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Messages - lucasbailey

ok, idea...how about the Tiberon recons an area unknown, finding an anomaly...etc...okay,if so, just reply and i will round up the crew...:)
U.S.S. Reliance / New Starship Class Discussion
July 01, 2005, 06:22:42 PM
The Gamma may just be beat by another one i've been looking at...
U.S.S. Reliance / New Starship Class Discussion
June 30, 2005, 02:54:27 AM
Defiant name: USS Rebel   (an idea...)
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 11:35:03 PM
OFF: WOAH!.....Slow down now, Mr. Brown, please stop, now. I don't want a conflict with the SS Kennedy, at all. If you continue, you will be left as their prisoner and no longer be part of PF.
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 30, 2005, 04:40:44 AM
*the consol beaps red meaning a distress call*

OFF: If you decide to listen to it, the message is below...

=/\="Kennedy Station, this is F.Admiral Revan Young, a starfleet officer just as you. We request help, we are being followed by 7 borg ships, and we are unable to defeat them as we are...i repeat, this is fleet adm. Revan young, Phoenix fleet CO, requesting help."=/\=
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:09:49 PM
OFF:I apologize yates, i have discussed this with vorak, and as far as i know it was fine...i didn't realize that mr. brown was going to jump right into it, there was suppose to be more planning...oh and brown, it's admiral bailey(and adjust your avatar to fleet admiral)

Phoenix Fleet--ShadowFleet (SF is actually a division, but got the idea from the former SF here)

--PF is a new expansion like fleet/task force sent by star fleet to aid in a war going on between a new race encountered, and a borg/unknown alien race alliance. Our allies are called the Haladari Republic, they have been at war with the Borg for many many years...SF, naturally offered aid to them, to stop the incursion into their territory, so they sent a task force to establish a station/fleet to counter the borg and explore the region...


=/\=*crackling sound* "This is Flag Admiral Revan Young of Phoenix Fleet, a fleet located on the opposite region of the delta quadrant, i am sorry for the unexpected visit, but we are a bit bogged down right now and so i sent mr. brown."=/\=
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 28, 2005, 10:23:30 PM
"He was supposed to hail then enter...if you granted access...and there is no need to hold him, he can return here until such time as you are finished with your conflict. Mr. Brown, if they allow you, you are to return to your runabout and come back to Shadow Station."
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 30, 2005, 05:03:26 PM
OFF:they are not suposed to attack you, they were only chasing us...but mr. riker rp'd otherwise...i apologize...this was supposed to not be going this way...but when everyone continued...
Station Ops & Shuttlebays / Station Ops
June 30, 2005, 04:46:06 AM
*Outside the station a heavily damaged promethius class ship drops out of warp, hulls are breached, parts fly everywhere,  and it trys to evade the borg ships, but keeps getting hit...*

Security Office / Brig
September 06, 2006, 08:20:04 AM
OCC/OFF: Oops, that would be a typo by me..my bad. If ya want to get involved with this little shindig...come on. The more, the merrier...well, the more to...slap with a fish. http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'> :P

"I told you, I don't know...they are just rumors though...no one i know of have found their homeworld."
Security Office / Brig
September 12, 2006, 12:13:09 AM
"The hilt, adapts to whoever has the dagger in their hands. If they are weak, when it comes to mental prowness/powers, then they stand the chance of it controlling them. It takes over them...only a person of vast mental powers, can wield it."
Security Office / Brig
August 30, 2006, 07:22:57 PM
*With the marine detachment escorting him, he is thrown into a cell*

"Wait! No!"

*He huddles into the fetal position, ragged and tired...he becomes silent*
Security Office / Brig
September 12, 2006, 05:41:09 AM
*sighs, then looks over at his daughter and nods*
Security Office / Brig
September 03, 2006, 11:47:20 PM
*Chuckles dryly*

"Protection, heh...that won't work with them. I've spent the last few months fighting them, and they wiped nearly all of us out. No matter what we did, they always seemed to know what was going to happen."

*stands up and starts pacing, his facial expression shows that he is thinking deep*

"What you call protection is mere hiding...biding your time until they corner you, until they track you down like the beasts they are. Starfleet cannot run..."

"There's little that can be done, there is something...we're not predestined for annihilation. They are abominations, cannibals that have adapted our technology to aid their morbid feast. They want starfleet gone... So, what do we do you may ask... We become one with them...we link with them. Their vulnerbility lies at their core, in their past..."

*notices balkazar's look*

"I may sound crazy, but I assure you I am not. You can call me Azul, that's what i was known as when i led The Guild."

"I was once in starfleet, did you know that? A high ranking officer, and admiral of good standing. My division/base was wiped out by them...my wife saved me, and healed me when i was thought dead. Then they got her, then most of my family...all that remain are my daughter and myself."

*His eyes look as if he is remembering a memory, long ago...they are distant...looking at something only he can see.*

*turns to balkazar*

"They must not get my daughter, they must not succeed in wiping out starfleet."

*His gaze hardens*

"Do you understand?"
Security Office / Brig
September 09, 2006, 05:21:38 AM
*Looks at balkazar as if he's blind*

"I am up..."

*turns towards his daughter*

"Are you okay? Why are you here. I told M to make sure you were left at the academy...not to be found."

*turns to Balkazar*

"What do you want?"