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Messages - Species 8472

*hails Evolution*

The planet is evacuated. We are ready to proceed. But before doing so, we would like to thank you Federation. And we will let the biological probes orbiting the planet here, but they will die in two days, so you have help with the Loxians in case they come back at this time.

(Edited by Species 8472 at 11:51 am on May 24, 2003)

Our current state of "truce" does not give you the right of demanding explanations, Federation. But since you asked so politely and helped us against the Loxians, I may tell you, that the attacks on the Delta Quadrant were a mistake, and they are no longer being made.
It is somehow complicated to explain. The phenomenon you call Fluidic Gate is a natural passage from your Space to our domain, the fluidic Space. Apperantly a alien race indigenous from this galaxy found it and invaded our realm. We did not tolerated the invasion, so we attacked them and they tried to escape. Some of them did manage to escape, but before doing so we  attacked them with a radiation that infacted their ship with a Virus, that marked their DNA, so we could come to this Galaxy and find them to retaliate. Apperantly they found out about the virus and somehow cured themselves and infected a series of Species from the region of Space you call Delta Quadrant. It was too late when we found out the mistake.
You see, we have been deceived by this Species that now we know to be the Loxians. The problem is even worse considering that we cannot use our technology to open the quantum singularities to come to the "normal Space" near the Fluidic gate. And using it to come here is not as effective as our quantum singularities. And since we did not find a way to close it permanently, we deceided to colonize this part of your galaxy, to prevent that our domain is invaded again, by protecting the Fluidic Gate!
*a humanoid form appears on screen*

I speak for Species 8472. This form I am "wearing" is that of part of the population of the inhabited planet of this System. Our readings indicates that you are from Federation. But we had information that Federation wasn´t at this quadrant of space, besides Voyager. What is your business here Federation?

*takes some time to analyze the information*

We will comply Federation. I am begining the evacuation of the planet. This will take at least an hour.

(Edited by Species 8472 at 12:31 pm on May 23, 2003)

*hails Evolution*