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Messages - Mike D Rockwell

Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 08:50:19 PM
*looks at Enoch*
umm ... seems that this man is well educated.
Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 12:36:35 AM
*takes a padd and starts to write*

°Angel without wings

I'm an angel without wings,
I can't do so many things.  .....

umm ... I'll inform you when I'm ready with it .. if you are interested

(Edited by Mike D Rockwell at 5:43 pm on Dec. 19, 2002)

Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 12:39:18 AM
*takes his coffee and goes to a emptily table*
Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 12:25:06 AM
yes, I want to write a book about poetry and philosophy, it's very interesting, I think ...
Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 12:16:01 AM
thank you, I'm fine ... I have much time at the moment, there is not much to do at the academy all the cadets are on a Mission with the USS Lhasa. I have time now to write some poems ... here I think is a good atmosphere to do it.

*takes a sip of the coffee*

and you? how are you?

(Edited by Mike D Rockwell at 5:17 pm on Dec. 19, 2002)

Celtic Corner / New Bartender
January 06, 2003, 06:35:07 AM
*looks at shakira*
Miss, could I get another cup of coffee?
Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 20, 2002, 12:05:34 AM
*comes in the and sits down at the bar*
*looks at Ms. Mirez*
Hello, I would like a drink ... could you make me a coffee, please.
Celtic Corner / New Bartender
December 23, 2002, 12:33:17 AM
*looks at the the fighting people*
umm ... can't you see I'm trying to write poems!
please be quiet.
Division Administration / Admiral's Office
November 01, 2002, 01:00:26 PM
come on, get out of here!
Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 28, 2002, 08:31:14 PM
a full report!
Rockwell takes a seat in his chair
Sit down Mr. Mannion.
Mr. Sloan, do you want to join us?

(Edited by Mike D Rockwell at 9:35 pm on Oct. 28, 2002)

Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 17, 2002, 01:21:46 AM
ahh ... Mr. Sloan, you are the SFI Director, right? I'm the new supervisor of Division 3. Nice to meet you.
goes to Mr. Sloan and shakes his hand
Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 28, 2002, 10:25:57 PM
(OFF: I KNOW IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Edited by Mike D Rockwell at 11:26 pm on Oct. 28, 2002)

Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 28, 2002, 09:48:57 PM
They are the self-appointed protectors of the Federation. Amoral, shrouded in secrecy, answerable to no one, but to me!!! Section 31 is the mysterious covert operations division of Starfleet, a rogue shadow group committed to safeguarding the Federation at any cost.
Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 28, 2002, 08:53:40 PM
ok, Sloan, Mannion, we have to talk.

first of all, I would like to have a report about all the members of SFI S31 and FSS. with ranks, positions and so on! NOW!

second I would like to get a report about all missions.

Division Administration / Admiral's Office
October 24, 2002, 10:33:59 PM
FSS ... why should I ask what it stands for, I know what it stands for, Mr. Mannion.
By The way, I would like a report about the status of the FFS within the next 2 days.

I have to work now.