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Messages - Emergency Medical Hologram

As the doctor was helping an injured crewmember to cargo bay 1, a ensign came around the corner, screaming as burns on his face sizzled. He rammed into the doctor, blinded by the pain seeming through his face.

The doctor was pushed against the wall, and his mobile holo-emitter shattered against the weight, along with his program. The hologram faded and disapperared. Leaving the ship doctorless.

OOC: I believe holograms used a mobile-holoemitter after Voyager came back, right?
The EMH pressed his com-badge quickly, "Doctor to the Captain, we're running out of space in sickbay, I suggest we have the injured moved to cargo bay one."
The EMH worked quickly, fixing broken bones, burns and other injures. Though he was a bit annoyed at the fact that there wasn't any other doctors on board. From what he had heard, there was a battle going down on a nearby planet.

He took a medical tricorder and scanned a young ensign's face, "Second degree burns.. Be more careful," He muttered, he injected him with a tool he quickly snatched from a nearby table.