 05, 2006, 01:55:34 AM
*OOC: Never mind*
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 13, 2006, 01:19:31 AM
"Captain!" Cadet Kawolsky shouted.

*The cadet then rushed over to the captain, phaser rifle in hand. He aimed at the enemy and fired three bursts from his rifle. The first two missed, however, the last one hit the torso. However, the creature shrugged it off after a moment. Kawolsky rushed over to the captain, the elite's health unknown to him.*

"Captain, are you OK? That looks bad. I'm beaming you directly to sic-"

"No cadet. I'll be fine" He said, with a typical Starfleet captain's attitude.

"But sir, you're-"

"That's enough cadet. I'm fine, really"

"Yes, sir"
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 28, 2006, 02:39:34 PM
"Understood sir, but if things go wrong, I'm ready to assist"

=/\= Kawolsky out =/\=
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 29, 2006, 01:12:48 AM
=/\= Kawolsky to Brown =/\=

"Brown here, go ahead."

"Sir, I believe have an idea for increasing the power reserves."

"Go on" Brown replies.

"If we evacuate all decks except engineering, ops and the most vital areas of the station, and re-route all of the power from life support, artificial gravity etc, we should be able to boost the power reserves by at least 40%."
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 19, 2006, 11:22:58 PM
*Kawolsky follows Lurado down the corridor. Lights flicker and bulkheads come apart to reveal the electronics inside. Time passes...*

"At the moment, sir, I'm not getting anything on my tricorder...WAIT...standby....Yep, I got something. Approximately 25m in that direction. It's a lifesign..."

*Kawolsky points down the bleak corridor. They cautiously continue...*

"WAIT! Sir, It's on the move!  Kawolsky shouts out.

"It's getting closer! 20m, 15, 10. Sir, what do we do?"