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Messages - MK23

Frontier Station Ops / Operations Control
February 13, 2006, 07:10:13 AM
On the Station Ops, both Fleet Admiral Hobson and Madison disappears in the orange transporter beam through the shields. They are also transported into seperate brig cells on the X 303. Then a ship suddenly appears from a cloaking device failing.

It is the same ship that took Ambassador Gorden. The shields come online and they move to get away from the station but couldn't jump to hyperspace.
Frontier Station Ops / Operations Control
February 13, 2006, 07:50:46 AM
** 20 Minutes later**

The X 303 enters hyperspace and heads toward Brog space.
Frontier Station Ops / Operations Control
February 12, 2006, 07:25:19 AM
An unknown ship appears in front of the station with shields up. In a matter of minutes, a transport activates and transport Ambassadore Gorden off the station and into the ships brig.

http://www.b5tech.com/drakh/drakhcruiser/cruiser.jpg" border="0">

After that, the unknown ship turns and activats the hyperdrive engines and disappear into space.
Chronasians / X-303
February 12, 2006, 07:34:19 AM
"Hum. Very advance. Indeed."

"Point Pulse Pistol, that one is. The other is something of a theory going around starfleet. It called a Gravitic Pistol. Very deadly."

*Mk23 Walks to the Torpedo tubes.*

"These are plasma or plasmic torpedoes, maybe some tremor torpedoes too here."
Chronasians / X-303
February 13, 2006, 09:24:14 PM
MK23 recovers on the bridge to find the small bridge crew except S Vek disable by the EM pulse.

"S Vek, what happended."

"We where attacked. Damage to the starboard section."


"Not that bad. It will hold."

"We need to get this ship to full power before too long."

"It is already done. Preparing to activate the energy cells all at once. I need to take the ones on the bridge offline for a moment."

"Do it."

Areas of the ship recently power goes dark for a few seconds before power is restored but not only to those areas but the entire ship.

"Ships at full power now." S Vek answered.
Chronasians / X-303
February 13, 2006, 07:39:11 AM
MK23 and S Vek worked to get at least 2 of the energy cells installed onto the bridge to get power restored to the hyperdrive system.

It took them only 20 minutes to get it online and working, and part of the ship including all the controls on the bridge came fully online.

"Engaging the Hyperdrive engines now."

The X 303 enters hyperspace heading for Brog Space to fool Frontier Stations Sensors.
Chronasians / X-303
February 12, 2006, 06:56:03 AM
*MK23 to HK47*

"On my way. Just finishing the transportation of our guest to the brig."

After transporting Gorden to the Brig, MK23 activates the hyperdrive and leaves the system heading to Argo Station. MK23 leaves engineering and heads to the Armory.

Sometime later

Entering the Armory, MK walks to Hk47 and annouce his arrival.

"Sir, our guest is in the brig sir."
Chronasians / X-303
February 12, 2006, 06:20:40 AM
30 minutes after Commander Kerry and his team was transported back to the Unity, the X 303 activated the hyperdrive engines and left the Dantor system and heading for Frontier.

"Captain HK47, I have got the Pulse Tractor Beam online now. It should work at an hundred percent. I am also re routing life support power to a brig I just found."

10 Minutes later

The X 303 drops exits the vortex caused by the hyperdrive and turn the sealth drive on to avoid detection by the station.
Chronasians / X-303
February 08, 2006, 07:26:35 AM
After coming aboard the captured Sal'Tek battlecruiser, MK23 was rummaging around in the wired engineering bays trying to figure out how to get more of the critical systems running that was knocked offline during the battle.

"Half the ship or more is offline. This isn't good for humans aboard. But for us, it could save energy needed for other systems."

"Lets see. The Pulse Tractor Beam needs to definatly come online since we'll need that running soon."

OCC: Hows that HK?
Chronasians / Reconciliation
February 08, 2006, 03:01:17 AM