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Messages - Locturnus

*turns head slightly following sutter*. There is approximatly 893 drones onboard. no really theres only me.

*brings out his silver data interface* "Transfer complete, Starfleet databases downloaded."

(Edited by Locturnus at 12:57 am on Aug. 24, 2003)

*the borg warpship fires*

Shields at 3%.

Move again Mr Yugiman.. and we will destroy you. This is your final warning.

Unit 12 of 9 prepare for departure. Standard adaption.

Computer moduleate their shield frequencies.

Board them.

* a borg drone appears on the ships bridge near the command chair*

green hole rapidly appears in front of the ship.  A warship enters from the hole.

A face appears on both ships screens (lancelot and sphinx). I am Locturnus of Borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

You will hand over to us your technology either willingly or by force.

*a green beam scans the two ships*

"Targeting Engine and Phaser arrays"  The warship fires it's phasers.

"Warp core offline, Phaser banks offline"

The Borg warship drops out of transwarp "reallly" close to the lancelot and sphinx.

Computer Hail the lancelot and sphinx.

THe computer hails the ships

A borg face appears on the screen  *The crew can see their rear admiral surrounded by two borg standing in front of Locturnus*

I am Locturnus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward you will service "us".

*Locturnus injects thain with his assimilation probe*

30 minutes go by while the crew are watching stunned.

Ship Unimatrix activate 6293. *the computer responds "Complying"

Drone 6293. Comply.

*turns to the view screen with a sadistic smile*

(Edited by Locturnus at 2:39 am on Aug. 26, 2003)

Drone commander... *checks databanks* sutter?

I am merely a vessle of communication. The real power is still out there somewhere.

To coin a favourite human phrase from our memory banks. "Target Practice".

it seems u are inviting us to board with your crew at key points of the ship.. *scans ship again*

You might want to post another officer or 2 near section d, theres a bit of a gap there http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Off: you know we are bound by the rules of the game.. we can't kill characters.. but ones we make up on the other hand. http://expansionfleet.sparks.priorweb.be/ikonboard/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Drones.. detain the bridge personell continue assimilation. We require there usefulness for a bit more longer. Further ships have been detected bearing on our mark.

OD you consider human species worthy of assimilation?
Return to the cube and await the arrival the "reinforcements" Leave a guard here ot detain teh bridge crew.
U.S.S. Sphinx / U.S.S. Sphinx Mission 1: Supply Errand
August 31, 2003, 12:09:47 PM
*stops moving*... Link to borg collective jammed. Unable to proceed.

Shield adaption at maximum.. awaitin further orders/

U.S.S. Sphinx / U.S.S. Sphinx Mission 1: Supply Errand
August 30, 2003, 09:10:07 PM
*communicates with the borg warship via synoptic links*.

"engage Transwarp Coil and return to homeworld, u have your further orders already."

The Borg warship glows green and disappears leaving a transwarp trail behind that glows then slowly fades away.

U.S.S. Sphinx / U.S.S. Sphinx Mission 1: Supply Errand
August 23, 2003, 04:10:05 AM
A green hole rapidly appears in front of the ship.  A warship enters from the hole.

A face appears on both ships screens (lancelot and sphinx). I am Locturnus of Borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

You will hand over to us your technology either willingly or by force.

*a green beam scans the two ships*

"Targeting Engine and Phaser arrays"  The warship fires it's phasers.

"Warp core offline, Phaser banks offline"

U.S.S. Sphinx / U.S.S. Sphinx Mission 1: Supply Errand
August 30, 2003, 11:24:21 PM
Off: now would be a great time to stop us
U.S.S. Sphinx / U.S.S. Sphinx Mission 1: Supply Errand
August 23, 2003, 04:59:43 AM
Foolish human.  The borg are not destroyed. We will adapt.

Your "backup" will suffer the same fate.