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Messages - Jake Harris

Celtic Corner / At least, a drink!
September 28, 2002, 10:33:40 PM
"It is a pity that Tammy couldn't come with us. I see some real irish beers on the list of the drinks available on the Station. Erm, I'm up for a Kilkenny, after all. What do you drink, honey?"*Looks at his wife*
"Sorry, but I will have a Vodka, please *Lynn is making the catseyes for her husband. Who is smiling.* May I have one, puh-lease?"
*Ka'Lar grins, shakes her head and sighs too...*
///These humans! These humans!///
*Harris takes his padd, too, and tries to find a connexion port compatible...*
///Okay, infra-red port! Goood/// *the 2 padds shares datas and Harris's one is collecting the coordinates.*
=========^Harris to Bridge
Here are the coordinates of Avalon Base.
=========^Bridge to Harris
Man Tuil : Thanks
Lynn, at full speed on this coordinates, please.
Lynn : All right, Captain. Course set up. Warp 9,92 engaged.
Olgar : StarFleet! Here we are!
Man Tuil : Olgar!
Olgar : Yes, Sir?
*Harris is smiling apart him. Then shows the corridor to the Ambassador.*
"If you want to follow me, please?"
*Jake's left foot hit a medium steel box on the floor*
======^ Harris to Engineer deck
What the #### is a bi-phaser box doing in shuttlebays? Send someone to bring it back to the arsenal!
======^Engineering to Harris
Sorry, Commander. We're on our way.

*Jake has a look at the shuttlebay and notices immediately the familiar pointed-ears face and the long strange robe of a Vulcan Ambassador covering a StarFleet uniform.
He walks to the Vulcan, salutes him and ...*
"Welcome, Ambassador. You are on the CorpShip Scorpion, Klingon Negh'Var WarShip of the Corporation. Our Captain needs the coordinates of your Station and, then after, we will have a look at the Ship while we will go to the Bridge.
Do you aggree with that?"