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Messages - Event Horizon

*The swarm of energy keeps moving closer, and as firepower is hitting, it absorbs the energy and grows even stronger...*
"Na'jigat likes energy... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe becoming stronger... Want more energy... More...*

OFF: as you will discover, no weapons have effect on the Na'jigat whatsoever. If anything, they like to absorb the energy amount that comes free by a phaser burst or torpedo explosion. If you read the USS Evolution forum (Avalon Fleet) you will see what happens to the poor ship :P

*At that moment, the U.S.S. Tiberon turns around and tries to escape by heading back to Deep Space 12.*
"Na'jigat sensing fear... Na'jigat sensing plans to run away... Senses do not come from U.S.S. Evolution... Other ship! Other ship! U.S.S. Tiberon... trying to escape...  Must gain the energy of this ship! Not let it escape! Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... drain energy, destroy ship!"
*And the cloud of energy releases the U.S.S. Evolution all of a sudden, and heads for the U.S.S. Tiberon at full speed. No matter how fast the U.S.S. Tiberon goes, the energy wave matches speed and keeps getting closer...*
*The Quantum Singularity was restless... as if a force was stirring, abiding its time to strike. And this time was about to come soon...*
Na'jigat stronger... Na'jigat recovering from Gallifreyan assault... Gallifreyans cannot defeat Na'jigat... Na'jigat Lord of the Universe... Preparing to gain more energy... Scanning prey... Three ships... Scanning minds of humanoids... U.S.S. Evolution... U.S.S. Tiberon... A.S.C. Revox... Energy supplies strong... Defenses nihil... Scanning for Gallifreyan dangers... None... Begin procedure..."
*And at the far horizon of the Quantum Singularity Network, a wave of pure energy began to form... energy so strong that no firepower and no shielding could possibly withhold it... The Na'jigat had unleashed its power, a power that had even proven fatal to Borg cubes and Species 8472 ships more than once before... And the Na'jigat energy lifeforms began to hum...*
"Na'jigat... Na'jigat... Na'jigat..."
*At that same moment, some sort of strong energy field suddenly surrounded the Temples on the planet of Sordinan... But the strange thing was, the shield was not being generated by any technology on the planet, it appeared naturally out of nowhere, and was stronger than any form of technology could ever generate... And it blocked everything... transporters, communications, even telepathic communications... Nothing could go in, nothing could come out... And soon, the people who are NOT within this shield, will find themselves wishing they were inside this shield of protection too, for it is the only protection against the Na'jigat...*
*Suddenly, the energy cloud senses something is up...*
"Ships will not escape... Need energy from ships... Attack NOW!"
*And the swarm of pure energy suddenly seems to stretch out so wide that it looks like it fills the horizon of the universe, and in an incredible speed, it hurries toward both ships at once... In an instant, it is all around both the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon...*
"Need energy... NOW! No more deceiving... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe!"
*And the two ships begin to tremble, their structural integrity starts to fail...*
Energy adjustment... sending waves... finding opening in Gallifreyan battle line... seek weakness... weakness found...

Assuming mental image of Gallifreyan appearance... passage clear... passing Energy Barrier... increase speed...

Begin scanning normal space... seeking energy...
ENERGY SIGNATURE FOUND! Life form... ship... signature unknown... read minds...............

Are minds Gallifreyan.... Is there danger....

Mind wave pattern not known... Not Gallifreyan...

But Gallifreyan can try a trick....

Na'jigat stronger than Gallifreyan... Gallifreyan losing war and Gallifreyan knows... Na'jigat rules the universe.... Na'jigat Lords of the Galaxy...

Losing energy structure... need more energy... more energy... Take energy from unknown life form!

Scanning mind wave pattern of life form... learning language... complete...

Life form is not Gallifreyan.... Lifeform is weak... No mental abilities...

Information received.... USS Skytoucher... Starfleet.... Human species... Minor lifeform... no mental blocking abilities....

Begin deceit energy pattern... Reading human minds... reading about Romulan cloaking technology... adapt energy wave pattern to appear Romulan... place mental image in Human minds...

Bait is working... USS Skytoucher alarmed... Humans alert... Humans curious... weak... Preparing to receive energy from Skytoucher and humans...

ALARM ALARM - Danger on USS Skytoucher!!!

