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Messages - Comm One

"According to my readings, the Rivendell is nowhere present in this sector, sir."
=^= Away team to Skytoucher =^=
Captain, the situation is currently under control. There appears to be a large number of spiders native to this planet, that appear to be poisonous. However, we have been succesful in discovering a poison to fight them back with. We have currently withdrawn to the part of Starphoenix Base that is already rebuilt, and have our scientists and medics look into it, in order to reproduce the poison and diminish the number of these spiders, in order to secure the planet and make it inhabitable again.
=^= Comm One out =^=
OFF: Is anyone still alive here? We need more people on our away team on the surface of the planet Dantor, to get the story and mission going. So please go to Starphoenix Division, and (if you weren't already), register your character name on that board so you can post in the "Station Ops & Communications" forum.
OFF: I'll create a new topic on the Starphoenix Board right now, you'll find it in the "Station Ops & Communications" forum (we have to start somewhere). I'll inform the Lothorien about that topic as well.
"Well, it's a little bit too late now for that, we are both already on board. From our investigations of the creature, I can already tell you that it appears to act on instincts, and does not have a language we can yet understand. The creature does seem to speak a primitive language, but the universal translator has not yet been able to decipher it. As you can see, the creature is humanoid in form, but appears to often move in various ways, crawling on hands and feet, jumping, and so on. I assure you that if you do not threathen the creature, it will not harm you. And as it is, I am acting on orders of the admiralty of Avalon Station."
OFF: I'm here too. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

*Comm One sits down behind the conn panel, and taps some buttons.*
"Engaging at warp 6, sir."
*The ship jumps into warp.*

OFF: Is it ok if we continue our "away mission" storyline on the Starphoenix Division board? Since it's on the planet we're continuing, it would make more sense. But some of you may have to register your username there first then. And of course, the ones that remain on the ship, should be posting here still (unless there is a commlink between someone of the ship and someone of the away mission or someone else on the planet).
"The holodeck is indeed acceptable. Certainly, with the available information on the planet Dantor, in the computer database, setting up a holodeck program should not be difficult. However, Mr. Balkazar, as it appears that the creature apparently sees you as her... protector, it may be wise in the name of science to spend as much time as possible, in order to find out more about her species. Meanwhile, the ship should head for Starphoenix Base as soon as possible."
"Yes, sir."
*Comm One leaves the bridge and takes the turbolift to the transporter room.*
*Comm One enters the transporter room.*
"Comm One reporting in, sir. My apologies for the delay. I am ready to proceed."

OFF: Rasmain, people don't have to register on the Starphoenix Division board. It's on the same server, so they're already registered automatically now  http://www.expansionfleet.com/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
"Very well. Return control to the bridge, and cancel the auto-destruct sequence."
*Comm One and Kowan leave sickbay, and shortly thereafter appear on the bridge, where Torrima was at tactical. The bridge was in a bad shape and only few people were there to man it. Only an ensign was currently in command. Comm One approaches him.*
"I will beam the Loxian device off this ship, and a torpedo will destroy it. It will be done momentarily."
*Then he turns to an ops panel that still works, and inputs all commands to beam the device into space. Moments later, the device disappears in sickbay and appears some distance in front of the Skytoucher. Then, Comm One turns to Torrima.*
"You may fire the torpedo when ready."
*Comm One regards sickbay.*
"It appears that the battle has ended. Mr. Kowan, your timely assistance has enabled us to win this battle. I am certain that Starfleet will be most grateful to you. But one question remains. What must be done with the Loxian device?"
"Very well. Begin with the procedure to gain control over the Loxian flagship."
*Then he taps his commbadge.*
"Comm One to bridge. Take your stations and control over the ship. All functions have been properly restored. Comm One out."
*At that moment, two people suddenly materialize in sickbay. The few guards that remain there, immediately draw their phasers to keep the possible invaders under shot. However, they are surprised to see a Loxian accompanied by the Droid named Comm One. The Droid immediately lifts up a hand to the guards.*
"No not shoot us. We are here under immediate orders of admiral Vorak himself. We need access to the Loxian device that was stored here. It will enable us to regain access of this ship, as well as access of the Loxian flagship."
*The guards doubt for a moment, and then nod as they lead the way to the Loxian device.*