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Messages - Tim Russo

**As I secure the area I start taking tricorder readings of the alien atmosphere and alien surface.  

"Sir, I am ready, I am doing some scans for any other lifeforms or ones similer to AK"

**My tricorder starts flashing

"Sir, I am picking up increased brain activity with the alien again."

**I start monitoring the Doctor as this begins to happen.
**I press several buttons on my tricorder to scan for life signs through out the underground city.  

"Wow, this is amazing!"

**I continue my scan

"I am picking up all sorts of life signs down here, some are faint and some that match the alien as well.  It's like a spooky down here.  How old do you imagine this city is sir?  Are we getting anything from the alien?  Doctor, is it trying to talk to you again?  Do you imagine this is home for the alien?"
**I grab a rope and make my way down with the team
"It has been a long time since I have replelled."
** I acknowledge the Commander's orders and respond as I am checking on the lights and super computers.  I take my handy light and follow the cords that lead in every direction.  I find what appears to be the backup generator.  I take my tricorder out and run a few scans and check for any traps or signs of alien life.
"Sir, the Doctor appears to be doing well. I have found what appears to be the generator and it leads up to the computer.  It's a backup generator it looks like."
**I engergize the generator and prepare to engage it.
*I say to myself
"This should do the trick."
"Sir, permission to engage the generator. "
**I look at the Doctor as he speaks and gesture that everything appears to be okay so far.  I glance down at my tricorder.

"I agree  with the Doctor, Sir I am picking up various life signs out there.  Does anybody know we are down here?
**As I am continuing my scans and cataloging of the remains of life forms, I hear Comander Rasmain ask me a question in regards to the Doctor.  I hit a few buttons on my tricorder and begin to scan the Doctor.  I realize that as all of us have been moving around the Doctor has remained in one spot and hasn't moved.  He is frozen in his position.  I walk up to the Doctor.
"Doctor, are you okay?  Can you hear me?"
**I wave my hand in front of his face.  His eyes are just staring aimlessly into space but facing a particular direction fo a strange temple like building.    I try snapping my fingers in his face and he appears to be in some sort of trance again.
"Commander Rasmain, the doctor seems to be in some sort of trance again, but oddly enough he's still in the position of facing and scanning that old building over there.  I wonder if it has any significance?
**I begin scanning the Doctors brainwave patterns and walk over to the alien that appears to be huddled in the corner by a building.  
"Damn, I am not getting any readings, this is strange"
U.S.S. Skytoucher / Reporting in
May 02, 2004, 11:40:09 PM
Commander, Sir Lt Junior Grade Tim Russo Report for duty as your new Science Officer"
U.S.S. Skytoucher / Roll Call
May 03, 2004, 04:36:26 AM
LTJG Timothy Russo
Science Officer

"Awaiting Orders, Sir"

U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
May 23, 2004, 06:15:13 AM
-A- "Bridge, this is Ltjg Russo in Sickbay, I am assisting in casualties down here, Doc is tied up with casualties, and we are damaged pretty severely down here.  I have repaired a few things to keep sickbay operational for doc. Please respond if you get my reply"-A-

(Edited by Tim Russo at 8:17 am on May 23, 2004)

U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
April 21, 2005, 12:32:59 PM
***I look at the Doctor with a semi you have to be kidding look, and reluctantly take the cat into my arms.***

"Aye, Aye Sir, but I hope you realize I am a Medical Assistant and Science Officer and not a Veternarian or Pet Groomer."

***I proceed to the med station and pull out the laser trimmers and begin shaving the cat.  
Upon completion of my rather ridiculous task, I proceed in performing the remainder of my duties.  I then proceed to leave Sickbay and head for the Mess Hall.
U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
May 16, 2004, 06:04:01 AM
** I enter into sickbay dragging in a fellow crew member who appears to be bleeding all over the place.

Finding Sickbay in shambles, I look for the Dr. or his assistants to aid in first aid on my disabled shipmate.  I lay the Ens on a table and begin doing a quick evaluation so i can report it to the Dr. once I find him.  

I try to use my com badge to find the Dr.  

<<<< Doctor to sickby>>>>>>

U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
May 21, 2004, 03:43:09 AM
** I am evaluating the Ensign and inspecting his injuries and controlling the Bleeding****

"Doc, nice to see that you've made it.  This poor ensign is badly hurt, hey may have a concussion.  I am fairly proficient in medical if you need any assistance doc.  We can set up a med station, since I am assuming, we'll have quite a few casualties.  So I guess Doc,  I am reporting in as a medical assistant for you."

U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
May 03, 2004, 03:46:43 AM
I walk into sickbay looking a little lost,  dazed and confused after making my  walk around the ship assisting in repairs. I enter sickbay with blood coming from my head..

"Doc, Sir, I have come an examination on my head, I was thrown against a bulkhead and blacked out."

OFF: Interesting way to start my duties upon the ship.

(Edited by Tim Russo at 1:13 am on May 4, 2004)

U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
April 18, 2005, 02:11:24 PM
** I make my way down to sickbay after finishing my business in my living quarters.  I proceed down the passageway and walk through the Doors to sickbay.  Refreshed from my long shore leave, I am ready to report to my new post as the Doctor's Medical Assistant.

"Doc, I am reporting in as your new Medical Assistant.  Is there anything I can assist you with at this time?"
U.S.S. Skytoucher / Sickbay
May 24, 2004, 01:51:42 AM
"Doctor, sickbay is all yours."  

"Come on men, let's go look for casualties.  Bring any Damage Control Gear you can find."

**4 crew members and myself, exit sickbay and proceed down the passageways searching for casualties and trapped crew members.

"Captain, Sir, the diagnostics on the main computer has been completed.  TheMain computer appears to be intact.  I have had to redirect some of the power relays to it."   Has engineering given us a report when the main power will be restored?  From my readings, we are running off of auxilliary power."  

** I begin pressing buttons on the science console.

As I am doing that, the counsole overloads and shocks me and throws me backwards on to the floor.    

It knocks me out for a few minutes and I come to.   "d*mn!"