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Messages - Apodae Swift

U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 10, 2007, 04:15:23 PM
"Well." Swift began, not knowing where to take this. There were three options, firstly fix it in a heart beat and be a hero, of course that brings obvious questions. Secondly go up there, stall, then fix it after a believable time. Of course the third and most sensible option was to say he couldn't'. "Unfortunately ma'am I am a fighter not an engineer. I can probably calibrate them properly and do minor repairs but if they are damaged too much an engineer would be best." Swift said with his face remaining impassive, he really wanted to get up there and fix them. Tap in to his potential in more ways then simply fighting. But he couldn't unless he wanted to spend the rest of his life in some federation penal colony, and that would be if he got off lightly.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 06, 2007, 09:35:15 AM
Swift aimed, time almost seemed to slow down as he picked out the perfect shot and hit the Heeran for the seventh time. He fell backwards on to the floor, that was the last of them.
"Sir I suggest moving on and securing the hall way." One of the crewman behind the stand alone console stood up from his cover and suggested. Before Swift could tell the man to get down the guy was blasted in the shoulder by a Heeran weapon.
"What?" Swift asked and looked around the corner. A team of Six more Heeran had replaced the four fallen ones. "Doc take care of the wounded, the rest of concentrate your fire. Left to right, up to down." Swift ordered, that meant that his men would choose the Heeran soldier on the upper left and finish with the one on the bottom right. That meant with each of the four firing at the same target the enemy troops would drop much quicker.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
December 30, 2006, 12:46:57 AM
"Yes ma'am." Swift said as he exited the bridge, getting weapons wasn't the most glamorous job but he found a way that he could like it. He was giving people weapons, they would then use those weapons to shoot people, thus vicariously he was shooting people. It was a rather large stretch in logic but it kept him happy.
Swift opened up a weapons locker, a couple of crewmen where there. He handed some phasers to each and they took off in to the ship, it may have been as small ship but handing out fifty phasers on his own would be a pain without a little help from the NCOs.
Swift decided to make his first run down to medical, that way he could kill two bird with one stone. Hand out phasers and also get his physical done with, as long as it was just a quick scan. He walked down the corridors and took a turbo lift and soon he was at Sickbay.
"Okay Doc... Docs, I have your weapons here. A phaser each and a compression rifle to keep under your desk or... where ever in case we get boarded." Swift said with a smile. "Also while I'm here I thought you could give me a quick scan, get the physical out of the way."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 27, 2007, 03:55:12 PM
"Aye ma'am." Swift replied and as they went by for another pass he released the full fury of their torpedoes. It was then he had a quick look down the torpedo manifest and noticed four torpedoes that made him smile. "Ensign Swift to Halcyon, load our transphasic torpedoes." He said and then turned to Commander Lollock. "Ma'am may I suggest we make a pass at four fresh vessels, we can use the transphasic torpedoes to blast through their shielding and, if I aim for the engine cores, completely obliterate them." He said in a rush.
"I would love to, thank you Ma'am." Swift said to Commander Lollock very sincerely. "I have always loved Klingon culture, it reminds me of the old human Norse ways. They used to cry 'today is a good day to die' when they rode in to battle and they thought that dieing in glorious combat would take them to the halls of valhalla. Very similar."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 07, 2007, 04:47:42 PM
"Don't waste your efforts on and auto targeting system. I don't use them anyway, they can waver and not hit the critical points you are looking for. Trust me, it isn't bravado, I can do it manually." Swift said sincerely, it would be trickier then an automate targeting system but he was sure he had the skill to do it very effectively.
Swift got up and walked out of the meeting room, his first priority were the phasers and then once they were cleared up he would have a stab at the torpedo systems. His thoughts begin that in a long battle if he could only have one of the two weapons it would be the phasers. Thus if they got attacked during repairs then they would still be able to mount a defence. Shields were a minor job as he had looked over the damage reports briefly and they could maintain them at half power indefinitely.
