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Messages - Teranis

U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 14, 2007, 03:39:09 PM
*an alarming beeping started coming from the station where Teranis and cook were working. Teranis took another look at his recent scans of the surroundings.*

Uh SIR! Detecting 20 unknown vessels off our sartboard bow. I dont know why i did not pick them up straight away im sorry. it seems a green beam is being emmitted from one of the ships and into the rift. hmm it must be how they are creating it. It looks like a small invasion force and Avalon is completely defenceless.. The ships are small, only about half the size of the Iroquois. Not detecting any major weaponry on them either. A few type a phaser banks but thats it. One on one they are no match for us but if they all decide to attack we may be in trouble.

What should we do sir?
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 28, 2007, 11:14:07 AM
*Meanwhile on the bridge*

Ensign: sir, picking up signs of a few starfleet containers floating off our port bow. Records say our doctor beamed them off the ship just after our visitor was beamed aboard.

Teranis: strange, beam them to the cargo bay.

Ensign: aye sir.

*the retired Admirals belongings were beamed back onboard into the ships cargo bay.*
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 24, 2007, 11:04:10 AM
*runs the Admirals code through the database.*

His Authorisation code is a Starfleet Command code. Its authentic and only members of Starfleet Command have those codes. I dont think these rebels are resourcefull enough or smart enough to get our command codes.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 24, 2007, 03:05:57 AM
Aye sir. We are in range barely and i do think once i get it, we raise shields and get the hell out of here though.

*Teranis scans the rebel ship for the device that is enhancing their deflector.He locks on to its components and presses a button on his control panel. The decive was beamed directly to the cargo bay.*

*The green haze going from the rebel ship to the rift instantly dissipated and the ship then raised its shields.*
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 12, 2007, 02:29:30 PM
It cant be a good thing. Reports all over the station said communications were coming from the station to this location. All signs lead to an invasion and we need to seal it or destroy it somehow.

(OFF: ok this is getting better. Cook like the artificial making. :P umm i think we could prob try to throw a few phaser round and torpedoes at it. however it strengthens the rift and makes it bigger. the only thing you can think of is going through it to deactivate it. unless someone can think of something better ?? 1 am here lol im tired :P )
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 11, 2007, 05:29:13 AM
*Teranis beamed onto the Iroquois straight into engineering. He ran a quick systems diagnostic to make sure everything was ok, which it was, then he headed for his engineering station on the bridge*

*he exits the turbolift*

Commander. *he says as a motion of greeting*

*he takes his place at his station and talks a bit more*

I guess its time to investigate that anomoly more huh? The station should be secure soon enough. I helped the marines who couldnt figure out how to get inside that sealed room, so they should be fine.

I ran a quick diagnostic of the ship when i got here and everythings perfect. They did a good job on her on Dantor.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 24, 2007, 04:35:40 AM
I got it sir. Its in the carg bay.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 24, 2007, 10:42:01 AM
Sir, ive heard of that name before. He was an Admiral based on Station Avalon. He's an El Aurian. He retired and left starfleet in search of his family. Being the species that he is its quite normal for us to find him here however strange it may be.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 15, 2007, 11:10:35 PM
(OFF: wheres clark? cmon its going well atm we cant go inactive... and wheres swift??)
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 12, 2007, 04:12:23 AM
Ay sir, running scans. Should only take a few minutes.

*Teranis starts pushing away at buttons on his Lcars screen to run long range scans of the anomoly*

I, I... Just dont get it. These readings are so abnormal sir. Its got all the readings of an a class nebula however it has temperal readings as well. and its getting bigger! I suggest when we get there we stay 50,000 kms away from it to be sure. It shuold still be close enough to runs more scans.
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 14, 2007, 03:36:58 AM
*as an instant reaction to the ship being pulled in, Teranis launched a distress beacon heading straight for Station Avalon. It contained the latest report of what they had discovered so far and what was about to happen*

*after the shaking stopped*

Reading no damage across the ship. Everything seems fine. However...

*he pauses*

The Evolution and Rivendell.. They are gone!

*thinks for a second*

Wait are we through the temperal rift? are we on the other side?

Scans of the station say the crew compliment has only about 2/3rds of its original capacity. Its also at full power. and WOW its weaponry.. its double the capacity of our station. however no turret or mine defence around the planet like us. Very Strange.

hmm recieving a hail from the station sir what shall i do?

(OFF: kk the fun begins http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'> mirror Julian will be on the other side of that hail. wait no who was my xo again.. *reads mission planning*)
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 18, 2007, 02:19:55 PM
*at the same time Cook was searching the historical database, Teranis was doing the same however looking more into the small ships that were locking onto the Iroquois. He then studied the uniform the Mirror Lollock was wearing. Lt. Swift made his suggestion shorty before Teranis made a discovery*

Comm. I mean Captain. Sorry sir. The vessels that are near us are not of the same nature to the station. According to these records, these ships are Terran rebel alliance vessels. I looked up the uniform the 'Mirror Lollock' as ill call her for the time being, was wearing, and its a Terran Uniform. For all we know, there rebels may have the technology to block the stations long range sensors and they dont even know they are here. I think looking from a tactical point of view we should talk to the Mirror Lollock and inform her of the situation at hand. Looking at the situation we are in also, with these ships about to surround us, i think we should secure a way back to our dimensional universe. If the device emmiting that pulse to the rift is destroyed, then we may be in a lot of trouble.

*Teranis thinks he may have been out of line with his tactical suggestions since he is the engineer, but his years of experiance as a head tactical officer told him he had to say something*
U.S.S. Iroquois / Mission 2: "The Dark Side"
August 13, 2007, 02:13:20 PM
*Teranis looks at Cook then back at the Captain*

Aye Sir.

*he then starts presing buttons on his lcars screens pulling up different diagnostics of temperal fields and records of on how ships in the past have dealt with them. After not being able to find anything like this he figures anything this big would be classified anyway. He decides to change his methods and continue running his diagnostics. He then uses the main deflector to rerun the scans on the nebula as they get closer.*

It has to do something with the type of nebula its being made in.. *he mumbles to himself*

*he then remembered a theory he had been taught in advanced temperal mechanics class.*

Cook.. *he walks over to cooks station and transfer the data to his screen*

Look at this. This was a theory my class one thought of in advanced temperal mechanics class. You may not have heard of the class. Its new to the Alpha quardrant. Hasnt reached out here yet. But anyway. The theory was that all through space, there are temperal rifts. There are unstable and therefore we cannot see them in normal space. However when in subspace if you time it right, you can. Problem is, you go to close and boom your in another dimension and can get lost forever. You could go through a thousand of them and still not know whether its the original or not. The theory went though, is that if you knew the exact location of one, it may be possible to create a device to open a connection with another dimension and, using trace signitures, go back and forth whenever you needed. Its a big theory but perhaps someone is doing something similar here??
=^=Lt. Commander Teranis to the U.S.S Lothlorien (OFF: lethlorian lol :P). The Iroquois is ready to recieve the transfer of plasma. We await your confirmation to begin the transfer. (OFF: if you have been reading our posts then you should know what im going on about http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> ) =^=
Station Ops / Station Avalons Conference Room
May 10, 2007, 05:59:20 AM
*Teranis walks in with his usual padds full of reports for all to see. He salutes the Admiral and commander Lollock and takes a seat next to her*