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Messages - Tier

U.S.S. Evolution / USS Evolution - Mission 2: Dark Passage
September 27, 2002, 11:10:40 PM
I'll finish off those scans for ya doc and do up a report.
I'll assist the CMO as much as possible to get all these scans thoroughly gone through and recorded sir.
Captain arrives with GuldoKut...grabs the tricorder and runs some scans.....Body temprature is very high above normal.   Scans are inconclusive...could be just a abd case of the Flu .. leave him here and i'll run som emore scans and consult with the CMO.
Im fascinated to see how there medicla abilities are and learn some more on Telaxians.
I'll be giving him a complete check-up before anything happens.  Although im sure he is in perfect health, you never know what he may hold after being here for so long.
So, tell me Keilah, what do you think of these samples compare to the data i showed you?
I thing it might be prudent to not tip this guy off for the moment.  He could actually be 1 of Species 8472 .. w eknoiw they can manipulate the mind, so who kows.  But i do think we should at least inform the captain of our prliiminary findings.
Keilah, looking at these DNA samples, seem to suggest something i hope isnt true or we ar eint rouble.

Scrolls over to some medicla Documents taken from Captn Janeways Medical .. hmm .. as i suspected, but how it managed to get in is interesting.

Keilah .. you may want to take a look at this.  *whispers very quietly*  this is DNA results from Voyager and Species 8472 .. look at these and then look at that crew member.

(Edited by Tier at 12:36 am on Mar. 12, 2003)

We indeed could spare some ppl to work with you and study the project you got in mind for Species 8472 mr lagos
Captain, sickbay has been prepped and is standing by for neelix's crew.
Mr lagos .. as you may not be aware of .. Species 8472 is not affected by any chemical or biologicla Agent known to Starfleet ro the rest of the Qudrant.  The only weapon found useful against them was what Janeway used and there is nothing much in the way of Data for it since it was agreed to not be used again.

But the thought however is an interesting 1.