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Messages - Pierre Louis Assis

Scientific Research Facility / Xenobiology Station
March 08, 2003, 06:18:37 PM
The Xenobiology Station is an attachment to the main building, though it has a saparate entrance. Albeit currently not active, there are many biohazard signs on different Federation languages, as well as Cardassian and Klingon.

On the computer display that lays to the right of the entrance door is a notice to the Engeneering crew:


This is the site of the future Xenobiology Station. Make sure that ALL the containment fields are propperly tested and the venting system is working properly befor the station goes online. Also install the emergency transporter, as specified on Starfleet Regulation 3422-D on laboratory construction guidelines.

Don't get too excited, Mr. Stuart... It's only becouse we have no higher ranking officer... *looks serious*

Hey! Don't look me like that! Did you believe me? *laughs* Of course you're the right choice for the job! And I am sure you'll make me proud of having you as XO...

The Lancelot should be landing soon... Let's wait outside for the crates, shall we?

(OFF: Please continue posting on the Construction Site thread)

*walks in and lokos surprised to see no one*

Hum... I guess I got here early... Whats that? *takes the PADD that's next to the comm board*

Oh, good... I guess I'll walk to the Astrometrics... It's a bit far, but the view is good... And this fog is somewhat refreshing!

Computer, record audio message for Dr. Daishin Kensuke.


Good morning doctor. Me and Mr. Stuart are going to be working at the Astrometrics Station today. Though it is not yet finished, some computers are online and we have the data collected by the prospection probes to work on. If you'd like to join us there, the maglev left of the crew's quartes can teke you there.

End recording.

Recording ended. Send message to personal quarters?

Yes. Play it wen he wakes up.

*walks out of the room*

Yes, Mr. Stuart. Mr. Pearson, come with us. And during the tim e you are not on the Lattes I will put you in charge of the Xenobiology Department for as long as Dr. Daishin Kensuke is away.

*leaves the building and heads to the transporter room*

Welcome, Mr. Pearson. It is nice to know that the Lattes crew is arriving. By the way, I will be your CO there too.

While we are here, I would apreciate if you helped me setting up the equipment that has arrived on the Lancelot.

*looks to Lt. Cmdr. Stuart as he enters the room*

Oh, this is Lt. Cmdr. James Stuart. He will be my XO on the Lattes and is in charge of the Archaeology Department here on the base.

There is also Cmdr. Daishin Kensuke, but he's almost never here... He's our Xenobiologist. (OFF: He's having some trouble with his internet connection and isn't posting much lately...)

What is your field of expertise, Mr. Pearson?

(======Priority Message======)

Mr. Stuart, please check if we have the following equipment on the base:

01 Medium sized power core

01 Ressonating energy matrix (Make sure it can sustain the standard shield harmonic frequencies!)

10 Standard energy relays

07 Isolinear control matrixes or bioneural counterparts (bioneural would be better, but isolinear controllers can do)

07 Mark IV field emmiters (I guess we have some mark III that were intended to be used on our labs' containment fields, and they may be modified to work for no more than three weeks)

01 Type VII field amplifier (I think we can modify our interplexic beacon to do the job, but I'd like to do this only if nothing else works)

This equipment will be used to build a shield system for our planetary station. If you think I forgot anything, please let me know.

(======Begin transmission======)

To Commander Sutter, CO of USS Lancelot

Encrypted Message ------ Priority code Alpha -------

Dear Commander,

I understand that the Lancelot is currently headed for Avalon Space Station . As the newly appointed Chief of Science Department, I would like to discuss the possibility of you bringin in some material that I will require to build the Research Facility.

The most critical equipment is an experimental warp core that was left on Avalon on my request. The other one is a full HoloGrid with programming modules as well.

I would also appeciate if you manage to find some Science Personell Willing to come to StarPhoenix and work with us.


Capt. Pierre Louis Assis - Chief Science Officer - StarPhoenix Base

(======End Transmission======)

It is nice to have you here gentlemen. I am sure that, even if we come from different specialities, our work here will be of great value to Starfleet.

I would like to ask you to think of me more as a fellow scientist than as a superior officer, since I know that you are as competent as I am, in your own fields of study.

Finally, Mr. Stuart, I was thinking of assigning you to the astrometrics station, so that you can scan the planet for any archaeological sites. Of course I would help you there, since astrometrics is not listed in your curriculum.  
As a first assignment, I am transfering to your quarter's computer a series of images and survey data that was gathered during Starfleet's assesment on the best location for a planetary base on this planet.

As for the geological and chemical equipment, I think that for some time all you will have is your tricorder, until we can get the appropriate equipment from Avalon.
I will do what I can to try and tell the CO of the Lancelot to bring them now, but I'm not sure they have not left.

Dr. Daishin, it would be interesting to scan the shore for life forms, so we can later explore the ocean near the base. I have read in your curriculum that you are a specialist on marine environments, so that would fit you well.

Any further needs, please contact me on my comunicator or on thys board.

(======Initiating program======)

=> Please specify coom board function: Manage incomming and outgoig transmissions relative to the Science Department

=> Initiating comm protocol Alpha 0079

=> Comm board ready to function

=A= Assis to Lancelot =A=

Thank you Mr. Sutter! Please notify me after the cargo has been unloaded from your ship.

=A= Assis out =A=

(======Internal comunication system======)

Good job Mr. Stuart! I think we should start working on it tomorrow with Captain mahGNUs so that when the Lancelot arrives we wil hae less work to do.

See you at 0900 hours at the storage room of the ops building.

(======Internal Comm Relay System======)

Origin: PADD #299835461-U
Location: Tal's Bar&Grill

Nice work Dr. Daishin! I hope those provisory tanks will hold long enough. Should you need something more than an empty crate full of sea water, just tell me. I think that if you give me the specs I can improvise something on an empty Holosuite.

As for the drink, Mr. Stuart, it would be nice. I am, already at the Bar, so just drop by.

(======End Transmission======)

*enters the room followed by Commander Stuart and Lt. Commander Pearson*

Hello Fleet Captain. Could you beam us up? As soon as we have the Lattes running I will com back and put the sensor array online with you and Captain mah'GNUs.

This is the recently promoted Commander John Stuart Jr., my XO on the Lattes and down here too, and thhis is Lt. Commander Pearson, CSO on the Lattes and temporary head of the Xenobiology Department.

Station Ops / General Distress Call
March 31, 2003, 03:57:51 AM
(======Incomming transmission======)

To Starfleet HQ

From StarPhoenix Planetary Base

Encrypted Message ------ Priority code Alpha -------

Some hours ago we received a distress call from Shadowfleet requesting assistance. We the tried to establish comunications with them and they replied with the following message: "Being jammed. manage...rec...nessage. Shadowfleet being apraoched....hostiles....armament unkno......please assist. Location...Atlantis ba...nebula near rom....border. *static....* *signal clears* Need engineers and science personell. can you assist? Please respond."

We have not responded so far, since the division XO, JG Commodore Katie Marou thought it would be better to contact you first.

Our ship, the USS Lancelot, is currently at SS Avalon for repairs, so we cannot send them any help now. Please inform us if there is anything we can do to help.

(======End transmission======)

=A= Assis to Lancelot =A=

Thank you Mr. Sutter! Please notify me after the cargo has been unloaded from your ship.

=A= Assis out =A=