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Messages - Huw

Captain Becker was our CMO, and he was captain of the ship for a brief while! So dont you dare badmouth him!
Scans have turned up not much so far, the Asteroids are interfering with the scanners which is good and bad news,

Its good because noone can scan us or any of our phase trail,

Its bad because Sensors are having a hard time locking on to anything...

*Huw frantically punches the panel and it beeps*

Wow, it worked... Huh? It worked!

I am getting a sensor echo, looks like some Loxian signatures, I recommend we proceed with caution...

*huw flys out as the first deck is beamed in*

I have returned to the ship, i will be back on the bridge soon...


How about I get all the perssonnel ready to fly over to the station?

OFF: d*amn parents sprung a surprise holiday on me, Sorry i havent posted...

Ms Voya, I will remind you that with the phase cloak on, we would never touch the asteroid... And I love peanut brittle...

*Huw heads for the cargo bay*

worker bee? havent used one of them in a long time...

Sir, Requesting to go as backup...
I imagine he will be back in a minute http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

I was trying to protect him, but i think i went a teensy bit too far... Nevertheless, all is well now...

*Takes a step on*

Very Nice...

Hmmm, Security team with me... We will set up the internal defences...

"Stand back and watch the pro"

*Huw flies out of the bay loop de loops voya then does some acrobatics, then he clips the edge of the Asteroid*


*Voya laughs over the comm system*

"I deserve it"

OFF: I hope he gets better soon! I think everyone agrees with me there!

*An unknown ensign presses some controls*

Ensign, do you want to give me a headache!?
Thats the wrong controls!

Huw to Svensson, Security is in place, say the word and 1000 strategically placed Phasers will drop down and begin firing at non Starfleet personnel!

The dampening field is up, to everyone we will look like a simple asteroid...

and the shields are up!

OFF: Ok, sounds good...

Sir, we are docked, would you like to go first?

OFF: For quickness, can we say that there are a hundred npcs waiting in the cargo bays with tools and stuff!

off: Just out of interest does Vorak know about the base, (In game i mean)

*huw arrives on the bridge*

I am here sir... What would you like meto do?

OFF: I am back, sorry i havent posted here for a while, i have been in a brig for shooting people, you know, as usual...

*Huw materialises on the bridge, Brooks gives huw a funny look*

Don't ask sir, all we need to know is that i am back... and the charges have been dropped....

Brooks: Charges, what charges?

Huw: Never mind...

*Huw takes his place by Brooks' side, everyone giving Huw a confused look as to why he has a few bruises*

Sigh i am not on duty for a couple of hours so i am going to the holodeck

Computer Open Huw personal files, gointo the hologram program section and load...
Nin-Ja Program 10 Alpha
=== *beep*

Cya later sirs

OFF: http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Cool! I mean, thank you sir, i will accept it gracefully and humbly http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

we are ready to start boring out the Asteroid, it is already 50% hollow naturally, we just need  to smooth the edges...


*takes his station*

Transporter room reports everything is running smoothly

If i narrow the containment beam down and if we work an extra shift it can be done in half the time
Thats if we group beam them one deck at a time.