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Messages - Stefan Haynes

U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 09, 2006, 11:36:28 PM
*Exits the holodeck and finds Rajnus' ready room*
"You wanted to see me?"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 16, 2006, 06:27:40 PM
"I can see that it is contagious Mr. Brown"
*Speaks to the Captain*
"Captain. If I may go as well. I think it is felt that I am a fool in my field. I am new to starfleet. Not new to science. My expertise can be put to use in a situation such as we are going into"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
July 07, 2006, 02:52:37 PM
"Ready and waiting here"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 21, 2006, 09:06:21 PM
"That wouldn't be so Lieutenant Brown. Like I had said. I would use the deflector to send the waves out. It would not need to use the shielding power at all. The deflector has power reserved for it. If any extra is needed I can simply divert the non essentials to compensate"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 20, 2006, 10:32:51 PM
"Captain. I will be able to mask the Mannon on the sensor readings of any ship we might encounter. Using the deflector dish. The output would send readings of open space to thier sensor arrays. It would not cloak us in sight. But they would have to look out of a window to see us. Giving us an advantage"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
July 11, 2006, 02:02:30 AM
*Listens closely*
"I would like to give that ship a look. Determine if it is a true Vulcan craft"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 24, 2006, 06:01:59 PM
"I hope so Commander. I am confident that I can make it work. The only thing that would effect the mask of the deflector would be if there were an entire fleet of ships to avoid. There is not enough power in this ship to put to the output to mask us from more than five ships"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 29, 2006, 04:39:08 PM
"It is complete Captain. All reserve power to the deflector. No surges so far. We should not appear at all on any ships' sensors"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 11, 2006, 03:26:14 PM
"I meant that I wanted to finish them"

*Exits office and takes position*
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 19, 2006, 02:01:24 AM
"Excuse me Captain? My response is my response. I told you that the masking of the Mannon on sensors was part of a training simulation that I. For the record. Did not volunteer to take part in. I never began the work. So it is not going in any way for me to report to you. Is that in a form that you can understand? If my boldness does not flow with your balance of power. I ask no pardon. I will not stand by for my intelligence to be contradicted for the simple fact that I am an acclaimed crewman. I say it again. I'm no slouch or fresh new comer to what I know"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 19, 2006, 03:11:31 PM
"There is an option for keeping the ship off of anothers sensor readings. But it would not be flawless if it were not direct ship to ship. If we came near a fleet of ships. Peices of the ship might be detected. But I can get it done with the deflector and some reserve power"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
July 26, 2006, 06:46:38 PM
*Scans as the crew moves on*
"Nothing out of the norm so far commander. But after that shuttle. I wouldn't expect it to stay that way"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 18, 2006, 09:08:04 PM
"Masking? I was doing that in the training simulation. The simulation ended when you called me to your office"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
June 10, 2006, 03:22:41 AM
"That would be the training. Would it not? I found myself in the situation after being rendered unconcious. It was clear to me that it was the holodeck when I saw the commanding officers were not the norm. I assume my performance in the scenario will be evaluated. Whatever gets me to the science decks sooner"
U.S.S. Mannon / Mission Three: Treading Lightly
July 18, 2006, 07:06:36 PM
*On the planet*
"Commander. As we near it my scans become very clear. The craft is not Vulcan. It is as we might have suspected..Klingon"

*Gathered more readings*
"No lifesigns on board. Three in the area though"