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Messages - Event Horizon

*The energy cloud is drawn to a particular concentration of power at the station, and heads toward it fast, casting a dark shadow on the buildings below it... As it came within range, the inverse energy phasers were fired...*
"Energy... absorb energy..."
"What is this? Inverse energy! They try to trick us!"
"Ignore their tricks, they cannot weaken us..."
"They are annoying us!"
"We are being delayed! Gallifreyans may come soon, must hurry..."
"We will trick them back..."
"And we will take all energy at once..."
*At that moment, the dark energy cloud seems to expand as if to cover the entire landbase... but in fact it is moving toward the nearby ocean.*
"Water... water makes energy stream easier..."
"We will be able to assemble all energy and take it at once..."
*At that moment, what seems to be some sort of heavy lightning strikes into the ocean, several kilometers away from the station. The lightning seems to pierce into the depths of the oceans, and for an instant there appears to be a hole in the water... then the water begins to react and a huge wave begins to form. The large wave of water grows higher and more massive, as it sets for Starphoenix Base... In a matter of moments, the immense and high wave reaches the coastal area nearby Starphoenix Base, and the people on the base can see how the waves are taller than themselves... even taller than the highest buildings of Starphoenix base... and then the wave comes crashing down on top of the first buildings, and tons of water flows into the base, flooding the streets so much that only the highest buildings barely come above the water. The violent ocean water keeps flooding into the base, even tearing apart some of the smaller buildings and taking them with the stream, as the cloud hangs above the flooded areas, and begins to concentrate its power on an open area... The power of the energy field seems to look like a tornado coming down from it, heading for the water... and when it strikes the water, it begins to whirl with a heavy wind, as the Na'jigat cloud begins to extract all energy that is being flown through the water...*
"Energy... energy... Want more energy!"
"We still have part in space attacking ships..."
"They must make ships pay for this trick as well, and make sure they no longer delay us again!"
*And at that moment, in space, the separated part of the Na'jigat cloud turns aggressive, attacking all ships with what also seems to be a surge of energy lightning. The ships suffer a heavy shock, upsetting their systems as the ship is pulled back, away from planet Dantor.*

OFF: this is the last post I can make before I go on vacation. I won't be able to post until september again. Now you can continue the storyline and admins could post with Event Horizon, if they want. The idea is that the Na'jigat is about to destroy everything and everyone, when again the Gallifreyan cavalry appears. Gallifreyans are humanoid people, and the only species in the universe that is strong enough to fight the Na'jigat through mental energy. Even they can't defeat or destroy the Na'jigat, but they can force them to retreat - for now. I will ask Montrell to post as Legudon (main chief of the Gallifreyans) when he returns from his vacation soon. The Gallifreyans will use no weapons except pure concentration on telephatic energy. They are a species that does not like to interact with other species and will be short in answers, if they tell you anything at all. Little is known about them, and nobody really knows yet where they are from and who they are. But the war between the Na'jigat and the Gallifreyans has been going on from the beginning of time and will never end.
As for the Na'jigat, remember they can NOT be destroyed. You can delay them, confuse them a bit (but remember they CAN read your minds, they are the purest form of telephatic power as well) and besides trying to win some time, there's little you can do - but that doesn't mean you can make it spectacular, like I now just gave you some material to work with for some time http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

"Energy...receiving lots of energy!.."
"Gallifreyans are trying to fight us....But we have lots of energy.."
"They are becoming weaker...we must overwhelm them..we shall oppose them.."
*Then the storm on Dantor increases and several buildings of the Starphoenix base collaps by the power of nature.
"..We still need energy...Dantor is almost depleted...to oppose the Gallifreyans we need more energy..."
"..Searching...Searching...Energy coming to us...ships are entering this part of space..."
At that moment the energycloud in space went away from planet Dantor and set course for the incoming vessels.
*As the vessels receive orders from Admiral Parker to set course to Avalon, the cloud divides into a few smaller masses. The Lothlorien takes off instantly, and one of the smaller masses tries to catch it, but to no avail, while the remaining vessels are enveloped in the energy-draining storm. The ships caught begin to experience severe draining of power to all of their systems.*

"Yes! Energy! We need more energy to rid of those mental pesks! One ship has escaped! ...These others provide plenty! Absorb it all!"

*The energy continues to deplete until light and life support begin to fail as well.*

A ship moves into orbit after dropping out of Transwarp and hails the USS Lothlorien.

