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Messages - Apodae Swift

U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 08, 2007, 08:56:31 AM
Swift stepped off the transporter pad and looked back to the security team.
"That was most definitely a win." He said with a slight smile.
"Morez was injured sir." A crewman said.
"We faced greater odds and all we came out with is a one crewman getting a few plasma burns? He will be fine. That's definitely a notch in the win column. Now go about your duties."
"Yes sir." They all said in unison and exited the bridge, Swift left shortly after.

Once he entered the Bridge he still had a slightly smug look on his face but nothing overtly obvious. On his way up to the bridge he had seen a number a small engineering teams working on various parts of the ship, he even managed to catch a glimpse of an engineering report with regards to the warp drive. He only wished he could help, however he knew that would give away his secret in a second.
"Ensign Swift reporting back from the excursion Sir, how would you like me to proceed?" Swift said to captain Lurado.
Swift got up and walked out of the bridge, looking like he was in pain. Once the door was closed though he relaxed and walked quite casually down the halls wondering how long he should pretend to be out for. He knew already that he would use a med kit to treat the burns and the non-existent concussion, he had one stowed away in his room for such an occasion. Working out the proper time was key though, not too long or too short. He reached his room in nor time and then lay down on the bed, he decided his best option was to just wait until he couldn't bare sitting around any more. With that he got out the med kit and began getting rid of the burns.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 15, 2007, 08:49:27 PM
"The reinforced duranium alloy is probably the most valuable of the lot sir. It probably won't be destroyed in any blast but the isolinear chips and deuterium will be atomised, and they are the least valuable. I'll go over to the freighter with a security team to bring the alloy over." Swift said but before he left he added. "Sir, if you plan to destroy the freighters may I suggest you download the black box information first. It could provide tactical information for future study."
With that Swift left and headed down the halls at a slow run, on the way he grabbed five security officers. They were going to split in to three man teams, each team had a set of pattern enhancers so they could transport it in bulk.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 05, 2007, 12:49:57 AM
"A suggestion is a suggestion Sir. Nothing more." Swift said and approached his men at the door, he couldn't believe what the commander had just said. The guy either needed to check his ego out or come to terms with his own insecurities that he was over compensating for. After all this boarding party and attacking the enemy vessel head on whilst lowering aft shields were both Swift's suggestions but he in no way told the captain to do it.
"Live Gagh? I don't eat anything unless it's dead and doesn't move." Swift told her. "Though I'm not against trying such things."
"Sorry if I wasn't clear ma'am, I can fix the torpedo systems fine, but they will take some time. Meaning it would be quicker for an engineer to deal with the shields rather then me finishing this and then doing the shields. Engineers have a better understanding of the shield energy transfer systems. After all I'm a security officer and not really as skilled as the engineers." Swift explained.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 04, 2007, 10:16:55 PM
"Sir there is no way they will drop the shields and risk the lives of fifty crewman to beam up two. I'm sorry but in this business it's a numbers game." Swift walked over to a console and brought up a ship schematic. "Our best bet, if they can't wait, is to try and take back the sickbay. The Heeran may have moved on or it might be occupied. Either way it's a good place to start. I recommend making our way their Commander."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 05, 2007, 01:10:23 PM
"We've got company!" One of the guards at the door said and began to fire.
"Everyone get away from the door." Swift shouted, then turned to his two security team members not at the door. "Get behind the stand alone consoles and fire at will." He ordered calmly and his men quickly ran to position themselves behind two consoles that almost seemed to flank the main entrance. Swift ran to the door and stood next to a security crewman.
"There are four of them sir, I already have two direct hits but it had little effect." The crewman sounded worried and puzzled.
"It's their armour..." Swift said and started to think. "Join them behind the consoles." He ordered and the crewman ran from his position to get behind one of the consoles.
"Look, I'm going to give you Heeran guys a chance to surrender." Swift shouted. "Now I know what you're thinking, you have the armour, you have the warriors code, and despite other races your not overcompensating for a lack of intelligence by being aggressive. Kudos on that. However you forgot one salient thing." Swift pressed a button to activate his grenade and rolled it through the opening. It exploded with a bright flash and a loud bang, a moment after it went off Swift came round the corner and opened fire. "Don't mess with the federation." His compression rifle was at the maximum power reading and was set to a pulse setting. He managed to hit two of the trooper several times before the other two regained their vision and started to open fire. By this time though Swift was safely back behind his cover.
"Excellent sir, shall we do that again." The crewman asked.
"They probably won't fall for that again." Swift said and began to take random potshots designed to be more distracting then accurate fire.
"But there are only two left." The crewman insisted.
"For now." Swift said and fired some more shots.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 15, 2007, 03:48:14 PM
"Ma'am, I don't think the Iroquois can fit much in it's cargo bays. Probably an quarter of one of the shipments, if that. The defiant class was built to fight not to haul cargo. However it might actually be more prudent to try and salvage something from one of the Heeran ships. We may even luck out and find a piece of it's computer core, or a sample of the trooper armour, or even a component of the ship's weaponry." Swift suggested, though not particularly sure if anyone would go for it. "Anything we could beam in to our limited free cargo space could offer vital intel."

