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Messages - James Karelia

"Now damn it, Will! Tell me what's going on!"
James' eyes widened. "What are you getting at, Will?"
The glass of water in James' hand slipped and fell to the floor, shattering. The sound silenced all conversation in the room, as all eyes fell upon the Admiral and his stricken father.

"I knew it," he said very quietly. "I knew you couldn't manage it."

The older man's voice began to raise. "I knew from the beginning that you and Tom in Starfleet together would never work out."

At this point, James began to stand. "Especially with you as his superior! Damn it, Will! I knew you couldn't handle it! And what happened? Your orders sent your brother to his death!"

James kicked his chair over and stormed from the bar.
Docking Bay & Shipyard / Arrival of the Redemption
August 20, 2006, 03:28:08 AM
"I got bored of Luna, son. There's only so much to do in a moon-dome for forty years, after all. There was really nothing keeping me there anyway, and ever since your mother died, I've been rather alone with you and Tom out here on the borders."
Docking Bay & Shipyard / Arrival of the Redemption
August 20, 2006, 03:13:20 AM
"What the hell are you? My name is James Karelia, and I sure as hell don't need an appointment to see Will!"
Docking Bay & Shipyard / Arrival of the Redemption
August 20, 2006, 03:22:06 AM
Docking Bay & Shipyard / Arrival of the Redemption
August 19, 2006, 10:10:10 PM
A large, modular freighter that looked to be at least 100 years old pulled slowly into one of the civilian docking bays. An older looking man with short white hair and a salt-and-pepper goatee stepped from the umbilical dock.

"Hey, computer, where can I find the Admirals around here?"