Delphia A to USS Lothlorien, we where sent from Task Force Gamma to help with rebuilding

"Energy! More energy!"
*But the Na'jigat is halted in their quest, when a beam of unusual power holds them back... This is not the energy they can consume, this is the mental energy that can push them back... The energy they had always known to come from their opponents... the Gallifreyans.*
"Gallifreyans! Gallifreyans! But I sense no Gallifreyan... there are none... There must be Gallifreyans... Where does mental energy come from... Sense powers almost as strong as Gallifreyans... But they are not Gallifreyans... Must retreat! Must retreat! Must retreat!"
*The Na'jigat cloud retreats instantly from the battlefield, before any more of the opposing energy can weaken it further. The Na'jigat is still strong enough, but chooses to withdraw and consider a new strategy... They return to the Quantum Singularity Network, and disappear in it... for now...*
*The Borg Cube continued to fire upon the station and starships. The voice of the Collective resounds over the intercom again.*
"Resistance is futile. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctives to our own. You will adapt to service us."
*The Borg cube closes in to attack even more relentlessly. With the U.S.S. Ticonderoga destroyed, the cube now concentrated its attacks on the other ships, causing severe damage where possible.*
"You will be assimilated. If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you."
*But while a lightshow of phasers, photon and quantum torpedoes lights up the dark space surrounding Deep Space 12, there is another power, slowly awakening... and hungry for... energy. Hiding in the Quantum Singularity Network, the Na'jigat has been growing ever stronger. The Na'jigat had been gaining strength and energy from other installations it had attacked and destroyed, and drained its energy... But now the Na'jigat was hungry again, and eager for more energy to absorb... The Na'jigat, being a species existing of pure mental energy, thus therefore impossible to destroy or hide from, has the ability to sense all that goes on, all that people think, feel and know... The abilities of the Na'jigat go beyond anything any humanoid species aside from a Q has ever displayed... The Na'jigat can take any form and project any mental image, deceiving both men's eyes and ship's sensors... And now, the Na'jigat was about to do it again... And while the starships and station are too busy defending themselves from the massive Borg cube, they don't notice that their sensors display an emergence of an energy cloud from the not too far off Quantum Singularity Network, rapidly moving toward the battlefield. But while Starfleet ships were preoccupied, the Borg was aware of a new presence, they ignored none of their sensor readings.*
"Detecting energy wave. Wave moving toward our coordinates. Prepare to intercept and assimilate."
*While the Borg cube continues to fire on the Starfleet vessels, part of its attention is now drawn to the Na'jigat cloud...*
"Unable to detect humanoid life forms. Pure energy of mental kind. Higher life form than the Borg. Must assimilate life form to gain perfection. Prepare to attack and assimilate. Classifying life form as Species 19554. Species 19554 closing in rapidply, expected arrival in 7 seconds... Preparation for assimilation is complete. Activate-"
*Suddenly, the Na'jigat energy cloud embraces the Borg cube. It all happens so fast that the Borg cube has no time or chance to react, and everyone on the surrounding starships only realises what is going on, when it has already begun... The Na'jigat is consuming the Borg cube. It seems as if a battle takes place inside, but is rapidly decided... In no time, the Borg cube begins to display smaller explosions, then larger ones... And only seconds later, the entire Borg cube completely explodes violently, less than 30 seconds after the Na'jigat attacked it... The Na'jigat greedily swallows all energy that comes free from the Borg cube's explosion, and only some other debris is thrown into space on all directions, some of them slamming into the shields of the ships and into the station. Seconds later, it almost seems as if the Borg cube had never been there... But looks can deceive, and while the Na'jigat had rid Starfleet of the Borg cube, the Federation starships and station now had to face a far more dangerous foe... The Na'jigat, having swallowed an enormous amount of energy from the Borg cube, had now grown stronger than it had been for many millenia, and yet it was hungry for more... And the energy it wanted, was just there for the taking... All it took, was to attack the little starships and station in front of it... Soon, the Na'jigat would be stronger again than the Gallifreyans, and conquer the galaxy! And thus, the energy cloud now focussed on the Starfleet vessels, and lashed out in an attack.*

OFF: Please read this article at our online database:
http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin/fleet/ikonboard.cgi?act=Page;p=najigat" target="_blank">http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin....najigat
It will tell you what the Na'jigat is all about. You can't kill it, nobody can. So as to know what you can and can't do, read the article thoroughly please.
The U.S.S. Evolution, starship of the Federation and home to more than eighty Starfleet officers, took it's last proverbial breath.

The auto-destruct sequence was initiated, and the charges housed along the impulse reactors ignited. It was slow at first, the fire spewing lazily from the impulse engines, working its way along the saucer and dorsal spine, and reaching the warp core.

The antimatter containment pods were breached, and antimatter particles were released into Engineering, where they promptly reacted with the matter that composed the room. The Evolution twisted and lurched very violently, before splittng in two and vaporizing itself in an expanding plasma fireball.

As the plasma and fusion reached the remnants of the star Loxius Alpha, an amazing thing occurred. The core elements of the star, hydrogen and helium, began to actually fuse once more. The star, a dull grey for many years, began to glow again. It began as a deep red, slowly working it's way up the spectrum until the entire sphere shone a brilliant, bright yellow. The heat began to strike the planet Loxius Prime once more.