Analysing threath... one humanoid life form... not normal human... not Gallifreyan...
Name: Doctor... Doctor knows Berusa... Doctor knows Gallifreyans... Doctor has mental abilities... Must not let doctor interfere... sending strong mental wave patterns... Doctor unconscious... Awaiting Skytoucher to enter trap....

Na'jigat Lords of the Galaxy... All is ours... All energy belongs to us...

At that moment, a blinding white flash appears in front of the USS Skytoucher... The flash seems to spread endlessly, but then becomes consistent in front of the ship only, and in the middle a totally black gate seems to open... similar to a wormhole, targetting all its energy on the Skytoucher, to suck the ship inside the hole....
At that moment, it seems as if lightnings strike out of nowhere, toward the dark hole that lights up... shockwaves of pure energy spread around and the USS Skytoucher shudders under impact...

Na'jigat needs energy... Na'jigat Lords of the Galaxy...
ALERT! Na'jigat under attack! Telephatic energy hits on Na'jigat! Gallifreyans have detected us! Must depart now!
No not depart! Need energy from Skytoucher! Need energy from humans!
No... must depart! Gallifreyans too many! Normal space not strong enough to enable Na'jigat full strength to repel attack!
MUST NOT DEPART! MUST take energy from Skytoucher! With energy... we can repel attack from Gallifreyans!
No... must depart now! Normal space surroundings not strong enough... not as strong as core of galaxy!
MUST REPEL ATTACK! Na'jigat Lords of the Galaxy, space always strong enough for us! Repelling attack.......
... I told you we could not stand against them...................................

As fast as the gate and the lightnings had appeared, as fast had everything returned to normal... the gate was gone, so were the lightnings, and space had turned back to normal.... The Skytoucher's sensors could detect a faint trail signal of some unknown ship... the Gallifreyans... who had already left at some incredible fast speed...

But though the Gallifreyans were long gone, an echo remained in the Doctor's head: "We saved you from the Na'jigat this time... but we're losing the war... Gallifrey is losing... and we need help..."

*At that moment, the U.S.S. Tiberon turns around and tries to escape by heading back to Deep Space 12.*
"Na'jigat sensing fear... Na'jigat sensing plans to run away... Senses do not come from U.S.S. Evolution... Other ship! Other ship! U.S.S. Tiberon... trying to escape...  Must gain the energy of this ship! Not let it escape! Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... drain energy, destroy ship!"
*And the cloud of energy releases the U.S.S. Evolution all of a sudden, and heads for the U.S.S. Tiberon at full speed. No matter how fast the U.S.S. Tiberon goes, the energy wave matches speed and keeps getting closer...*
*The wave of energy is hit by the deflector beam... but does not show any sign of disturbance by it. And slowly, it begins to absorb the energy from the deflector beam..*
"Energy... Energy! Na'jigat receives energy! Na'jigat Lord of the Universe becoming stronger! Prepare to attack and drain all energy!"
*At that moment, the energy wave surrounds the ship and ties itself to it. The U.S.S. Evolution shakes back and forth, and slowly all the energy supplies are being drained... Shields begin to fail, warp drive energy supplies are becoming low, and soon the lights on all decks begin to flicker when the energy supplies are growing so low that soon they cant even support life support any more soon...*
OFF: could the others who are still on the ship (Vurak, Nicholas, Keilah, ...) please post to keep this mission going? I think that with the current mission, there sure is enough for everyone to get themselves involved with it.

*The swarm of energy speeds toward the ejected warp core of the USS Evolution, as soon as the one of the USS Tiberon is utterly gone...*
"Energy... Energy! Na'jigat Lords of the Universe need energy!  Want energy!"
*It swallows the warp core, and for a moment it stays suddenly quiet... like a dog sniffing its prey before eating it to make sure its not poisoned... But then, at last it begins to feed from the warp core, though much slower than usual...*

