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Messages - Paul Bryant

Standing up Paul comes out of the rear of the shuttlepod to the front.  Looking out the window he smiles seeing the Skytoucher.

As the pilot moves around the ship allowing the ones inside to view the skytoucher in all its beauty.  As the pilot adjusted for the descent into the shuttlebay the captain notice Paul leaning over his shoulder to catch a glimse of his future home.

Exiting the shuttle with the captain Paul listened to him as he keep talking.  Once he was finished Paul nodded, " I believe I will joing you on the bridge sir.  This will be my first assignment on a starship, but I am glad to be assigned here."

Walking down the corridors they both look around taking in the new sites.  Looking down a corridor Paul points to a door at the end, " I believe that is a turbolift there sir."

*Sitting in his temporary quarters  Paul read over some pads of information that Starfleet had given him.  Looking around he would welcome the company of but he would wait until the ship rendevousded with the others. *

*Paul knew that the Skytoucher had been asigned a new captain. Infact it was not to unexpected that the captain was arriving on the same ship as Paul.  He hadn't gone to meet him, but he was sure he would before they reached the Skytouchers coordiantes. Standing up he orders a cup of ice tea from the replicator and takes a sip*

"Dang things never get it right."