The star Loxius Alpha was alive again. But at a cost.

The U.S.S. Evolution, and with it, Commander Bryan Hannah, were no more.
*The battle becomes more fierce than ever... The Heraan and Na'jigat continue to attack from every corner and the Gallifreyans are no longer strong enough to fight them all... Sentinels such as Taurik do their best as well, but also see they are losing field... All the Starfleet ships continue to fight on the frontlines, but suffer heavy damage and many losses. Several ships had been exploded, and many more Starfleet officers have been killed in the battle... On the viewscreen at ops on Avalon Station, the admirals watch powerless how the battle is turning more and more into their disadvantage, how their fine officers are sacrificing themselves on the frontlines while there is not even the slightest hope for victory... Defeat is apparent, and utter destruction seems unavoidable. But even if Starfleet surrendered, the Heraan and the Na'jigat would not stop their incursions, but continue to ravage everything until they had sucked up the last of the energy and left behind but a hollow graveyard. Was this how it was all supposed to end? The whole Starfleet project at the borders of the Delta Quadrant, that had thrived there for several years? Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened. Just when the Na'jigat and the Heraan was going to launch their final attack, something makes them hesitate... They become restless... What is happening? Are they planning something? Is something else drawing their attention? Or did something happen that stirred their fear? After some long, silent moments of hesitation, they suddenly withdraw in haste, and hurry away deeper into the Delta Quadrant, as if something was chasing them, or had called for them... What could it be? Obviously, a mysterious. But a mysterious that saved Expansion Fleet at the utter brink of destruction! Within minutes, there was no sign of the Na'jigat or Heraan any more, they were entirely gone... The battle was over, but the victory was hollow...*
"Energy! More energy!"
*But the Na'jigat is halted in their quest, when a beam of unusual power holds them back... This is not the energy they can consume, this is the mental energy that can push them back... The energy they had always known to come from their opponents... the Gallifreyans.*
"Gallifreyans! Gallifreyans! But I sense no Gallifreyan... there are none... There must be Gallifreyans... Where does mental energy come from... Sense powers almost as strong as Gallifreyans... But they are not Gallifreyans... Must retreat! Must retreat! Must retreat!"
*The Na'jigat cloud retreats instantly from the battlefield, before any more of the opposing energy can weaken it further. The Na'jigat is still strong enough, but chooses to withdraw and consider a new strategy... They return to the Quantum Singularity Network, and disappear in it... for now...*
*The Borg Cube continued to fire upon the station and starships. The voice of the Collective resounds over the intercom again.*
"Resistance is futile. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctives to our own. You will adapt to service us."
*The Borg cube closes in to attack even more relentlessly. With the U.S.S. Ticonderoga destroyed, the cube now concentrated its attacks on the other ships, causing severe damage where possible.*
"You will be assimilated. If you attempt to intervene, we will destroy you."
*But while a lightshow of phasers, photon and quantum torpedoes lights up the dark space surrounding Deep Space 12, there is another power, slowly awakening... and hungry for... energy. Hiding in the Quantum Singularity Network, the Na'jigat has been growing ever stronger. The Na'jigat had been gaining strength and energy from other installations it had attacked and destroyed, and drained its energy... But now the Na'jigat was hungry again, and eager for more energy to absorb... The Na'jigat, being a species existing of pure mental energy, thus therefore impossible to destroy or hide from, has the ability to sense all that goes on, all that people think, feel and know... The abilities of the Na'jigat go beyond anything any humanoid species aside from a Q has ever displayed... The Na'jigat can take any form and project any mental image, deceiving both men's eyes and ship's sensors... And now, the Na'jigat was about to do it again... And while the starships and station are too busy defending themselves from the massive Borg cube, they don't notice that their sensors display an emergence of an energy cloud from the not too far off Quantum Singularity Network, rapidly moving toward the battlefield. But while Starfleet ships were preoccupied, the Borg was aware of a new presence, they ignored none of their sensor readings.*
"Detecting energy wave. Wave moving toward our coordinates. Prepare to intercept and assimilate."
*While the Borg cube continues to fire on the Starfleet vessels, part of its attention is now drawn to the Na'jigat cloud...*
"Unable to detect humanoid life forms. Pure energy of mental kind. Higher life form than the Borg. Must assimilate life form to gain perfection. Prepare to attack and assimilate. Classifying life form as Species 19554. Species 19554 closing in rapidply, expected arrival in 7 seconds... Preparation for assimilation is complete. Activate-"
*Suddenly, the Na'jigat energy cloud embraces the Borg cube. It all happens so fast that the Borg cube has no time or chance to react, and everyone on the surrounding starships only realises what is going on, when it has already begun... The Na'jigat is consuming the Borg cube. It seems as if a battle takes place inside, but is rapidly decided... In no time, the Borg cube begins to display smaller explosions, then larger ones... And only seconds later, the entire Borg cube completely explodes violently, less than 30 seconds after the Na'jigat attacked it... The Na'jigat greedily swallows all energy that comes free from the Borg cube's explosion, and only some other debris is thrown into space on all directions, some of them slamming into the shields of the ships and into the station. Seconds later, it almost seems as if the Borg cube had never been there... But looks can deceive, and while the Na'jigat had rid Starfleet of the Borg cube, the Federation starships and station now had to face a far more dangerous foe... The Na'jigat, having swallowed an enormous amount of energy from the Borg cube, had now grown stronger than it had been for many millenia, and yet it was hungry for more... And the energy it wanted, was just there for the taking... All it took, was to attack the little starships and station in front of it... Soon, the Na'jigat would be stronger again than the Gallifreyans, and conquer the galaxy! And thus, the energy cloud now focussed on the Starfleet vessels, and lashed out in an attack.*

