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Messages - Nalia Chemia

U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 05, 2003, 11:56:57 PM
*Nalia Steps out of the shuttle bay and goes directly to the Captains quarters, after being summoned in she steps in front of the captains desk and stands attention.*

Commander Nalia Chemia of Medical reporting for duty Captain.

U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 06, 2003, 12:12:31 AM
*Nods and shifts*

"Thank you Captain, I am new to the Nova Class type and the USS Evolution itself any possibility I could be shown around to familiars myself with the ships interior and meet the crew?"

U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 06, 2003, 12:26:55 AM
"Interesting, I am familiar with the species Loxians though only threw the Academy's library data base, you most have been quite far out to have encountered them.

*Looks around noticing the ships engineers and repair crew from the station finishing off of their inspection and repairs of the ship.

"Though I am no engineer I must say the ship looks to be in good shape, when do we launch Captain?"

U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 06, 2003, 12:58:22 AM
*Nods as she steps out of the turbolift*

"Thank you for the tour captain, Ill just look around for now and familiarize myself and captain I look forward to working with you and the crew of the USS Evolution."

*Smiles warmly and turns around heading for the Sickbay*

U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 20, 2003, 01:13:56 PM
Hey Nick welcome to the USS Evolution http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
U.S.S. Evolution / New officers report in here
January 06, 2003, 12:45:22 AM
*Nods and is silent for a moment clearly deep in thoughts*

"Interesting well sounds like these Loxians are bad company, as for Marou... I would like to have a look at her later and yes perhaps its a good idea to have a look at the working station which I will be spending allot of my time in the future"

OFF: Serously not sure what I should do or post at the moument.
As the turbo lifts stop Nalia waits for Keilah to exit and then follows him down the corridor, they enter threw the sliding doors to a dimly lighted room with an overall view of darkness of space.
Light conversations run threw the room with occasional laughter, Keilah beckons Nalia to take a seat and she dose, they sit down waiting for the waiter, Nalia is the first to break the silence.

"So Doctor tell me how long have you been aboard?"

(Edited by Nalia Chemia at 11:18 pm on Jan. 14, 2003)

Look's at her peace.

"Well kelith we better get back to sick bay, thanks for luanch"

(Edited by Nalia Chemia at 6:58 pm on Jan. 29, 2003)

Stands aside smiling and beckons keilah forward.

"Well I am still new to this ship, I think it would be better for you to show me the way"

*Taps her com link*

"Captain we have finished checking the crew, only minor injuries reported all though Keilah found some interesting samples in a mans DNA. I have put him to work on it and I am confident that Keiltah will have the answers soon."

OFF: Ill drop by sometime, your never on MSN Randall. Right back at you http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

(Edited by Nalia Chemia at 12:07 pm on Mar. 17, 2003)

*Nalia whipped the sweat of her forehead as it ran into her eyes she finished reading the medical log, it had been longer then she had expected. Feeling her stomach growl she turned to Keilah.

"I think the nurses can handle the sick bay for a while, want to go grab a bite in Ten forward?"

(Edited by Nalia Chemia at 4:02 pm on Jan. 11, 2003)

*Nalia looks over noticing a Lt. commander with the same Teal blue uniform as she has enter the sickbay, turning around she smiles and extends her hand.

"Hey I am Commander Nalia Chemia the newly appointed medical officer... you are?"

Smirks and leans back on the chair

"Why I joined... Star Fleet is highly advanced when it comes to medical and technology, It's a great place to research and work. Besides I needed to get away from home and get out on my own."

OFF: ok let's get one think striate in plain English what you said before is it a bad or good thing?
I have seen allot of star trek stuff but not enough to qualify me as a true star trek nerd ling.

Chemia nods smilingly to Keilah

"Yes Lt. Commander you did speak to fast for me, in this state anyway I am still a bit tired."

Nalia frowns slightly as her eyes scan threw the log reports.

"I think Ill turn in the report and give the captain an update, in the mean while you and Tier get that sleep... That's an order Keil"

Finishes Nalia giveing them one last Glance before she exiets the sickbay.

(Edited by Nalia Chemia at 11:09 am on April 2, 2003)