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Messages - Tammy Sullivan

Station Ops / Mission 4: Return of the Admiral
September 09, 2002, 09:53:48 PM
*Tammy is in-te-res-ted, suddendly. She zooms on the Freighter and......*
///Whaaaaaaat! Bu-but, it's the Gambit! Erm, nope, there are differences, indeed. Hummm, it seems its armament is a bit weak.///
"Boss, have a look please."
*Winterspoon goes to Tammy's Console and ... looks. And smiles....*
"Hum, I think, Tammy, we should have to help Admiral Vorak to perform his Freighters. The Gambit beats this.... *check the name* Lancelot easily."
"Ahahahahahahah! I think I will enjoy working for new allies! Ahahahahah! Sorry, boss!*snif!* Ahahaha!"
"I understand what you mean, Tammy, ahahahahah! *breathing* When you will be quiet, dock at Avalon, please."
"Yes, Mrfffaha!, boss."
Station Ops / Mission 4: Return of the Admiral
September 11, 2002, 09:30:24 PM
*Tammy pokes Mr Winterspoon.*
"And what about a Chouchenn?"
*Dalen raises one eyebrow.*
"Do you believe they have REAL Hydromel, on the Station?"
"I don't know, General. But the Irish Girl sleeping in me WANTS Hydromel. *determined face* Where is the Ten Forwards, here?! *Looking pitily to Admiral Vorak.* Please, Admiral."
OFF-Game / Best Female RPG Member contest
October 07, 2002, 07:38:08 PM
7 Tammy Sullivan... You forgot?

http://the.corporation.free.fr/images/tammysullivan.jpg" border="0">