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Messages - Victor Galindez

"Sir Sgt Maj Galindez is here as well"

*Victor walks over and gives Eastwood a slap across the back of the head*

"Thats for before boofhead"
*Snaps to attention as the general walks in*

*Sir Sgt Maj Galindez Here and ready to rock and roll"

*as he did that Eastwood smacked him across the back of the head*

"Damnit Sir that hurts"
*Galindez came bolting into the room when he saw all the brass*

"Holy crap i havent seen this much brass in quite a while.... i mean SIR SGT MAJ VICTOR GALINDEZ REPORTING AS ORDERED SIR"

*He gives everyone a salute and waits for one back*
The Dantor World / Jarkenan Assualt
October 25, 2006, 03:56:03 AM
"Sir supplies are good everyone is eatting tucker as we speak and ammo everyone has been resupplied by myself, now what about you sirs have you all had something to eat in the past couple of hours"

*Galindez waited for the bugger off Sgt Maj*
The Dantor World / Jarkenan Assualt
October 25, 2006, 03:37:14 AM
*Galindez turned to his men*

"Alright you numbskulls take 5 but keep alert the Captain and Colonal have something to discuss, and if anyone makes a noise you'll be shot out of a cannon when we get back"

*Galindez walked up and tapped Eastwood on the shoulder and reported that everyone was ok and holding strong*
Base Ops & Communications / Station Ops
December 12, 2006, 01:36:07 AM
"Sir Sgt Maj Victor Galindez Reporting in"
*Galindez watched on as the closeing arguements were about to start*
*slipped in through the doors and took a seat up the back of the room and remained quiet*
*Galindez sits there and starts to take a real interest in this case*
Flag Admiral's Office / The Flag Admiral's Office
July 26, 2006, 12:30:41 AM
*Galindez walks in and stands at attention then salutes the Admiral and then waits for the Flag Admiral to Reutrn his salute back*
Admiral's Welcome Desk / DEEP SPACE ACADEMY
August 15, 2006, 05:39:34 AM
Sir Victor Galindez Reporting For Duty i wanna be a Sgt Maj Of the Marines i dont wanna be a officer as i already have one in the marines