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Messages - Proctor

Off:High Queens Personal Technician. I came on her request.
Dockign sequence initated,

The ship docks to the Revox.

*hands the chief of command a data padd* listing all damages recorded to both ships.

Proctor sits in the small shuttle and directs the helm to leave the dock at low impulse power.

Proctor to catapult 1 priority launch requested co-ordinates QSN lock onto Revox.

Catapault Technician: Launching in 5 4 3 2 1.. Engage.

The shuttle shoots forward and is mere light years away from the two ships. REvox in close quarters to a stranger ship. hmmm *thinks to himself* that must be evolution which was in the last report.

Helm Open communications channel to Revox and Evolution, Encoded Transmission level 1

Helm: Channel Open

Lighted Blessings Chief of Command and Captain of the Evolution, Mr Sanchez I believe *tilts head in respectful greeting*.  I come with Her majestiys wishes offer my assistance to botht he Revox and yoru ship should u so wish it and to also investigate the damage done to our sacred place.

Her Majestiy informed the capital that your presence is welcome as long as you  pay attention to the simple regulations I'm sure our efficient droids have already happily pointed out.

Permission to dock Chief of command.

I"m sure after the ram raid my sensors indicate your ship is in need of a few repairs http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>.

Channel closed.

*sits back in his seat and watches the two ships*


(Edited by Proctor at 10:43 pm on Nov. 22, 2003)