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Messages - Engaladh

*Engaladh regards Taurik for some long, quiet moments.*
"I sense a strong energy in you, Mr. Taurik, something I have not sensed for a very long time."
*Then he turns to Embries.*
"I see Emrodel has brought home a wanderer, but I do not believe we have met before, Mr...?"
*A transport vehicle that hangs about a meter above the ground, races at a high speed through the streets of the Erendir colony. Engaladh had been informed that an unexpected visitor was about to visit the colony, when the Starfleet shuttle had barely departed the Evolution. His men had determined the location where this shuttle would land, and had told him that there did not seem to be a Na'jigat presence there. He had decided to meet the visitors instantly, and learn what their business was on this colony. When he reached the outer parts of the city, he saw the shuttle in the distance. Many onlookers made way as he appeared on the plain, and he began to see the outlines of humanoids in front of the shuttle.*
"That must be Emrodel who has returned. But who are all the others with her? Only one other appears to be Erendir, and I don't recognise the other species."
*He halts his vehicle a few meters away from the shuttle, gets out and approaches them.*
"Welcome back to Erendos 2, Emrodel. I see you have brought some visitors?"
"I see... Well, as you can see, we have been hiding very well all these many centuries. You may not remember much of how our homeworld on the other side of the Great Barrier was destroyed by the Na'jigat, Embries, but I still recall it as if it happened yesterday. We have done everything we could to find ourselves a new home, some place where the Na'jigat would not find us easily. It has worked, too, because we have kept our location secret, and did not make contact with any outsiders. But I see that you have brought some... visitors, that may compromise our safety. Can we trust these people?"
"One day, Embries, one day when the time is right."
*Then he turns to Emrodel.*
"Certainly you plan on remaining here? After all, it was we who sent you on your undercover mission, and I think that it has come to a conclusion now."
"The powers to teleport can usually not be mastered by one Agent alone. It must have been a team of Gallifreyans that combined their energy to do this. But what matters, is that our people are safe... wherever they may be."
*Then he turns to Embries and Emrodel.*
"Now that you have returned here, and you Embries, have discovered that you are not the only one left in the universe after all, what will you do? Will you stay with us, or go look for the other colony in the Gamma Quadrant?"
*Engaladh gives a comforting smile to Embries.*
"You have been away from your people for too long. You have forgotten much of our wisdom and powers, otherwise you would have known how to utilize the Maviduli stone and recover its memories."
*Then he turns to Emrodel.*
"And you are most likely wondering, what a ship of ours was doing out there in space. After we sent you on your undercover mission, we received a message, carried by this very same Maviduli crystal. We know not who carried the message here, but it had to be someone who knew where to find us, and who could keep this knowledge concealed from the Na'jigat. The stone came from the Gamma Quadrant, with a message from our fellow Erendir people. It appears that most survivors of our people had fled to the Gamma Quadrant, and are rebuilding their home there, in a much larger scale than we have been able to do down here. The stone was sent out to any surviving Erendir, with an invitation to join them. So we wanted to see this Erendir colony in the Gamma Quadrant for ourselves, and after much debating, the decision was made to take the risk and launch a ship, in search for this colony. Unfortunately, so it seems, they did not get very far. But my last hope lies with the memories in the Maviduli stone. It may tell us more about the fate of the unfortunate crew of our ship."
*Engaladh looks at Kelli Lauren.*
"A damn rock, you say?"
*Then he carefully takes the crystal stone.*
"This is Maviduli, it is not just a stone. It is designed to hide your mental energy from the penetrating Na'jigat. With this stone, you can think and speak, and the Na'jigat wil not know. That is probably why you've made it all the way here in the first place. Without this stone in your possession, you wouldn't have come anywhere near this planet, they would long have attacked and consumed you. But there is more this stone can do... it can remember. Each person who utilizes this stone, or carries it, will share mental energy with it. The stone will remember everything that happened while it was in one's keeping, it is the only link to our long distant past. The stone was created by stabilized Validium, a most dangerous substance, but these stones were only created during the alliance between our people, and the Gallifreyans. After the Na'jigat destroyed our homeworld, we were scattered, fighting for survival, and the alliance died there."
*Engaladh shakes his head.*
"We were so close to defeat the Na'jigat, so close... But alas, it had to be this way. The only way to defeat the Na'jigat otherwise, would be to utilize Validium, which is not a preferable option, as one would probably destroy the entire galaxy system along with the Na'jigat, and even then the outcome is unsure. Luckily, though, there is no Validium left in the universe, and these stones cannot be returned to raw Validium. In fact, these stones can only be controlled by their creators, the Erendir and Gallifreyans. No other species can summon their powers. There should be others... yes, several others... But nobody knows where those went. Lost, most likely. But tell me, what do you know of the ship you found this on? What happened to it?"
"Alas, there are not as many people here as there were. We had a population of about 2000 people in this city, but when the proposal of the space ship was voted for, people had the choice to sign up for the journey, or stay behind. About half of them went with the ship."
*Engaladh turns to Taurik.*
"The Maviduli indeed has protective powers against the Na'jigat, but it is no weapon. You can only use it, so to say, as a shield, but not as a sword."
*He looks at the crystal stone, and then hands it over to Embries.*
"Hold the stone, and focus. Let its energy flow through you. Feel the flow throughout your entire body. Let the memories flow to you, and you will see the memories added to your own memories, and you will know what happened to the crew of our ship."
*Engaladh looks somewhat disappointed, but nods in agreement.*
"Our population is more scarce right now, but I understand that you have to do what you must. But I know that we shall meet again, in the future."
*He then looks at Embries.*
"And the same will be for you. I am happy to hear that you are alive and well. Until soon, my friend. Now hurry, your new friends from Starfleet are waiting, and appear to be in a hurry."
*He watches Emrodel and Embries hurry toward the shuttle, and they enters the shuttle as the last ones. The shuttledoor closes, and the shuttle lifts up from the ground. He whispers to himself.*
"I know we shall meet again... we shall meet again..."