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Messages - Huw

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 03, 2003, 05:43:14 PM
OFF: Lol good one svensson

"they are gonna pay" exclaimed huw

Huw runs and jumps over into the quarry, he then pushes a his comm badge, computer detonate!

while he had been off on his own he had planted various explosives around he compound, 4 large explosions shok the ground, sending an avalanche of rocks over most of the Cardassians, only 20 were left, and they were Pi**ed


*over the comm*
Mason, get ready for a fight
dig in and get ready to ambuh

*huw runs back from where he came, to the initial first building! and gets ready to kill some people*

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
June 20, 2003, 10:26:01 AM
*Over the comm system*
Captain i am at the transporter ready to recieve him, would you like me to give him a quick tour before i lead him to the bridge?
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
September 22, 2003, 09:39:11 AM
I know, but they said if i tell anyone theyd kill her...
so if i had told you earlier...

I am willing to trade, the whereabouts of Rugal for my old job back, and i will tell you the shield codes so that you can beam him out without trouble...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 28, 2003, 02:50:20 PM

OFF: I love being an idiot!

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
July 18, 2003, 04:07:41 PM
you will want to take some medical sets and food water etc for the natives

I will go before you lot and scout around to secure a safe spot!

*huw steps on to the teleporter pad and that familiar noise starts, huw disappears*

OFF: Chekov, no warp theory, complain to your prof, lol

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
September 24, 2003, 07:27:59 AM
You are gonna need my help, the cell block is heavily shielded, and i am the only one here who knows how to get round

*Huw gets up, wipes off his uniform and rips off his FSS pips, throws them in the air, and with one swift movement, vaporises them with his concealed phaser, he then hands the phaser to brooks*

How stupid am i, huh?
I should have told you sooner, if only... now i will be in prison for the rest of my life, or worse, i could be dishonorably discharged...

Anyway... matter at hand, to infiltrate i need a two man team, Me obviously and Mason, cos i know he is a bad ass fighter...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 26, 2003, 04:07:29 PM
*points at svenson*
i know you, your that little monkey i played with yesterday, we killed the bad men with funny heads,
funny heads
*puts his head between his hands*
Sorry sir, hard to keep control!
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
June 19, 2003, 03:25:45 PM
Yes sir, i will drop by the armoury as well.

*Leaves bridge with a disgusted look on his face*
Slaves... Grrr

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 27, 2003, 03:19:21 PM
I'm sick idiot!
*points at Svensson*
*grabs a hypospray*
i inject myself with sleepy drug
*jabs himself*
*drops to floor*
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
September 23, 2003, 09:18:31 AM
Ok ok, Rugal is being held on Kennedy base, but its heavily protected...

I will give you the Shield codes for there orbital weapons out of trust... 1267.92

this will allow you to destroy the orbital platforms easily, but in order to be shielded from there weapons, you need the weapons modulation code, which i to possess... i will not give it to you though...

*just then huw starts to remember how the crew of the phoenix took him in, before this whole thing, he was going to be just another Crewman working on a ship in the alpha quadreant... he remembers how mason and Lt. Brooks made him welcome, why should he betray his friends*

Ok, i will give you the other code, 3461.43 you will be able to get rugal back with ease...

*Huw breaks down crying*

Tell mason i am sorry for breaking his ribs, and if i get through this i will do some holodeck fighting with him to show him how to do it...

*cries in a manly way*

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
June 30, 2003, 04:28:51 PM
Hate, bah
i am beyond hate with the slave masters,

anyway lets go, the klingons await...

*gets in turbolift*

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
August 17, 2003, 04:50:52 PM
*enters sick bay covered in blood, sees doctors face*

Dont worry doc its cardassian blood, although i do have a small cut on my leg, but ill live,

*turns to svensson*

ah your awake, we thought you were a goner then, the planet is secure...

we can send for help to evacuate the people now...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
June 23, 2003, 11:06:16 AM
*Standing by the Admiral*
I hope for your sake SIR, that you have nothing to do with the slaves...

I hate slave drivers...

It will give me great pleasure to..
*suddenly stops talking*

Well enough of that...

U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
June 18, 2003, 04:16:48 PM
*Whispering in Lt. Brooks ear*
Slaves? if i catch the slimy B*****D who is responsible, i will shove my phaser so far up there...
U.S.S. Phoenix / Mission 1
July 10, 2003, 12:21:07 PM
OFF: HELLO! ANYONE THERE! Not many posts!