"The energy systems seem fine." Swift mused as a tapped on readouts from the pulse phase cannons. Unlike the normal phasers arrays these weapons released the whole energy from a phaser blast in a single burst. This means a lot of energy is needed and as such they use these big energy cells that deliver vast amounts of energy in bursts that can then be turned in to the nadions. "Computer show me the crystal alignment, if they are off it could throw the nadions out of whack." The computer brought up an image, he thought that the crystals were the problem but wanted to check the energy systems first. The computer readouts showed that the crystals were out of alignment and as such the system refused to push energy through them. "Thought so. An energy efficiency problem would have been much easier to solve though... Guess I'm going inside the machine to realign crystals."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 30, 2007, 08:11:40 AM
Swift exited the turbo lift, quite inwardly pleased at being invited to join the meeting but as usual his outwards appearance didn't show this, it remained as stoic as ever. He entered the room and took a seat next to his chief Tactical Officer Commander Lollock. It seemed the standard etiquette, not that he was normally one to care for such things but he sat there with a quiet look of curiosity and contemplation on his face. Ready to throw in whatever tactical insights the Captain might need or want to hear.
"Ma'am may I also suggest we send out a distress call and launch an emergency beacon. Just to add to the whole effect... I think that's it. Unless I am missing out any more procedures to make the ship look like a wounded lion." Swift said as he monitored the shields, he was making them fluctuate ever so slightly so it looked like there was something wrong with the shield generator.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 23, 2007, 11:52:55 AM
Swift's hands moved quickly across the console as he read sensor information, inputted projected coordinates and let of bursts of phaser fire. His enhanced reaction times meant he could do it as efficiently as any computerized system and his brain could compensate for speed and directional changes. He did a Lollock commanded and concentrated fire on the ventricle port on the lead vessel. However when they swung round for a second pass he took full advantage of the torpedoes and blasted all three in quick succession hoping that the first two would break the weakened shields and then the third would pass through and cause major damage to the surrounding systems.
Swift closed a panel on the security console and then gave one of his tools a little spin before putting it in the box. He had been stalling for time but once he heard they were ready to leave he quickly finished it off.
"Commander Lollock we have full torpedo control back and according to my readings are shields are back to full strength. However I would suggest having an engineering team overhaul the port pulse phaser once we get back to USS Avalon." Swift suggested as he stood by the security console and prepared for battle. He had quantum torpedoes loaded in to all the bays and phasers fully charged. He would raise the shields once the engineering teams were back on the Lothlorien.
"They are coming along quite well ma'am." Swift told her. "I have fixed the pulse phasers and aligned them so they should fire correctly. I just need to check the console to solve the torpedo tube problem and then get on the the energy transfer systems for the shields. The torpedo tubes may take me some time, besides an engineer is probably better suited to dealing with energy transfer systems.." Her told her, in truth he could have fixed both but he couldn't let her know that.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
February 02, 2007, 05:40:42 PM
"They are not fools. That is why I think the double bluff I suggested would work. Trick them in to thinking we are trying to hide a fleet and draw them in rather then tricking them in to thinking we have a fleet." Swift said, reinforcing his point.
Swift got to the inner parts of the pulse phase cannons and quickly reached the crystals that turned the raw energy in to the beam of nadions, in stayed in there for a little while not doing anything and making random scans. Then once he thought he had waited long enough he moved the crystal in to the right position. The he knocked it off by a few microns and once outside asked an engineer to check it. The engineer corrected his 'mistake' and then he was on his way back towards the bridge.
The torpedoes could be loaded and fired manually so is was the automated systems he needed to fix, however the hardware seemed fine so he guessed it was a problem either with the console on thew bridge or the software or firmware. Either way he reckoned he could get them operational. Once on the bridge he approached the main tactical console and began his inspection.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 02, 2007, 10:07:26 PM
Swift had finished handing out phasers to the crew, for himself he took two Type II phasers and a single Type IV compressed phaser rifle for himself. That might seem like a bit much but he wanted to be fully prepared if he was sent over to a hostile ship of if they were boarded. It probably wouldn't be the latter as not many ships could get the better of a defiant, but anything was possible.
Once this was done he made his way back to the bridge and stood at the back of the room, keeping a watchful eye in case an enemy should inexplicably appear out of thin air. He had fulfilled his outstanding orders and Security teams were station in the sensitive areas of the ship. Thus he felt his presence was most needed on the bridge, this was simply because if the ship was boarded an enemy would head there, or if they came under attack and Commander Lollock became incapacitated. After all they can't leave the security station unmanned.