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Messages - Event Horizon

OCC: You guys have to make the story up as we go becuase you cant depend on me to play the mission for you. So Cpatain and crew start playing.
*...Suddenly the three breen ships warp into the sector to aid there damaged ships. They tow away there remains and warp out of the sector at warp speed 7.5...*
*... Suddenly the Romulan ships abort there assualt and move on an alternate coarse...*

Decoy Captain1: Sir, the Romulans are headed on a alternate coarse. Somthing has spooked them. Perhaps they detected your ship?

*... Out of no were three breen ships warp in and fire upon the decoys...*

Decoy Captain1: SIR! The breen have warped in and are...... *Connection Lost*

*... Decoy one has been destroyed by the breen ships and are now closing in on the remaining two...*

Decoy Captain2: Sir, the breen have destroyed a frieghter and are now closing in on us. We need assistence ASAP!

*...The breen close in and start to fire...*

OFF: The Uss Pheonix is not helping you Captain it is the Uss Reliance.

*Suddenly the new york Explodes and everyone DIES!!!!!*


*...Suddenly the Breen warships warp out of the sector as fast as they can and give up their search for the small starfleeet vessle...*

Also, Captain Bode report at Kennedy Station your ship has been Completed and you are to assume active duty commanding here, bashir you are now the new XO of the New York but you can also remain cheif medical if you wish. Good Luck with your mission and i promis you will soon be receiving some action.

     Your Caring Loving Evil Friend,
                             ~Event Horizone~

*Hail To New York B*

"Our weapons are powering down, I will be bringing a team of security officers to assure my safty."

*... The away team is beamed aboard the foriegn, and very old ship, but as the team was beamed to a place looking as if it has never aged. They were beamed into a place looking like a cargo bay. The team starts to explore into the mysterious byond...*
*The Ariane completed the docking procedure and the Captain and three of his best maco's are ready to head for the unknown ship*
OCC: the dead MACO was also beamed abourd for examination.
http://www.rpg-insignias.co.uk/graphic-files/insignia-images-fga/star-trek/ambassadors/federation/Ambas-5-Bar-Ambassador.jpg" border="0"> Vulcan Ambassador S'Lok:
That is classified captain, I would like to return to Vulcan as soon as possible..
*..suddenly the humen life for gets up and runs out of the bay, from the opposit end about 13 other life forms apper. They start to scream and admit a very distort moan. They get closer and an MACO suddenly screams a horrifying screach of pain. As the Away team looks towards the MACo's direction they see blood splirtting from a gaping whole on the MACO then his screachs are silenced. The creature then look towards the away team and the team sees a very grosome sight of Vulcans moving as if they were alive but the apper dead with the blood of the receantly killed MACO splattered on ther faces. as they "Zombie Vulcans" move tward the away team they see the mangled MACO and it looks as if the creaturs have fed on his flesh...*

(Edited by Event Horizon at 11:02 pm on Jan. 7, 2005)

*The ambassador looks to the captain*

They will be coming with me. I will be having to explain to the Klingon Empire why thereVor'Chas Class ship was destroyed.

http://www.rpg-insignias.co.uk/graphic-files/insignia-images-fga/star-trek/ambassadors/federation/Ambas-5-Bar-Ambassador.jpg" border="0"> Vulcan Ambassador S'Lok:
Thank you Captain....I want to know what is going on right now...I heard something about a virus that is affecting us Vulcans....It is important to find a cure for this..All of Vulcan is counting on you...

off=I guess I can play the Vulcan...

*... after Rinon commences a scan readings show only one life form onboard...*
*... the Venus class vessle soon fires two very old photon torpedos at the Vor'Chas class ship and soon it burst flames and exploads...*
... right befor the hail was sent a portal was opened and a large ship bigger then both the klingon and starfleet vessles came out of the portal. The klingon and Starfleet ships take evasive manuvers tring to avoid colliding with the ship...