((OOC: Sorry, exams.))
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 1: "Here Comes The Cavalry"
January 04, 2007, 08:32:24 PM
When they had entered the room swift had set two guards on the door, they used the inside as cover and looked outside it. The Heeran were not to be trifled with, they were warriors who walked around in battle armour, he wished he had brought more grenades.
"Teranis to the Iroquois. Sir, this isnt a Heraan attack! the residue from the weapons fire on the bridge is not starfleet or Heraan............ Its Kazon!" Swift heard Teranis say over the comm.
"That's good news." Swift said, though he didn't see how Kazon could overpower a Heeran vessel.
"Lieutenant try again, you should be picking up a Heeran signiture now." Came Commander Lollocks Voice over the comm.
"Life is full of ups and downs." Swift said and with a brief glimpse at the door. "Commander Teranis I think we had better scout out the rest of the ship, the Heeran probably detected out transport in. Now believe me I want to face them in a head on assault as much as the next guy, but I think it would be best if we attacked to rescue civilians rather then defend an empty room that they see no value in..." Swift said with a slight sardonic note to his words. "That's just my opinion. If you stabilise the captain and the ensign's vitals and leave them here then I think they will be fine, if the Heeran wanted to kill the two of them then they would already be dead. It seems to me that the Heeran forces stormed the bridge, incapacitated everyone to stop the ship from running any counter measures, and then moved on to the next vital section."
"Aye ma'am." Swift raised shields at full strength and gave a little smile. He had the weapon controls of the first federation ship designed for combat directly in his hands. "We are good to go, weapons are functioning within acceptable parameters... and ready to kick some serious nikda." He tapped at the controls, the automated targeting systems were working again but he switched them off. They were not accurate enough and would slow him down.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Iroquois Briefing Room.
January 23, 2008, 11:53:09 PM
"Of course there will be a battle. Things never go smooth, in fact, if we don't get in to a battle I'll buy you a full case of blood wine."Swift told the captain as he looked over the transphasic torpedoes. They were good, he couldn't wait to try them out against the bog, but he had a nagging thought at the back of his mind. He focused on it and then something dawned on his that made him really not want to use them. "Captain, I have serious concerns with regards to these torpedoes. If one of them fails to go through the hull or detonate we will have effectively handed the borg transphasic technology. Now for all we know they might have it now, but it seems unlikely as surely they would have used it. Either way I think these torpedoes should be saved for a last resort option only. Either that or if they ask really politely."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Iroquois Briefing Room.
January 16, 2008, 11:10:05 PM
"You know with the Klingons or, even the Romulans, you know where you stand. But with the Borg? Nothing. A Klingon will kill you because they want you're planet, you're on thier planet, they don't like you, you looked at them funny, you spilt thier drink, they're in a bad mood, or just becuase they think it might be fun. But with the Borg?" Swift asked. "They don't even kill you, they hack off limbs, shave your head, put some electronics in your brain and before you know it your wondering round like some futuristic zombie following thier hive mind. I mean who the frack came up with that idea? You know my my conclusion is? Emotionless? I think not. The hive mind is crazy and don't even get my started on that queen of theirs. Her ravings are hardly that of an emotionless hive mind." He paused and wondered why that was relevant. "All I'm saying is you can't predict them... because they're crazy... and... you know..."

OFF: I got bored....
U.S.S. Iroquois / Iroquois Briefing Room.
January 10, 2008, 10:35:21 PM
"I could do with all the information you have on those new torpedoes captain." Swift said, he wanted to have a look at the specs and see what they could be used for. "Also I have a few ideas about hiding out in the open, but I'll need to work on them."
U.S.S. Iroquois / Iroquois Briefing Room.
January 08, 2008, 01:50:36 PM
OOC: Too true