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Messages - Nailo Tpolish

OFF: Its ok, (I have a character on Epsilon Max Chen)
OFF: Drex you traitor, (maybe you have another character i am thinking
OFF: comeon guys keep the story going...
Splendid, i commend you on getting this ship up and running,

*sits down in the guest chair*

OFF: What class of ship is this?

OFF: Heres a house rule, if noone posts for a day and you need them to. do this:

OFF2: Post what they would say in your post, for example say Drex says i will go on your command, and i dont show up, Drex can say in his post:

Nailo Tpolish: Ok drex go,
Drex: Yes sir

OFF3: I know this sounds obvious, but just do it, as i have noticed an overall slump in postings...

Water, Evian
*replicator makes some water*
*beams on board the ship*
There is nothing more for me to do on kennedy station, so i will accompany you for the time being.

(Edited by Nailo Tpolish at 5:39 pm on Sep. 3, 2003)

==^== (this means over the comm network)
This is Major Nailo, We have a go for this mission
Captain Donaldson Godspeed!!!
*The comm screen sparks into life*

Greetings fellow intelligence personnel, do not be alarmed... This is just a test, to see how well you can cope...

*sensing the time was right Nailo accessed the engineering computer, he downloaded all the command codes for the ship and all the frequency modulations for shields and weapons*

Unknown Ensign: "Hey, you arent allowed to do that..."

*His last words were cut short by a phaser blast to his stomach*

*Nailo beams out leaving the crew confused*

*The Ships sensors pick up a Runabout approaching*

*Nailo Hails the Dragon*

This is General Nailo Tpolish, requesting permission to dock...

OFF: d*amn parents,  sprung a surprise holiday on me...

Hmmm, Most efficient, I see no problems in command, I will go to engineering and have a look around...

OFF: Sorry for not posting, i have been a bit  busy at work!

*Nailo enters the bridge and sees that everything is running smoothly*

Hmmm... Very nice, very nice indeed...
I see no problems here...

Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
February 20, 2004, 07:13:56 PM
Yes, I am here on FSS orders, *produces a data padd*
I wish to speak to Mr. Svensson, its a matter of security...

Now get a move on and let me do my job...

Starphoenix Station / Constable's Office
February 18, 2004, 06:18:21 PM
*Walks into the room*

I wish to speak to the person incharge of this rag tag operation...