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Messages - Huw

OFF: In the announcements on the main forum page, it says I am going to be promoted, I AM NOT FISHING FOR ONE! I merely want to know why it says that...

*Huw starts to tap some buttons*

I have reconfigured the Phasers to high power, this will be good for smoothing out the walls, but i recommend that we use some torpedos for making the bulk of the work...

OFF: Walks out of an even bigger closet* SORRY! Internet troubles, parental troubles, uni troubles, its all been happening!

I will post from now on, i am really sorry if i let anyone down, and i need a recap of where we are, i just arrived at The asteroid base... and then the kaka hit the fan...

OFF: I live in england, so i have to watch the new Star Trek film on SkyBox Office, and it'll cost me £10, which is the same to buy it....

I will begin scanning the base for any energy emissions

*Huw starts tapping away at a console*

OFF: *smacks forehead* My bad, my cookies are mucking around with me, sorry! But count that as Huw saying that!

OFF2: I got the EF year book! My message is the first one on page 1 http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

OFF: Sorry i havent been able to post, Cats may be cute but they do like to chew through internet cables http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/crying3.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':crying3:'>

Security is in place sir!

I am en-route to ops...

OFF: Shall we continue this in the ops thread for the station

(Edited by Huw at 2:08 pm on May 24, 2004)

U.S.S. Phoenix / Court-Martial Hearing
October 13, 2003, 07:27:01 AM
OFF: For arguments sake, lets say this happens

Federation prosecutor: Huw smith, you have been charged with the following crimes, Spying, Lying to a superior officer, how do you plead

Huw: Guilty

Becker: These charges are true, but my client was under particular stress, the FSS had captured his wife, and were threatening to kill her.

Nailo: This is true, but we would never harm her, we arent that bad.

Montrell: Silence Nailo, you can talk when asked to do so.

Becker: We move that the charges be dropped, and that huw be observed until necessary to discern his true alliance,

Fed Prosecution: I agree with this, he must however report in every week, and all his communications and leisure time monitored severely.

Montrell: Very well, court ajourned

Off2: If you dont like it, tell me, this is just to speed things up!

U.S.S. Phoenix / Court-Martial Hearing
October 10, 2003, 09:42:10 AM
Sir, if they cant be bothered to come here and charge me, i respectively request the charges be dropped.

If they had thought these charges were important, they would press charges... so obviously they arent that important to them...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Court-Martial Hearing
October 07, 2003, 07:09:23 AM
*Huw enters the room*

I am here...

OFF: Now all we need is a prosecutor...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Main Sickbay
January 12, 2005, 05:18:03 PM
*Walks into sick bay*

*Gets behind a screen and pulls of his shirt revealing a back lined with scars*

Ok then I am ready...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
September 29, 2003, 03:54:02 PM
OFF: Oooh oooh, ask the fss for  intel, we have about three or four operatives with the romulans!

OFF2: I am waiting to be punished!

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 22, 2003, 03:52:35 PM
well we all the cardassians bar Rugal are dead, the population of the planet is not native, there is no native population, it was mainly Bajorans Humans Klingons and a couple of Vulcans,

I am going to sleep now, *walks out of room staggering* i dont feel so good,

*manages to get to his room and walks up to replicator*
Coke on ice
*drinks then sits*

*dozez off*

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 28, 2003, 01:37:12 PM
*foams at mouth and babbles*
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
July 01, 2003, 07:19:49 AM
OFF: dude no... just urrggghhhh

*throws a phaser to mason*

watch this...

*grabs a small object like a tennis ball, and pulls something out*


*the small tennis ball explodes in a holographic bush
several klingons fly out, dead*


here come some more,

*huw pulls out his two hand phasers, and starts doing sumersaults in the air wiping out several klingons at a time*

come on mason

off:just say you shoot some


oh wait, computer freeze program, computer give mason suitable clothing, ablative armour pattern omega 1

*mason is suddenly surrounded by thick metal armour*


huw resumes firing!

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
July 20, 2003, 06:40:51 PM
huw materialises in a clearing about 200m square, no sign of life, although about half a km away there is what looks like a cardassian patrol, "have they spotted me?" huw thinks, yes, definitely, a few phaser shots whizz past him, huw drops to one knee, and raises his sniper phaser rifle to his shoulder, one shot and a cardassian disentergrates in front of him,

the other two are a bit too close for the rifle, huw drops his rifle and reaches for his pistol, another cardassian drops to the ground and disappears.

the last one pulls a knife on huw

huw laughs....

"bring it on..."

huw draws his katana, a 1 metre blade acid edged
(off: blades sword) the cardassian makes a clumsy strike, huw spins around with cat like grace and severs the head, he then shoots the remains with his phaser, the only thing to suggest the fight left was the stain of the cardassians blood on the ground

*over the comm*
Ensign huw to Phoenix, lock on to my coordinates and beam down in my vicinity, i have encountered no resistance so far... (off: :biggrin:)

huw then picks up his sniper phaser and begins to scan the land waiting for the reinforcements...

OFF: i am gonna be on holiday for two weeks now, i will post if i can but lets just say that huw has gone hunting http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/pulsephaser.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':pulsephaser:'>

(Edited by Huw at 7:43 pm on July 20, 2003)

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
September 19, 2003, 09:11:06 AM
####, hmm

Computer unlock door, authorisation FSSOmegaalphaone

*door opens and huw sees Mason*

Can't a man have a sleep mason?
i locked my door so i wouldnt be disturbed...

Why do you need me?