*As the energy cloud chases the U.S.S. Tiberon, the Tiberon suddenly ejects her auxillary warp core as a diversion strategy. Instantly, the energy wave loses interest in the ship and heads for the core drifting in space. In a matter of moments, the warp core vanishes inside the energy cloud as it begins to consume the raw energy. And thus, the Na'jigat energy beings grow stronger...*
"Na'jigat prepared... seeking energy... energy in abundance... Reading minds of puny humanoids... Not worthy for Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... Distract energy... destroy remnants..."
*And seemingly slow for the onlooker, but incredibly fast in truth, a huge wave of bright energy fills the horizon of the universe, coming toward the ships...  Suddenly it wavers...*
"Na'jigat detecting other energy... Source on planet... Settlement discovered on planet... Reading minds... NOT ABLE TO READ MINDS! Field blocks Na'jigat!!!! Cannot reach minds!!! Reading minds of puny humanoids... humanoids call planet Sordinan! Planet protected... prepare to distract all energy..."
*Suddenly, the wave embraces the entire planet, since the wave of energy is large enough to swallow almost an entire solar system at once...  and the ground on the planet shakes. The planet of Sordinan can no longer be seen within the surrounding waves of energy, but then suddenly the waves turn away...*
"Inverse energy! Cannot withdraw it! Energy takes from us than we from the energy! Na'jigat Lord of the Universe... this is unacceptable! Retaliation strong! Turn to ships at once and destroy!"
*And now the waves of energy went straight to the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon, ready to destroy...*

OFF: the A.S.C. Revox has landed on the planet's surface, so it isnt under attack.

"Na'jigat Lords of the Universe... Na'jigat needs food... Na'jigat needs ENERGY! Energy offered... humanoid species name Vurak... ATTACK!"
*The energy cloud seems to form what appears to be the extention of an arm that wishes to grab the shuttle Vurak is in.*
"Na'jigat want energy... Na'jigat take energy!"
*The energy cloud begins to surround the shuttle, and the shuttle heavily shakes back and forth. The computer systems go down...*
"Prepare to distract all energy... Na'jigat want it!"
*But at that moment, the telepathic energy shield that had protected the planet of Sordinan all this time, suddenly disconnects itself and instead, begins to reform into a long arrow beam, pointing at the two ships. At an incredible speed, it hits the Na'jigat energy cloud and pierces it... The blinding light of the arrow beam tears into the wave as if inflicting a wound on the flesh of a humanoid.*
*And suddenly, the energy cloud releases the shuttle, just in time before the shuttle's structural integrity would have failed. Seconds later, the energy cloud also releases the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon, and retreats all together. The arrow beam keeps hunting down the energy cloud, and the energy cloud keeps fleeing in terror.*
*And what seemed to be like an eternity for the onlooker, but was in fact only a matter of minutes, the energy swarm heads back for the nearby Quantum Singularity Network, still being chased by the energy arrow, and seconds later, the energy cloud melts into the singularities and seems to vanish all together. Right in front of the singularities, the beam arrow halts, because it is not strong enough to follow in there, and simply dissolves. And all was suddenly quiet again...*
*The Quantum Singularity was restless... as if a force was stirring, abiding its time to strike. And this time was about to come soon...*
Na'jigat stronger... Na'jigat recovering from Gallifreyan assault... Gallifreyans cannot defeat Na'jigat... Na'jigat Lord of the Universe... Preparing to gain more energy... Scanning prey... Three ships... Scanning minds of humanoids... U.S.S. Evolution... U.S.S. Tiberon... A.S.C. Revox... Energy supplies strong... Defenses nihil... Scanning for Gallifreyan dangers... None... Begin procedure..."
*And at the far horizon of the Quantum Singularity Network, a wave of pure energy began to form... energy so strong that no firepower and no shielding could possibly withhold it... The Na'jigat had unleashed its power, a power that had even proven fatal to Borg cubes and Species 8472 ships more than once before... And the Na'jigat energy lifeforms began to hum...*
"Na'jigat... Na'jigat... Na'jigat..."
*At that same moment, some sort of strong energy field suddenly surrounded the Temples on the planet of Sordinan... But the strange thing was, the shield was not being generated by any technology on the planet, it appeared naturally out of nowhere, and was stronger than any form of technology could ever generate... And it blocked everything... transporters, communications, even telepathic communications... Nothing could go in, nothing could come out... And soon, the people who are NOT within this shield, will find themselves wishing they were inside this shield of protection too, for it is the only protection against the Na'jigat...*
*Suddenly, the energy cloud senses something is up...*
"Ships will not escape... Need energy from ships... Attack NOW!"
*And the swarm of pure energy suddenly seems to stretch out so wide that it looks like it fills the horizon of the universe, and in an incredible speed, it hurries toward both ships at once... In an instant, it is all around both the U.S.S. Evolution and U.S.S. Tiberon...*
"Need energy... NOW! No more deceiving... Na'jigat Lords of the Universe!"
*And the two ships begin to tremble, their structural integrity starts to fail...*