Below is a list of all Federation Starships as well as alien vessels known in Expansion Fleet.
Federation Vessels
The following is an alphabetical list of all known Expansion Fleet starships belonging to Starfleet, including decommissioned or destroyed vessels:
- U.S.S. Anubis
- U.S.S. Ares
- U.S.S. Aztec
- U.S.S. Black Dragon
- U.S.S. Concordia
- U.S.S. Eberron
- U.S.S. Endurance
- U.S.S. Epona
- U.S.S. Eschion
- U.S.S. Essex-A
- U.S.S. Evolution
- U.S.S. Evolution-A
- U.S.S. Excalibur
- U.S.S. Grey Haven
- U.S.S. Harbour Grace
- U.S.S. Interceptor
- U.S.S. Iroquois
- U.S.S. Lancelot
- U.S.S. Lhasa
- U.S.S. Lothlorien
- U.S.S. Nautilus
- U.S.S. New York - Intelligence starship
- U.S.S. Night Walker
- U.S.S. Normandy
- U.S.S. Nosferatu
- U.S.S. Phoenix - Intelligence starship
- U.S.S. Reliance - Intelligence starship
- U.S.S. Righteous
- U.S.S. Rivendell (original)
- U.S.S. Rivendell-A
- U.S.S. Rivendell-B
- U.S.S. Sequoia
- U.S.S. Shadow
- U.S.S. Skytoucher
- U.S.S. Sphinx
- U.S.S. Switchback
- U.S.S. Tiberon
- U.S.S. Ticonderoga
- U.S.S. Valhalla
- U.S.S. Venture
- U.S.S. Windsor
- F.I.S. Blackfire - FSS starship
- S.I.V. Dragon - Section 31 starship
Civilian and Alien Vessels
The following is an alphabetical list of all alien vessels known to Expansion Fleet, including decommissioned or destroyed vessels:
- Adjudicator - Heraani heavy frigate
- Cardinal Virtue
- Fair Weather
- Prodigal Son - Gallifreyan cruiser
- Sanctity - Gallifreyan cruiser
- Swift Retribution - Heraani scoutship