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Messages - Samuel Cloud

"The 'antimatter maneuver?' I don't believe I've  been briefed on that tactic."
OFF-Game / Which Startrek serie is best?
September 15, 2004, 01:05:19 PM
I have never seen this many voyager fans. Personally, Voyager is the only trek that i don't watch religiously. I think that the premise was good, but  it has the worst set of characters ever. In the later episodes, it should have been renamed to Star Trek: Borg Princess. Seven of nine was a weak weak character who really bugged me. I dislike Janeway, although I think kate mcgrew, (whatever her name is) is a good actress. I always felt that Janeway made psychotic decisions and was more questionable than kirk and archer combined. There was little in the way of originality, (compared to TOS, TNG and DS9) and when there was, it wasn't well thought out, (although I dig cap'n proton). Voyager always found a way to beat the big bad guys against all the odds, but they never had a creative solution, (ex., in tsunkatse they just blew up the huge ship's broadcasting dealy. Too easy...) save teaming up with the borg. I just don't understand how anyone could think that the chemistry on voyager could compare to DS9. I did like the relationship between Kim and Paris, but B'Ellana, chakotay, and seven were all one note characters that never really developed, in my opinion.

On the otherhand, Deep Space Nine is my all time favorite show, even from the beginning. I loved the over-acting, melodrama, and the fact that it was pretty much a space soap opera, (I mean, it's called Deep Space Nine...). I guess I felt that the way the writers slipped in the dominion in a ferengi episode, and then let the rumors fly for the entire second season was a good example of why the writing was great. The dominion, the anti-federation. Great villains. Kai winn, Gul Dukat, Damar, Garak, Weyoun, Admiral Ross, Chancellor Martok, were all great supporting characters. It is the only trek I dished out 700 bucks for. Sisko was a great captain, different approach from picard, (punching Q in the face was brilliant) and an awesome actor. The relationships between the characters made the show for me, and even weak characters like Bashir, grew on me and eventually became good characters through relationships with o'brien and dax, and through his crazy holosuite programs. I loved the way the cast couldn't escape bajoran and cardassian politics, and how we learned a lot about the alpha quadrant's lesser known species.

I guess I was impressed with most every episode of DS9( because it didn't take itself seriously all the time, (like the original series). I always felt that voyager and TNG have many episodes that are corny in a bad way, not good trek campy. DS9 addressed real social issues in more deapth by not having to move on every episode. Voyager has sooooo  many bad episodes that make me cry. Not to mention that for a ship exploring the unknown, the sets made me feel trapped /-:  Around here, DS9 is the ruling trek show. People tend to either rank it really high, or really low. I always felt that voyager was for a new breed of trekkies who prefered episodic adventures and a cookie-cutter cast. Different strokes, eh?

(Edited by Samuel Cloud at 6:22 am on Sep. 15, 2004)