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Messages - Loxian Captain

*the Loxians fire a salvo of torpedoes on the Evolution*

Your time is up, cowards! You will die!

Federation Vessel. This is the Supreme Commander of the Second Expeditionary Imperial Fleet!

You were helping on an invasion of our territory and destroyed one of our ships! We will no longer tolerate your acts of agression! *slams a console with his fist*

Lower your shields now and we will spare your women for slavery. Resist and you will face the Void!

You are heavily outnumbered and your vile friends are no longer here to help you! I give you one minute.

*ends the transmission and the screen shows the space again*

*hails the Evolution*
*hails the Evolution*

Federation cowards! We will not fall in your trap! We have seen what those devices have done to one of our ships... As I have said, you are outnumbered. If you do not surrender now the you will have to face the consequences!

*the Loxian Capital ship fires a warning salvo of torpedoes that passes 1 kilometer away from the Evolution*