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Messages - EBS Reporter

*One of the reporters sees the chance to step forward.*
"What has caused this war with the Ferengi, with whom Starfleet has had peaceful relations for so many years? Did you send this ship on purpose to a battlezone on its test flight?"
*A few of the reports start making photographs of Will Nesmith.*
Reporter 1: "Mr. Nesmith, how does it feel to work aboard this sip?"
Reporter 2: "How did you manage to take hold of this position?"
Reporter 3: "Do you think Admiral Vorak and Paris Love have an affair?"
*All reporters storm around Vorak and Travis, and eyeblinding flashes repeat endlessly to catch the moment where Travis and Vorak shake hands.*
Reporter 1: "Mr. Travis, how do you feel about being first officer of such a fine ship?"
Reporter 2: "Commander Travis, don't you wish you had rather captained this ship itself?"
Reporter 3: "Mr. Travis, do you believe Admiral Vorak will try to take command of this ship himself?"
Reporter 4: "Mr. Travis, do you think that there is an affair between Admiral Vorak and his personal assistent Paris Love?"
*One of the reporters steps forward, very carefully this time.*
"Sir, rumours go around by people that, because the first Rivendell ship was destroyed less than a year after it was commissioned, the whole line of ships named Rivendell will be cursed with the same fate. Do you not fear that the same may happen to this ship in less than a year from now?"
*Then the reporter turns to Vorak.*
"Admiral, do you confirm that Starfleet feared the reoccurence of the first Rivendell Disaster?"
*All the reporters turn away from Vorak, Travis and Nesmith and now surround Paris Love and blind her with flashes of their cameras, and overload her with questions.*
Reporter 1: "Ma'am, how did you manage to become the admiral's personal assistant?"
Reporter 2: "Why do you think the admiral hired you as assistant? Do you think he has other motivations toward you?"
Reporter 3: "Did you know the admiral never needed an assistant before?"
Reporter 4: "Do you officially admit your affair with the admiral?"
*As the doors open, the reporters, somehow having managed to get their sooner, await them with all cameras and microphones pointed at Vorak and the others.*
Reporter 1: "What do you expect to see on Deep Space 20, admiral Vorak?"
Reporter 2: "Admiral, where is your personal assistant?"
Reporter 3: "Smile for a picture everyone! Ok, except the Vulcan."
*The reporter photographs Nesmith's expression on his face.*
"Oh that will make a good headline! Rivendell officer part of complot to hide secret affair between the admiral and his personal assistant!"
*Immediately all reports turn to Nesmith and blind him with flashes of their cameras.*
Reporter 3: "But Mr. Nesmith, you haven't answered my question! Do you think that Admiral Vorak has an affair with his personal assistant?"
Reporter 4: "Commander Travis, do you think she wants him for his status?"
"But it has taken Starfleet a very long time, many months, before they authorized the creation of a second Rivendell. Could it be that Starfleet also fears the repetition of the first Rivendell Disaster?"
*Instantly, all reporters gather around the Flag Admiral.*
Reporter 1: "Admiral, will you take on the request to dock the ship?"
Reporter 2: "Admiral, do you think they ask because they think their own helm officer incapable?"
Reporter 3: "Please smile for the picture! Oh, sorry, forgot you're a Vulcan!"
*And the cameras flash.*
*More quiet now, the reporters follow Paris Love through the corridors, as they whisper among each other.*
Reporter1: "What do think of the headline 'assistant denies affair with the admiral'?"
Reporter 2: "Wouldn't it be better to put 'Admiral keeps silent about his affair'."
Reporter 3: "No, no! 'Admiral does not deny his affair' is much better!"
Reporter 4: "Then let's put 'Affair unofficially exposed' as headlines!"
*And they keep following, whispering softly enough so nobody else can understand what they say.*
*Then the reporter steps before Travis.*
"Commander, if this ship would receive a distress call from a Starfleet vessel under attack by the Ferengi, what will you do?"
*Meanwhile, the reporters have all surrounded Vorak sitting behind the helm panel, blinding him with the flashes of their cameras to make sure they have each of his moves on photo.*
Reporter 1: "Admiral, how does it feel to fly a ship yourself again?"
Reporter 2: "Admiral, did you accept this offer to impress your new girlfr--your assistant?"
Reporter 3: "May I make another picture? Please, try to smile a little! Ok, then not."