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Messages - Peter Brown

Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:44:21 PM
the Reason why I was here General to make contact with the closeest base to my Division so if need be i could offer assitance
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:47:52 PM
fine I understand that and General  will I be able to Communcated with Shadow Fleet?
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 27, 2005, 05:30:04 PM
A runabout Drops out of Warp

==^== This is the Runabout Alpha 1  From Shadow Fleet Flag Admiral Peter Brown requesting Docking==^==
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:33:27 PM
Yes Sir.
General Reed I was'nt at all aware of any confict I was allowed to Dock so I will leave this station until such time as I can return.
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:42:31 PM
Ok General but would you need an extra hand I would be Glad to offer asstince if needed until I return to the Shadow Fleet
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 29, 2005, 04:20:39 PM
as the Major Come in Fleet Admiral Looks at him and says thats fine and maby the general will see me now
Station Ops / Station Operations
June 29, 2005, 04:07:20 PM
U.S.S. Night Walker / Mission Two:  The Coalition
June 29, 2005, 04:10:39 PM
U.S.S. Night Walker / Mission Two:  The Coalition
June 30, 2005, 11:50:56 AM
ooc:there was a sort of a destrest call i had to delete it
U.S.S. Rivendell / Mission 8: The Battle of Avalon
January 05, 2006, 10:57:50 PM
* a blue hue was see as a person beam on bor the Bridge*

COmputer:Identey COnfirmed  Vice Admiral Peter Brown

Commander Freeman firs things first do not treat me as an Admiral treat me as an fellow officer I was just on bord the Essex and re took her but the Virus that the Dark Psi Warrors inputed spend the entire time trying to actvated the Self Dustruct on the Essex which they were able to do in 10 minites the Essex will blow they even disabled the override to self distruct

Crewman:Sir, the Essex is Powering Engines and is heading Away at Full IMpluse

*A brite Light filled the entire Room and everything shook as the U.S.S Essex-A blew up and every one was thrown onto the floor*
Crew's Quarters / Vice Admiral Peter Brown-Quarters
January 09, 2006, 04:50:07 AM
Peter Enters goes over to the Computer Termanal.

COmputer Confirm Brown,Peter Vice Admiral

Computer: Confirmed

COmputer Access Starfleet Personal Database

Computer: Accessed

Computer Search Database for   Brd.General Patrick Brown, Lieutennent Richard Brown, Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom full Locations

COmputer: Working

Brd. General Patrick Brown- Located Avalon Station Operations

Lieutennent Richard Brown-  On Classifed Mission

Fleet Admiral Richard Ransom- Unable to Comply Frontier Station Lockdown Computer Records ca;nt be accessed

COmputer: DO you reqire to override

No Computer
*goes and lays on Bed*
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 23, 2006, 02:42:40 PM
* Peter Walked around the Corner*

*followed by a couple of crewman handing him Padds*

Crewman: Sir you got to check this report it shows the repair time for the Station

Crewman: and this report as well SIr

*walks pass Balkazar looks at him and winks as he walks past*

Crewman go finish the reports

Crewman: aye sir

*enteres Trubolift*

Main Operations

*the Trubolift doors open and Peter walks out*

*and walks into the Command Center to see all act recovery efforts*

==^== Brown to Lurondo what is the Secuity Status==^==
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 09, 2006, 01:59:25 AM
*walks toward balkazar and the cadet*
*he then looks at the cadet*

Nice Prank Cadet in my Acdemey Days I done some supid day like oh I better not tell but you luck my Uncle did;nt see you he is al;l fun and games and when it comes to cadets showing off on duty he gets a bit  mad I promise I whont tell him
* turns to balazar*

I see that youy are not head of secuitey which is to bad and that being you are Exective officer now with that has a lot of expections which iam sure you can handle and i see that you are a good instucture for these cadets now mr. Balazar you are out on Unfiorm

*Balazar looks confused*

Lt.Commander Balazar with your service though this battle and what you have done effectivy Immitley you are here by Promoted to Full Commander with all the rights that go with that rank as well as being XO for station Secuitey I have an other postion to offer you Division Secuitey you check the Secuitey in the Division. hoe dose that sound Commander?.
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 08, 2006, 06:49:44 AM
*as Lt.Commader Balkazar turns a Corner Vice Admiral Peter Brown turn toward him*

Ah Commander Iam glad to see you survived this battle  and I see you have your cadets with you Iam sure you have train them well.

*offers Hand*

Vice Admiral Peter Brown at your Service Iam the new Division 3 rd in command I was in the old Vanagurd Division.
now here is a question for you how long until these Cadets are ready for active service.
Station Ops / The Battle of Avalon
January 27, 2006, 02:47:55 AM
*enters Operations*

Ahh Jeff, I was going to see you do we have an Enginer at all at the station

COmputer:Generators 1 thu 7 off-line powering up Secondary Generators

*Peter goes to the Enginering Station*

This its'nt good the Generators ca'nt matain current station power the generators were damaged in the Attack the Power that we have is down to 52% Iam going to power down all non Critcle Systems

Computer power down all Secuitey force feilds in place station wide and seal those decks

Computer: ForceFeild in Medical Bay errected only Commander Balkazar can disengege

Computer open a Communcation to him

==^== This is Vice Admiral Brown, Commander what is going on down there I need to power down the Secuitey force feilds until we can get the generators fixed is there a reason those a level 12 force feild in the Medical bay Brown out==^==

Computer do my last order execpt Medical bay

Computer: Confirmed