OFF: Please read this article at our online database:
http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin/fleet/ikonboard.cgi?act=Page;p=najigat" target="_blank">http://www.expansionfleet.com/cgi-bin....najigat
It will tell you what the Na'jigat is all about. You can't kill it, nobody can. So as to know what you can and can't do, read the article thoroughly please.
"Energy... Energy... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... Need energy! U.S.S. Tiberon full of energy... full of... what? Pure energy drifting in space! Na'jigat needs energy!"
*Only moments after the U.S.S. Tiberon has ejected the auxillary warp core, the energy wave loses interest in the ship and heads for the core drifting in space. In a matter of moments, the warp core vanishes inside the energy cloud as it begins to consume the raw energy. And thus, the Na'jigat energy beings grow stronger...*
"Na'jigat prepared... seeking energy... energy in abundance... Reading minds of puny humanoids... Not worthy for Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... Distract energy... destroy remnants..."
*And seemingly slow for the onlooker, but incredibly fast in truth, a huge wave of bright energy fills the horizon of the universe, coming toward the ships...  Suddenly it wavers...*
"Na'jigat detecting other energy... Source on planet... Settlement discovered on planet... Reading minds... NOT ABLE TO READ MINDS! Field blocks Na'jigat!!!! Cannot reach minds!!! Reading minds of puny humanoids... humanoids call planet Sordinan! Planet protected... prepare to distract all energy..."
*Suddenly, the wave embraces the entire planet, since the wave of energy is large enough to swallow almost an entire solar system at once...  and the ground on the planet shakes. The planet of Sordinan can no longer be seen within the surrounding waves of energy, but then suddenly the waves turn away...*
"Inverse energy! Cannot withdraw it! Energy takes from us than we from the energy! Na'jigat Lord of the Universe... this is unacceptable! Retaliation strong! Turn to ships at once and destroy!"
*And now the waves of energy went straight to the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon, ready to destroy...*

OFF: the A.S.C. Revox has landed on the planet's surface, so it isnt under attack.

*At that moment, the telepathic energy shield that had protected the planet of Sordinan all this time, suddenly disconnects itself and instead, begins to reform into a long arrow beam, pointing at the two ships. At an incredible speed, it hits the Na'jigat energy cloud and pierces it... The blinding light of the arrow beam tears into the wave as if inflicting a wound on the flesh of a humanoid.*
*And suddenly, the energy cloud releases the shuttle the U.S.S. Evolution had launched, just in time before the shuttle's structural integrity would have failed. Seconds later, the energy cloud also releases the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon, and retreats all together. The arrow beam keeps hunting down the energy cloud, and the energy cloud keeps fleeing in terror.*
*And what seemed to be like an eternity for the onlooker, but was in fact only a matter of minutes, the energy swarm heads back for the nearby Quantum Singularity Network, still being chased by the energy arrow, and seconds later, the energy cloud melts into the singularities and seems to vanish all together. Right in front of the singularities, the beam arrow halts, because it is not strong enough to follow in there, and simply dissolves. And all was suddenly quiet again...*
*After consuming the warp core of the Tiberon, the U.S.S. Evolution had done a similar thing, but with inverted energy. This seemed to take the energy cloud longer to consume, but consume it did... The cloud of energy peacefully continues to consume the energy of the warp core, slowly growing stronger bit by bit... but never losing sight of the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon, and never stopping to listen to the thoughts and words of the humanoids on these ships, who are desperately planning either a defensive or offensive...*
"Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... Tear all energy from warp core.... Becoming stronger... Humanoids want to offer their defense... Listening to their thoughts... Taurik speaking... Now receiving all their mind pathwaves... Now becoming aware of all their plans... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... None can escape us... None can deceive us..."
OFF: pom pom pom....